1 05/16/16  input_history_
  3 Function: The input_history_ I/O module passes-thru I/O operations
  4 to a monitored switch.  For a get_line operation, it captures the
  5 line returned by the monitored switch in a history file, before
  6 returning it to the caller.
  8 If the monitored switch is attached to the window_io_ module, then
  9 the window_io_ real-time input line editor is augmented with editing
 10 requests to search the history file for past input lines to
 11 re-enter.  See "Notes on video editing" below.
 13 Use the input_history command to facilitate attachment of the
 14 input_history_ I/O module.  See: input_history.info (or: ih.info)
 17 Syntax:
 18    input_history_ monitored_switch_name {-control_args}
 21 Notes on attach description:
 22 monitored_switch_name
 23    is the name of an I/O switch whose input lines are captured.  It
 24    must be attached to an I/O module open with an opening mode of
 25    stream_input or stream_input_output.
 27 -pathname PATH, -pn PATH
 28    use PATH as the location of the history file.  The default PATH is:
 29      [homedir]>[user name].history
 30 -perprocess, -pp
 31    use a temporary history file created in the process directory.
 32 -permanent, -perm
 33    use only a permanent the history file.  See "Notes on the history
 34    file" for further information on these three control arguments.
 37 -lines N, -ln N
 38    recommends a size for the history file, in lines.  The default is
 39    200 lines (about 2 records of storage, if the average input line is
 40    40 characters in length).  (See "Notes on the history file" below.)
 41 -truncate, -tc
 42    if the history file already exists, truncates this file as part of
 43    the attach operation.  The default is to extend the existing file.
 46 Notes on the history file:
 47 Past input lines are logged in the history file as a stream of
 48 characters.  The file bit count is adjusted after each line is
 49 appended.  This permits searching or examining the file: using the
 50 print command or a file editor; or using video editing functions added
 51 to the window_io_ line editor by the input_history_ module.  See
 52 "Notes on video editing" below.
 55 Permanent history file
 56    Holds a log of past input lines, and remains in the file system
 57    after the process ends.  A subsequent process may log additional
 58    input lines in this file, and may select and re-input lines from
 59    the earlier process.
 61 Temporary history file
 62    Holds input lines only for the current process.  The user may
 63    select and re-input lines while this process runs.  However, the
 64    file is deleted when the process ends.
 67 One process per history file
 68    Several processes may not share the same history file concurrently.
 69    For each permanent history file (XXX.history), a corresponding
 70    process identity file (XXX.hisLock) records the lock_id of the
 71    process using that history file.  While that process is running,
 72    input_history_ prevents another process from attaching with that
 73    file.
 75 Read/write access required
 76    The process must have read/write access to attach using an existing
 77    history file.  An access error might occur if using a file created
 78    by another user or group; or created by a process with an access
 79    class that differs from the current process authorization.
 82 Permanent history file attach error
 83    If a permanent history file cannot be reused (due to locking or
 84    access error), either: a temporary history file is created; or if
 85    -permanent was given, then an error is reported and the attach
 86    operation fails.  If both -pathname and -perprocess are given, then
 87    a temporary file is created only when the file given with -pathname
 88    is locked or inaccessible.  If the permanent history file was
 89    locked, the temporary file is initialized by copying the permanent
 90    file.
 92 Requiring a temporary history file
 93    If -perprocess is given without a -pathname, then a temporary file
 94    is always created.
 97 Automatic purging of oldest input
 98    When a history file reaches its recommended size of N lines (see
 99    the -lines attach argument), the oldest lines are removed from the
100    top of the file to permit new lines to be appended to the end of
101    the file.  These scroll operations are grouped into page-size
102    chunks, to avoid excessive overhead during each input operation.
103    Thus, the file may actually contain N-lines, plus some additional
104    lines.
107 Notes on video editing:
108 When the input_history_ I/O module is attached, several editing
109 requests are added to the window_io_ input line editor.  The
110 previous-line (^P) and next-line (^N) requests accept numeric
111 repetition counts (e.g., ESC 7 ^P to move back 7 lines; or ^U ^N to
112 move forward 4 lines).
114 ^P
115    Select the previous line in the history file for editing and
116    re-input.
117 ^N
118    Select the next line in the history file for editing and re-input.
119 ^G
120    Abort selection of a prior input line.  Original line is again on
121    display in the window_io_ line editor.
124 Incremental searches of the input history are started using one of the
125 following requests.
127 ^R
128    Perform an incremental search backward in the history file, looking
129    for a line that matches characters typed following ^R.
130 ^S
131    Perform an incremental search forward in the history file, looking
132    for a line that matches characters typed following ^S.
135 As each character is added to the incremental search string, the
136 history line matching the search string is displayed.
138    Backspace, DEL, or # (your erase character)
139       Remove a character from the incremental search string to undo
140       part of the search operation.  Different characters may then be
141       added to the search string.
143 Incremental searching ends with one of the following characters.
144    ESC
145       Matching line returned to window_io_ line editor for editing and
146       re-input.
147    ^G
148       Incremental search is aborted as described in ^G request above.
151    (other window_io_ line editor control key)
152       The selected input line is returned to window_io_ line editor;
153       the window_io_ edit function bound to the given control key is
154       then applied to the selected line.  Two of the many window_io_
155       requests that can be applied are listed below.
157    RETURN (^M), NL (^J)
158       The selected history line is re-input, as is.
160    ^E
161       Move to end of the selected line, where further edit requests
162       may be applied to the line.
165 Notes on the open operation:
166 Because input_history_ is a monitoring-style I/O module, most I/O
167 operations pass-thru directly to the monitored switch.  For this
168 reason, the open operation for input_history_ is performed
169 automatically at attach time.  It uses the same opening mode as the
170 monitored switch.
173 Notes on other operations:
174 Put Chars Operation
175    is a pass-thru to the monitored I/O module.
176 Get Chars Operation
177    is a pass-thru to the monitored I/O module.
178 Get Line Operation
179    This is primarily a pass-thru to the monitored I/O module.
180    However, any lines (or partially-read line fragments) are logged in
181    the history file before returning the input to the caller.
184 Modes Operation
185    is a pass-thru to the monitored I/O module.  input_history_ has no
186    modes of its own.
187 Position Operation
188    is a pass-thru to the monitored I/O module.
189 Control Operation
190    is primarily a pass-thru to the monitored I/O module.  However, the
191    following input_history_ control operations are also supported.
193       get_input_history_lines
194          returns the current recommended size for the history file, in
195          lines.
196       set_input_history_lines N
197          gives a value for the recommended size for the history file,
198          in lines.