1 03/08/88  kermit
  3 Syntax as a command:  kermit {-control_args}
  6 Function: invokes the Multics implementation of the Kermit file
  7 transfer program.  The Multics Kermit program provides the capability
  8 to transfer files between a Multics system and a remotely located
  9 system (e.g., a personal computer) using the KERMIT protocol.  Once
 10 invoked, Multics Kermit prompts you for the various file transfer
 11 requests.  Multics Kermit has been implemented with a server feature
 12 that permits you to login to Multics from a remote site and specify
 13 file transfer operations without having to escape back and forth
 14 between the Multics system and the remote system.
 17 Control arguments:
 18 -abbrev, -ab
 19    enables abbreviation expansion of request lines.
 20 -io_switch STR, -iosw STR
 21    specifies that communication with the remote system be done over the
 22    I/O switch whose name is STR.  If you omit it, the user_i/o switch
 23    is assumed.
 24 -no_abbrev, -nab
 25    does not enable abbreviation expansion of request lines.  (Default)
 26 -no_prompt, -npmt
 27    suppresses the prompt for request lines in the request loop.
 28 -no_request_loop, -nrql
 29    does not enter the request loop after performing any operations
 30    given by -request.
 33 -no_start_up, -nsu, -ns
 34    does not execute the start_up exec_com.
 35 -profile PATH, -pf PATH
 36    specifies the pathname of the profile to use for abbreviation
 37    expansion.  The suffix "profile" is added to PATH if you don't
 38    include it explicitly on the command line.  This control argument
 39    implies -abbrev.
 40 -prompt STR, -pmt STR
 41    sets the request loop prompt to STR.  (Default: ^/Multics-Kermit^[
 42    (^d)^]:^2x)
 43 -quit
 44    exits the Kermit program after performing any operations given by
 45    -request.
 48 -request STR, -rq STR
 49    executes STR as a Kermit program request line before entering the
 50    request loop.
 51 -request_loop, -rql
 52    enters the Kermit program request loop after performing any
 53    operations given by -request.  (Default)
 54 -start_up, -su
 55    executes the Kermit program start_up exec_com start_up.kermit.  The
 56    users home directory, the project directory, and >site are searched,
 57    in that order, for the start_up.  The exec_com is executed before
 58    the request_string and before entering the subsystem request_loop.
 59    (Default)
 62 List of requests: The following is a summary of requests used to
 63    respond to prompts from the Kermit program.  In this summary "-ca"
 64    is used as shorthand for "-control_args".  For a complete
 65    description ofany request, issue the Kermit request:
 66       help request_name
 67 .
 68    prints a line describing the current invocation of the Kermit
 69    program.
 70 ?
 71    prints a list of requests available in the Kermit program.
 72 abbrev {-ca}, ab {-ca}
 73    controls abbreviation processing of request lines.
 74 do rq_str {args}, [do rq_str args]
 75    executes/returns a request line with argument substitution.
 78 exec_com ec_path {ec_args}, ec ec_path {ec_args}
 79 [exec_com ec_path {ec_args}], [ec ec_path {ec_args}]
 80    executes a file of Kermit program requests that can return a value.
 81 execute cmd_line, e cmd_line
 82 [execute active_str], [e active_str]
 83    executes a Multics command line or evaluates a Multics active
 84    string.
 85 finish
 86    sends a request to a remote server to shut down server operation and
 87    return the remote system to its request's loop.
 88 get remote_source_path {local_destination_path}
 89    sends a request to a remote server requesting that the named file(s)
 90    be sent from the remote system.
 93 help {topics} {-ca}
 94    prints information about Kermit program requests and other topics.
 95    If you supply no topics, methods for getting help are listed.
 96 list_help {topics}, lh {topics}
 97    displays the name of all Kermit program info segments on given
 98    topics.
 99 list_requests {STRs} {-ca}, lr {STRs} {-ca}
100    prints a brief description of selected Kermit program requests.  You
101    can use STR to specify that only specific requests be listed.
102 log {PATH} {-ca}
103    directs the Kermit program to start logging transactions.
104 logout
105    sends a request to the remote server directing it to log you out
106    from the remote system.
109 quit, q
110    exits the Kermit program.
111 quit_log
112    directs the Kermit program to stop logging transactions.
113 receive {PATH}, r {PATH}
114    receives a file or file group from the other system.
115 send local_source_path {remote_destination_path}
116 s local_source_path {remote_destination_path}
117    sends a file or file group to the other system.
118 server
119    instructs the Kermit program to cease taking commands from the
120    keyboard and to receive all further instruction in the form of
121    Kermit packets.
122 set mode {STR}
123    establishes or modifies various modes for file transfers.
126 show {modes}
127    displays mode values.
128 statistics, st
129    shows statistics about the most recent file transfer.
130 subsystem_name, [subsystem_name]
131    prints/returns the name of this subsystem.
132 subsystem_version, [subsystem_version]
133    prints/returns the version number of this subsystem.
135    The following list of modes are recognized by the Kermit program
136    and the set and show Kermit requests.  The values associated with
137    each mode are also given.
140 List of modes affecting file storage:
141 file_type STR
142    indicates the type of file being transferred.  STR can be either
143    binary or ascii.
144 file_warning STR
145    indicates the action to be taken when an incoming file name has the
146    same name as an existing file name in the default directory when
147    receiving files.  STR can be either on or off.  If file_warning is
148    on, the Kermit program renames the file to avoid overwriting the
149    preexisting one; if file_warning is off, the incoming file replaces
150    the preexisting one.  If logging transactions, the log indicates the
151    name of the file in which the data was stored.  (Default: on)
154 incomplete STR
155    indicates the action to be taken if a file was not completely
156    transferred.  STR can be either keep or discard.  If you specify
157    keep, all incomplete files are saved; if you give discard,
158    incomplete files are discarded.  (Default: keep)
161 List of modes affecting file transfer:
162 control_prefix CHR, cp CHR
163    is the character to use for quoting of control characters, where CHR
164    is any character in the range !  through > or ` through ~, but
165    different from eight_bit_prefix and repeat_prefix.  (Default: #)
166 eight_bit_prefix CHR, ebp CHR
167    is the ASCII character Multics Kermit program uses, when
168    transmitting binary files via a 7-bit connection, to quote
169    characters that have the 8th bit set.  CHR is one of the following,
170    but different from control_prefix and repeat_prefix:
171    Y
172       characters with the 8th bit set are quoted if the remote system
173       requests it.
174    N
175       characters with the 8th bit set are not quoted.
178    &
179       or any character in the range !  through > or ` through ~.  Use
180       the specified character for quoting characters with the 8th bit
181       set.  If the Multics Kermit program's eight_bit_prefix character
182       is different from the remote program's, then no 8th bit prefixing
183       is done.
184    The value of this mode is ignored if line_byte_size is 8.  (Default:
185    &)
186 end_of_packet CHR, eop CHR
187    is the character the Multics Kermit program uses as a line
188    terminator for incoming packets, where CHR is an ASCII character
189    between SOH (001 octal) and US (037 octal) inclusive and different
190    from the start_of_packet character.  (Default: carriage return, 015
191    octal)
194 line_byte_size N
195    indicates whether data is being transmitted via a 7-bit or 8-bit
196    connection, where N can be either 7 or 8.  A 7-bit connection is
197    desirable when transferring ASCII files or when the 8th bit of each
198    transmitted byte is required for parity or changed by intervening
199    communications equipment.  Use an 8-bit connection for transferring
200    binary files, as it decreases protocol overhead.  If you can't use
201    an 8-bit connection for a binary file transfer, then you can use a
202    7-bit connection with the eight_bit_prefix mode enabled to transfer
203    binary files.  (Default: 7)
205 packet_length N, pl N
206    is the maximum packet length the Multics Kermit program can receive,
207    where N is an integer between 20 and 94 (decimal).  (Default: 80)
209    NOTE: Long packets can be selected when the user has explicitly
210    selected N which is larger than 94 with a SET command.  The maximum
211    length of long packets can be up to 1500 characters.
213 parity STR
214    used for communicating with systems or networks that require the 8th
215    bit for character parity.  The parity used must be the same for
216    Kermit programs on both the local and remote system.  STR can be one
217    of
218    none
219       eight data bits and no parity.
220    mark
221       seven data bits with the parity bit set to 1.
222    space
223       seven data bits with the parity bit set to 0.
224    even
225       seven data bits with the parity bit set to make the overall
226       parity even.
229    odd
230       seven data bits with the parity bit set to 1 to make the overall
231       parity odd.
232    The value of the mode is ignored if line_byte_size is 8.  (Default:
233    none)
234 repeat_prefix CHR, rp CHR
235    is the character the Multics Kermit program uses to indicate a
236    repeated character, where CHR can be any character in the range !
237    through > or ` through ~, but different from the control_prefix and
238    eight_bit_prefix.  Space " " denotes no repeat count processing is
239    to be done.  If the Multics Kermit program repeat_prefix character
240    is different from the remote system's, then no repeat prefixing is
241    done.  (Default: ~).
244 retry_threshold N, rt N
245    specifies how many times to try sending or receiving a particular
246    packet before giving up, where N is an integer between 5 and 15
247    inclusive.  (Default: 5)
248 start_of_packet CHR, sop CHR
249    is the character to be used for the start of packet, where CHR is an
250    ASCII character between NUL (000 octal) and US (037 octal)
251    inclusive.  The start_of_packet character must be the same for
252    Kermit programs on both the local and remote system, but different
253    from the end_of_packet character.  (Default: SOH, octal 001)
254 timeout N
255    specifies how many seconds the Multics Kermit program wants the
256    remote system to wait for a packet from Multics before trying again,
257    where N is an integer value between 5 and 20.  (Default: 15)
260 Notes on kermit development: The KERMIT protocol was developed at
261 Columbia University.  Many implementations of KERMIT are avaiable from
262 the KERMIT group at Columbia.  Direct inquiries about KERMIT to
263    KERMIT Distribution
264    Columbia University Center for Computing Activities
265    7th Floor, Watson Laboratory
266    612 West 115th Street
267    New York, New York 10025
270 Notes on remote systems: The Multics Kermit program supports the
271 transfer of 7-bit ASCII files and 8-bit binary files.  You can transfer
272 ASCII files between any two systems, whereas you can only transfer
273 binary files between systems that are able to retain the original value
274 of the data byte.  For example, sending a Multics binary file in which
275 all bits of the 9-bit byte are used to a system that uses 8-bit bytes
276 results in the loss of the most significant bit (i.e., the transferred
277 file on the remote system differs from the original file sent).
278 However, a binary file received by the Multics Kermit program from a
279 remote system that uses 8-bit bytes can then be sent by Multics Kermit
280 to a second such remote system.  The resulting file on the second
281 system is identical to the original file sent.
284 Notes on file transfer: For transmission between systems, you must
285 assign files to one of two categories--ASCII or binary.  On systems
286 with 8-bit bytes, ASCII files have the high-order bit of each byte set
287 to zero, whereas binary files use the high-order bit of each byte for
288 data, in which case its value can vary from byte to byte and must be
289 preserved.
292 Binary file transmission is permissible as long as the two
293 Kermit programs involved can control the value of the 8th bit (i.e., it
294 is not being used for parity or changed by intervening communications
295 equipment).  In that case the 8th bit of a transmitted character
296 matches that of the original data byte without any special 8th bit
297 prefixing.  For example, to send or receive a binary file of 8-bit
298 bytes when an 8-bit connection is possible, set line_byte_size to 8,
299 set file_type to binary, and start the transfer.  If an 8-bit
300 connection is not possible, then you can send binary files via a 7-bit
301 connection using the eight_bit_prefix.  For example, set file_type to
302 binary, set line_byte_size to 7, set parity to str, set
303 eight_bit_prefixing to chr, and start the transfer.  To send or receive
304 an ASCII file, set file_type to ascii, set line_byte_size to 7, set any
305 other desired modes, and start the transfer.
308 The Multics Kermit program does not support the transfer of 9-bit bytes
309 when the most significant bit is used for data.  Thus sending a Multics
310 binary file to a second Multics site results in the loss of the most
311 significant bit of each byte.
314 Notes on procedure for using kermit (multics/personal computer): Use
315 the following procedure to transfer files between Multics and a
316 personal computer using Kermit:
317    1. Start Kermit on the personal computer.
318    2. Set any desired modes.
319    3. Connect to Multics via the connect command.  Once connected, the
320       standard Multics banner is displayed.
321    4. Login to Multics.
322    5. Start Kermit on Multics.  It responds with the prompt
323       "Multics-Kermit:".
324    6. Set any desired modes.
325    7. Execute either a send or receive request, specifying the file or
326       file group.
327    8. Use the appropriate escape sequence to get back to Kermit command
328       level on the personal computer.
331    9. Execute the corresponding request on the personal computer.  For
332       example, if you issue the send request on Multics, execute the
333       receive request on the personal computer or vice versa.
334   10. File transfer begins.  The personal computer displays the status
335       of the file transfer.
336   11. To transfer more files, connect back to Multics Kermit and enter
337       a carriage return to get the "Multics-Kermit:" prompt.  Go to
338       step 7.
339   12. Exit Multics Kermit by issuing the quit request and logout.
340   13. Use the appropriate escape sequence to get back to Kermit command
341       level on the personal computer.
344 Notes on procedure for using kermit (multics server/personal computer):
345 Use the following procedure to transfer files between Multics and a
346 personal computer using the Kermit server:
347    1. Start Kermit on the personal computer.
348    2. Set any desired modes.
349    3. Connect to Multics via the connect command.  Once connected, the
350       standard Multics banner is displayed.
351    4. Login to Multics.
352    5. Start Kermit on Multics.  It responds with the prompt
353       "Multics-Kermit:".
354    6. Set any desired modes.
355    7. Execute the server request.
356    8. Use the appropriate escape sequence to get back to Kermit command
357       level on the personal computer.
360    9. Execute the Kermit server request on the personal computer for
361       sending or receiving files.
362   10. File transfer begins.  The personal computer displays the status
363       of the file transfer.
364   11. To transfer more files, go to step 9.
365   12. Exit Multics Kermit by issuing the Kermit server quit request on
366       the personal computer.
367   13. Connect back to Multics and logout.
368   14. Use the appropriate escape sequence to get back to Kermit command
369       level on the microcomputer.
372 Notes on procedure for using kermit (multics/multics): Use the
373 following procedure to transfer files between two Multics systems using
374 Kermit:
375    1. Login to the local Multics.
376    2. Connect to the remote Multics via the dial_out command.
377    3. Login to the remote Multics.
378    4. Start Kermit on the remote Multics.
379    5. Set any desired modes.
380    6. Execute the server request.
381    7. Use the appropriate escape sequence to start up Kermit on the
382       local Multics (e.g., e kermit -iosw [switch_name])
383    8. Execute the Multics send request to send files to the remote
384       system, or the get request to receive files from the remote
385       system.
388    9. To transfer more files, go to step 8.
389   10. When done, execute the finish request to exit the remote server
390       and quit from the local kermit to reconnect to the remote
391       Multics, or execute the logout request to logout from the remote
392       Multics and then quit the local Kermit.