1 :Info: list_output_requests: lor:  1988-08-19  list_output_requests, lor
  3 Syntax as a command:  lor {request_identifier} {-control_args}
  6 Function:  lists requests in the I/O daemon queue.
  9 Arguments:
 10    request_identifier can be chosen from the following.  If no
 11    request_identifier is specified, all requests are listed.
 12 path
 13    is the relative pathname of one or more requests to be listed.  The
 14    star convention is allowed.
 15 -entry STR, -et STR
 16    selects only requests whose entry names match STR.  The star
 17    convention is allowed.  Directory portions of request pathnames are
 18    not used for selecting requests.
 19 -id ID
 20    selects only requests whose request_ids match ID.  Type "help
 21    request_ids".
 24 Control arguments:
 25 -absolute_pathname, -absp
 26    prints the full pathname.
 27 -admin {User_id}, -am {User_id}
 28    selects requests of all users or of the specified user.  Default is
 29    to list the user's own requests.  Requires r extended access to the
 30    queue(s) to read other users' requests.  See Notes below.
 31 -all, -a
 32    searches all queues.
 33 -brief, -bf
 34    prevents printing of comment and request state in normal (not -long)
 35    mode.
 36 -forms {STR}
 37    selects only requests with special forms specified.  If you specify
 38    STR, only requests with special forms matching STR are chosen.
 41 -immediate, -im
 42    selects only I/O requests that are not deferred.  With -position,
 43    ignores deferred requests when computing position.
 44 -long, -lg
 45    prints all information about each selected request, including long
 46    request_id and full pathname.  Default is to print short request_id
 47    and entryname.
 48 -long_id, -lgid
 49    prints the long request_id.
 50 -position, -psn
 51    prints queue positions of each selected request.  With -total,
 52    prints a list of queue positions.  Requires r extended access to the
 53    queue(s), to read other users' requests.
 56 -queue N, -q N
 57    searches only queue N.  If this control argument is not specified,
 58    all queues are searched but nothing is printed for queues from
 59    which no requests are selected.
 60 -print, -pr
 61    specifies that the requests listed are found in the queue(s)
 62    associated with the default printer request type.  See Notes below.
 63 -punch, -pch
 64    specifies that the requests listed are found in the queue(s)
 65    associated with the default punch request type.  See Notes below.
 66 -plot
 67    specifies that the requests listed are found in the queue(s)
 68    associated with the default plotter request type.  See Notes below.
 71 -request_type STR, -rqt STR
 72    searches the I/O daemon queues belonging to the specified request
 73    type.  See Notes below.
 74 -total, -tt
 75    prints only the total number of selected requests and the total
 76    number in the queue.  Incompatible with -long and -brief control
 77    arguments.
 78 -user User_id
 79    selects only requests of the specified user.  Requires r extended
 80    access to the queue(s).  See Notes below.
 83 Notes: Only request types belonging to the printer, punch, or plotter
 84 generic types can be specified by the -request_type control argument
 85 when the -long argument is given.  A list of these request types can be
 86 obtained by invoking the print_request_types command.
 89 The -print, -punch, -plot and -request_type control arguments are
 90 mutually exclusive.  Only one may be used in a given command.  If none
 91 are given, then lor lists the default request type used by eor -print
 92 (as displayed by the print_request_types command).
 95 The User_id arguments specified after -admin or -user can have any of
 96 the following forms:
 97    Person_id.Project_id   matches that user only
 98    Person_id.*            matches that person on any project
 99    Person_id              same as Person_id.*
100    *.Project_id           matches any user on that project
101    .Project_id            same as *.Project_id
102    *.*                    same as -admin with no User_id following it.
104 If -admin User_id or -user User_id is given more than once in a
105 command, only the final instance is used.
108 :hcom:
113   1) change(2020-12-15,GDixon), approve(2021-02-22,MCR10088),
114      audit(2021-05-27,Swenson), install(2021-05-27,MR12.6g-0056):
115       A) Change "Syntax:" to "Syntax as a command:" in command info seg
116          last changed after 1984.
117                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */