1 03/31/83  interpret_resource_desc_
  4 Entry points in interpret_resource_desc_:
  5    (List is generated by the help command)
  8 :Entry:  interpret_resource_desc_: 02/07/83  interpret_resource_desc_
 11 Function: provides a facility for displaying the contents of an RCP
 12 resource description, in a format similar to that used by the
 13 resource_status command.
 16 Syntax:
 17 declare interpret_resource_desc_ entry (pointer, fixed bin, char(*),
 18      bit(36) aligned, bit(1) aligned, char(*) varying, fixed bin(35));
 19 call interpret_resource_desc_ (resource_desc_ptr, nth, callername,
 20      string (rst_control), return_noprint, return_string, code);
 23 Arguments:
 24 resource_desc_ptr
 25    is a pointer to the structure containing the RCP resource
 26    description to be displayed.  (See the resource_control_
 27    subroutine.)  (Input)
 28 nth
 29    specifies which element of the resource description is to be
 30    displayed (the index to the array resource_descriptions.item).  If
 31    nth is zero, all elements will be displayed.  (Input)
 32 callername
 33    is the name of the command invoking interpret_resource_desc_.  It is
 34    used in printing any necessary error messages.  (Input)
 35 rst_control
 36    is declared in the include file rst_control.incl.pl1.  (See "Display
 37    Control" below.)  (Input)
 40 return_noprint
 41    specifies, if "0"b, that information about the resource description
 42    is to be written to the user_output I/O switch.  If "1"b, the
 43    information is returned in return_string, nth must not be zero, and
 44    the elements of the structure rst_control must be set so that
 45    exactly one item of information is requested.  (Input)
 46 return_string
 47    contains, if return_noprint is "1"b, a printable representation of
 48    the information requested.  Otherwise, its contents are undefined.
 49    (Output)
 50 code
 51    is a standard status code.  (Output)
 54 Display Control:
 55 The rst_control structure (declared in the include file
 56 rst_control.incl.pl1) is defined as follows:
 57    dcl 1 rst_control             aligned,
 58          2 default               bit (1) unaligned,
 59          2 name                  bit (1) unaligned,
 60          2 uid                   bit (1) unaligned,
 61          2 potential_attributes  bit (1) unaligned,
 62          2 attributes            bit (1) unaligned,
 63          2 desired_attributes    bit (1) unaligned,
 64          2 potential_aim_range   bit (1) unaligned,
 65          2 aim_range             bit (1) unaligned,
 66          2 owner                 bit (1) unaligned,
 67          2 acs_path              bit (1) unaligned,
 68          2 location              bit (1) unaligned,
 69          2 comment               bit (1) unaligned,
 70          2 charge_type           bit (1) unaligned,
 71          2 mode                  bit (1) unaligned,
 72          2 usage_lock            bit (1) unaligned,
 73          2 release_lock          bit (1) unaligned,
 74          2 awaiting_clear        bit (1) unaligned,
 75          2 user_alloc            bit (1) unaligned,
 76          2 given_flags           bit (1) unaligned,
 77          2 mbz                   bit (16) unaligned,
 78          2 any_given_item        bit (1) unaligned;
 82    Structure elements:
 83    default
 84       if "1"b, signifies that certain items of information are to be
 85       displayed only if they are not in the most common state.  This
 86       bit should not be used by non-system commands.
 87    name
 88       is "1"b if item.name is to be displayed.
 89    uid
 90       is "1"b if item.uid is to be displayed.
 91    potential_attributes
 92       is "1"b if item.potential_attributes is to be displayed.
 93    attributes
 94       is "1"b if item.attributes is to be displayed.
 95    desired_attributes
 96       is "1"b if item.desired_attributes is to be displayed.
 99    potential_aim_range
100       is "1"b if item.potential_aim_range is to be displayed.
101    aim_range
102       is "1"b if item.aim_range is to be displayed.
103    owner
104       is "1"b if item.owner is to be displayed.
105    acs_path
106       is "1"b if item.acs_path is to be displayed.
107    location
108       is "1"b if item.location is to be displayed.
109    comment
110       is "1"b if item.comment is to be displayed.
111    charge_type
112       is "1"b if item.charge_type is to be displayed.
113    mode
114       is "1"b if item.mode is to be displayed.
117    usage_lock
118       is "1"b if item.usage_lock is to be displayed.
119    release_lock
120       is "1"b if item.release_lock is to be displayed.
121    awaiting_clear
122       is "1"b if item.awaiting_clear is to be displayed.
123    user_alloc
124       is "1"b if item.user_alloc is to be displayed.
125    given_flags
126       is "1"b if the state of all the flags in the structure item.given
127       is to be displayed.
128    mbz
129       is unused and must be "0"b.
130    any_given_item
131       is "1"b to display any field in the item structure for which the
132       corresponding bit in the item.given structure is "1"b.