1 02/10/86  library_fetch, lf
 3 Syntax as a command:  lf {search_names} {-control_args}
 6 Function: fetches entries from a library.  It functionally replaces
 7 get_library_segment.  You can fetch segments, archives, archive
 8 components, multisegment files (MSFs), and MSF components.
11 Arguments:
12 search_names
13    are star names identifying the library entries to be fetched.
14    Defaults differ for each library descriptor.
17 Control arguments:
18 -all, -a
19    includes in the output file complete status information for fetched
20    entries.
21 -all_matches, -amch
22    fetches all matching entries.  (Default, if you supply more than one
23    search name, any star names, or -components)
24 -brief, -bf
25    suppresses printing of information about fetched entries.  (Default)
26 -chase
27    fetches through links.
28 -components, -comp
29    fetches library entries contained in, or with, a matching entry; it
30    implies -all_matches.
33 -container, -cont
34    fetches the library entry containing a matching library entry,
35    rather than the matching entry itself.
36 -default, -dft
37    includes in the output file default status information for fetched
38    entries.
39 -entry, -et
40    fetches matching library entries only.  (Default)
41 -descriptor desc_name, -desc desc_name
42    specifies the descriptor defining the libraries to be searched.
43 -first_match, -fmch
44    fetches the first matching entry only.  (Default, if you specify
45    only one search name)
48 -into path
49    fetches library entries into the specified pathname (absolute or
50    relative).  The directory portion of the pathname identifies the
51    directory into which each library entry is copied; the final
52    entryname of the pathname renames each library entryname being
53    placed on the copy.  You can give an equal name as the final
54    entryname of the path.  Use -into only once in a command line.  If
55    not given, matching entries are copied into your working directory
56    and no renaming occurs.
57 -library library_name, -lb library_name
58    fetches entries in the specified library.  You can use star names.
59    You can supply up to 100 -library control arguments; if you give
60    none, any default library names specified in the library descriptor
61    are used.
64 -long, -lg
65    prints information about fetched entries.
66 -match
67    puts entrynames that match a search name on the fetched entry.
68    (Default)
69 -name, -nm
70    puts all the entrynames on the fetched library entry.
71 -no_chase
72    does not fetch through links.  (Default)
73 -omit
74    does not fetch library entries awaiting deletion.  (Default)
75 -output_file filename, -of filename
76    appends status of fetched library entries to named file.
79 -primary, -pri
80    puts first entryname on fetched library entry.
81 -retain, -ret
82    fetches library entries awaiting deletion.
83 -search_name search_name
84    gives search_name that looks like a control argument.  You can
85    supply one or more -search_name control arguments.
88 Notes: You can give any combination of the control arguments governing
89 naming (-name, -primary, and -match).  However, select only one from
90 each group of the following: -chase or -no_chase; -long or -brief;
91 -container, -components, or -entry; -retain or -omit; and -all or
92 -default.
94 You must use -output_file if you give -all or -default.