1 :Info: list_ref_names: lrn:
 2 2023-06-14  list_ref_names, lrn
 4 Syntax as a command:  lrn paths {-control_args}
 7 Function: lists the reference names associated with a given segment.
 8 You can specify segments by either pathname or segment number.
11 Arguments:
12 paths
13    are the segment numbers and pathnames of segments known in your
14    process.  They can be "-name STR" ("-nm STR") to specify a pathname
15    that begins with a minus sign or looks like a segment number.  If
16    you supply no paths, information for all segments known in your
17    process is printed, excluding those known in ring 0.
20 Control arguments:
21 -all, -a
22    prints information for all known segments, including ring 0
23    segments.  It is equivalent to -from 0.
24 -brief, -bf
25    suppresses printing of the reference names for the entire execution
26    of the command.
29 -from N, -fm N
30    allows you to specify a range of segment numbers.  You can use it
31    with -to; information for the segment numbers in this range is
32    printed.  If you don't select -to, the highest used segment number
33    is assumed. N is treated as an octal segment number.
34 -to N
35    allows you to specify a range of segment numbers.  If you supply no
36    -from, the segment number of the first segment not in ring 0 is
37    assumed. N is treated as an octal segment number.
40 Notes: You can mixed all the above arguments (segment specifiers and
41 control arguments).  For example, in the command line
42    lrn  156 -from 230 path_one
43 information is printed for segment 156, all segments from 230 on, and
44 the segment whose pathname is path_one.  In the default condition, when
45 called with no arguments, list_ref_names prints information on all
46 segm
49 :hcom:
51   1) change(2023-06-14,Swenson), approve(2023-06-14,MCR10124):
52      Fix -to control argument description. Add note for -from and -to that N is
53      octal.
54                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */