1 08/19/88 list_abs_requests, lar
  3 Syntax as a command:  lar {path} {-control_args}
  6 Function:  lists requests in the absentee queues.
  9 Arguments:
 10 path
 11    is the pathname of a request to be listed.  The star convention is
 12    allowed.  Only requests matching this pathname are selected.  If the
 13    path argument is not specified, all pathnames are selected.  Also
 14    see the -entry control argument below.
 17 Control arguments:
 18 -absolute_pathname, -absp
 19    prints the full pathname of each selected request, rather than just
 20    the entryname.
 21 -admin {User_id}, -am {User_id}
 22    selects the requests of all users, or of the user specified by
 23    User_id.  If the -admin control argument is not specified, only the
 24    user's own requests are selected.  See "Notes" below.
 25 -all, -a
 26    searches the foreground and all priority queues and prints the
 27    totals for each non-empty queue whether or not any requests are
 28    selected from it.  If the -all control argument is not specified,
 29    nothing is printed for queues from which no requests are selected.
 30    This control argument is incompatible with the -queue control
 31    argument.
 34 -brief, -bf
 35    prevents the printing of the state and the comment of the request.
 36    If the -brief control argument is not specified, these items are
 37    printed.  This control argument is incompatible with the -long and
 38    -total control arguments.
 39 -deferred_indefinitely, -dfi
 40    selects only requests that are deferred indefinitely.  Such requests
 41    are not run until the operator releases them.
 42 -entry STR, -et STR
 43    selects only requests whose entrynames match STR.  The star
 44    convention is allowed.  Directory portions of request pathnames are
 45    ignored when selecting requests.  This control argument is
 46    incompatible with the path argument.
 49 -foreground, -fg
 50    searches only the foreground queue, and prints the totals for this
 51    queue, whether or not any requests are selected from it.  Also, see
 52    the -queue control argument.
 53 -id ID
 54    selects only requests whose identifier matches the specified ID.
 57 -immediate, -im
 58    selects only requests that can be run immediately upon reaching the
 59    heads of their respective queues.  This does not include requests
 60    deferred indefinitely, requests deferred until a specific time, or
 61    requests that have reached the head of the queue and have been
 62    deferred by the system because their CPU time limits are higher
 63    than the maximum for the current shift.  It does include requests
 64    deferred because of load control or resource unavailability,
 65    because those conditions could change at any time.  Also, see the
 66    -position control argument.
 69 -long, -lg
 70    prints all of the information pertaining to an absentee request
 71    including the long request identifier and the full pathname.  If
 72    this control argument is omitted, only the short request identifier,
 73    entryname, state and comment, if present, are printed.  The -long,
 74    -brief, and -total control arguments are incompatible.
 75 -long_id, -lgid
 76    prints the long form of the request identifier.  If this or the
 77    -long control argument is not specified, the short form of the
 78    request identifier is printed.
 79 -pathname, -pn
 80    prints the full pathname of each selected request, rather than just
 81    the entryname, just as -absolute_pathname does.
 84 -position, -psn
 85    prints the position within its queue of each selected request.  When
 86    used with the -total control argument, it prints a list of all the
 87    positions of the selected requests.  When used with the -immediate
 88    control argument, it considers only immediate requests when
 89    computing positions.  See "Notes" below.
 90 -queue N, -q N
 91    searches only queue N, and prints the totals for that queue, whether
 92    or not any requests are selected from it.  If the -queue control
 93    argument is not specified, all queues are searched but nothing is
 94    printed for queues from which no requests are selected.  For
 95    convenience in writing exec_coms and abbreviations, the word
 96    "foreground" or "fg" following the -queue control argument performs
 97    the same function as the -foreground control argument.  This control
 98    argument is incompatible with the -all control argument.
101 -resource {STR}, -rsc {STR}
102    selects only requests having a resource requirement.  If STR is
103    specified, only requests whose resource descriptions contain that
104    string are selected.  This control argument also causes the resource
105    descriptions of the selected requests to be printed, even when the
106    -long control argument is not specified.  Type "help
107    reserve_resource" for a description of the syntax of STR.
108 -sender STR
109    specifies that only requests from sender STR should be listed.  One
110    or more request identifiers must also be specified.  In most cases,
111    the sender is an RJE station identifier.
114 -total, -tt
115    prints only the total number of selected requests and the total
116    number of requests in the queue plus a list of positions if the
117    -position control argument is also specified.  If the queue is
118    empty, it is not listed.  This control argument is incompatible with
119    the -long and -brief control arguments.
120 -user User_id
121    selects only requests entered by the specified user.  See "Notes"
122    below.
125 Access required:  The user must have o access to the queue(s) to invoke
126 lar.  The user must have r extended access to the queue(s), in order to
127 use the -admin, -position, or -user control arguments, since it is
128 necessary to read all requests in the queue(s) in order to select those
129 entered by a specified user or to compute the positions of the selected
130 requests.
133 Notes:  All queues are searched for the user's requests; the request
134 identification, entryname, state, and comment, if present, of each
135 request is printed.  If no arguments are specified, only the user's own
136 requests are selected for listing.  Nothing is printed for queues from
137 which no requests are selected.
140 The entry name specified after the -entry control argument, the entry
141 portion of the pathname argument, and the RJE station name specified
142 after the -sender control argument, may each be starnames.
145 The User_id arguments specified after the -admin or -user may have any
146 of the following forms:
148     Person_id.Project_id   matches that user only
149     Person_id.*            matches that person on any project
150     Person_id              same as Person_id.*
151     *.Project_id           matches any user on that project
152     .Project_id            same as *.Project_id
153     *.*                    same as -admin with no User_id following it
155 If -admin User_id or -user User_id is given more than once in a
156 command, only the final instance is used.  When a user name is
157 specified, with either the -admin or -user control arguments, then
158 proxy requests are selected if either the user who entered the request,
159 or the proxy user on whose behalf it was entered, matches the specified
160 user name.