1 02/07/84 link_unsnap_
4 Entry points in link_unsnap_:
5 List is generated by the help command
8 :Entry: link_unsnap_: 02/07/84 link_unsnap_
10 Function: restores snapped links pointing to a given segment or its
11 linkage section. Such links then appear as if they had never been
12 snapped changed into ITS pairs. This is accomplished by
13 sequentially indexing through the Linkage Offset Table LOT and for
14 each linkage section listed there by searching for links to be
15 restored.
18 Syntax:
19 declare link_unsnap_ entry ptr ptr ptr fixed bin17
20 fixed bin17;
21 call link_unsnap_ lot_ptr isot_ptr linkage_ptr hcsc high_seg;
24 Arguments:
25 lot_ptr
26 is a pointer to the LOT. Input
27 isot_ptr
28 is a printer to the ISOT. Input
29 linkage_ptr
30 is a pointer to the linkage section to be discarded. Input
31 hscs
32 is one less than the segment number of the first segment that can be
33 unsnapped. Input
34 high_seg
35 is the number of LOT slots used in searching for links to be
36 restored. Input