1 09/25/88  list_sub_tree, lst
  3 Syntax as a command:  lst {pathnames} {-control_args}
  6 Function: lists the segments in a specified subtree of the hierarchy.
  7 Archives within the subtree can also be listed.
 10 Arguments:
 11 pathnames
 12    are relative pathnames describing the subtrees to be listed.  The
 13    star convention and archive pathname convention are supported.  If
 14    no pathnames are given, the default is the working directory.
 17 Control arguments:
 18 -archives, -archive, -ac
 19    archives in the subtree should be expanded by listing their
 20    components.
 21 -depth N, -dh N
 22    the depth to which each subtree is to be scanned.  The depth is
 23    relative to the base of the specified subtree.  The depth must be
 24    specified by a decimal integer.  (default: list the entire subtree)
 25 -exclude NAMES, -ex NAMES
 26    are star names.  If any name of a subtree entry matches one of these
 27    star names, that entry is not listed.  See Notes below.
 30 -interpret_as_extended_entry, -inaee
 31    interpret segments and directories as extended entries whenever
 32    appropriate.  Extended entries whose standard entry type is a
 33    directory (eg, forum meeting directories) are not expanded into
 34    subtrees.
 35 -interpret_as_standard_entry, -inase
 36    interpret segments and directories as standard entries. (default)
 37 -length, -ln
 38    list the size (in pages) of each selected entry.  (default)
 39 -match NAMES, -ex NAMES
 40    are star names.  A subtree entry is listed only if one of its names
 41    matches one of these star names.  See Notes below.
 42 -names, -name, -nm
 43    all names of each listed subtree entry are printed.
 46 -no_archives, -no_archive, -nac
 47    archive components within the subtree are not listed. (default)
 48 -no_exclude, -nex
 49    no subtree entries are excluded by name.  (default)
 50 -no_length, -nln
 51    do not list the size of each selected entry.
 52 -no_match, -nmatch
 53    subtree entries are not selected by star names.  (default)
 54 -no_names, -no_name, -nnm
 55    only the primary name of each subtree entry is printed. (default)
 56 -no_select_entry_type, -nslet
 57    do not select entries based upon entry type. (default)
 60 -no_totals, -no_total, -ntt
 61    do not print a full summary.  Include only the total count of
 62    entries listed, plus their total pages used if -length was given.
 63 -no_totals_only, -no_total_only, -ntto
 64    do not include a summary of each type of entry found, do list the
 65    selected entries. (default)
 66 -no_types, -no_type, -ntp
 67    do not list the type of selected entries.
 68 -select_entry_type TYPES, -slet TYPES
 69    selects only entries of the types specified by TYPES, which is one
 70    or more, possibly comma-delimited file system entry types.  Use the
 71    list_entry_types command to obtain a list of valid entry type
 72    values.  See "List of entry types" and "Notes" below.
 75 -totals, -total, -tt
 76    end the output with a summary of the number of entries of each type
 77    which were displayed. (default)
 78 -totals_only, -total_only, -tto
 79    print only the counts of each type of selected entry, do not list
 80    the entries themselves.
 81 -types, -type, -tp
 82    list the type of each selected entry. (default)
 85 List of entry types:
 86    The entry types which may be given with -slet and which are listed
 87    with selected entries when -type is given include the following.
 88 link, lk
 89 segment, seg, sm
 90 directory, dir, dr
 91 multisegment_file, ms_file, msf
 92 msf_component, msf_comp, ms_comp
 93 dm_file, dmf
 94 archive, arch, ac
 95 archive_component, arch_comp, ac_comp
 98    The suffix of any extended entry type may be given, if -inaee is
 99    also specified.  Use the list_entry_types (lset) command for a
100    complete list of extended entry types.  Some of these are:
101 bj
102 forum
103 mbx
104 mcacs
105 ms
106 pnt
109 Notes: For each level in the hierarchy listed, the names are indented
110 three more spaces to indicate which segments exist at each depth of the
111 subtree.  By default, each printed entry begins with an entry type and
112 number of pages used by the entry.
115 -match, -exclude and -slet may be given several times to specify more
116 than one star name or entry type, or several operands may follow each
117 control argument.  All arguments following -match, -exclude or -slet
118 are treated as operands until an argument beginning with a minus sign
119 (-) or containing a less-than (<) or greater-than (>) character is
120 encountered.  A minus would begin a new control argument; a less-than
121 or greater-than character would appear in a pathname argument.
124 Several entry types may also be given with a single -slet control
125 argument, by separating type names with commas.  For example:
126     -slet sm,dir