1 10/17/84  have_messages
 3 Syntax as a command:  have_messages mbx_specification {-control_args}
 6 Syntax as an active function:
 7    [have_messages {mbx_specification} {-control_args}]
10 Function: returns "true" if there are any interactive messages in the
11 specified mailbox.
14 Arguments:
15 mbx_specification
16    specifies the mailbox to be examined.  If not given, your default
17    mailbox (>udd>Project_id>Person_id>Person_id.mbx) is used.
20 List of mbx_specifications:
21 -log
22    specifies the user's logbox and is equivalent to
23       -mailbox >udd>Project_id>Person_id>Person_id.sv.mbx
24 -mailbox path, -mbx path
25    specifies the pathname of a mailbox.  The suffix mbx is added if
26    necessary.
27 -save path, -sv path
28    specifies the pathname of a savebox.  The suffix sv.mbx is added if
29    necessary.
32 -user STR
33    specifies either a user's default mailbox or an entry in the system
34    mail table (see "Notes on mailbox selection by user" below).
35 STR
36    is any noncontrol argument and is first interpreted as -mailbox STR.
37    If no mailbox is found, it is then interpreted as -save.  If no
38    savebox is found, it is then interpreted as -user STR.
41 Control arguments:
42 -interactive_messages, -im
43    returns "true" if there are any interactive messages in the mailbox.
44    (Default)
45 -mail, -ml
46    returns "true" if there is any mail in the mailbox.  (Default)
47 -no_interactive_messages, -nim
48    returns "true" only if there is mail in the mailbox, ignoring
49    whether there are any interactive messages present.
50 -no_mail, -nml
51    returns "true" only if there are interactive messages in the
52    mailbox, ignoring whether there is any mail in the mailbox.
55 Notes on mailbox selection by user: The user's default mailbox is
56 specified in the form Person_id.Project_id.  For an entry in the mail
57 table, STR is usually in the form of Person_id (the mail table is
58 fully described in the Extended Mail System User's Guide, CH23).
61 If STR contains one period and no white space, it is interpreted as a
62 User_id that specifies a user's default mailbox; otherwise, it is
63 interpreted as the name of an entry in the mail table.  For example,
64    -user Smith.SiteSA
65 is interpreted as a User_id that identifies a default mailbox.  On the
66 other hand,
67    -user "John M. Morton"
68    -user J.C.Meade
69    -user Meade
70 are all interpreted as the names of entries in the mail table: the
71 first because it contains white space; the second because it contains
72 more than one period; the third because it contains no period.
75 When interpreted as a User_id, the STR cannot contain any angle
76 brackets (<>) and must have the form Person_id.Project_id, where
77 "Person_id" cannot exceed 28 characters and "Project_id" 32 characters.
78 In this case, "-user STR" is equivalent to the mbx_specification
79 -mailbox >udd>Project_id>Person_id>Person_id.mbx.
81 When interpreted as the name of a mail table entry, STR cannot contain
82 any commas, colons, semicolons, backslashes (\), parentheses, angle
83 brackets, braces ({}), quotes, commercial at-signs (@), or white space
84 other than spaces.  The query of the mail table is performed in a
85 case-insensitive manner.  Use the display_mailing_address command to
86 determine the actual address corresponding to the STR.  The address in
87 the mail table must identify a mailbox.
90 Access required: You must have rs extended access to the mailbox;
91 however, if you give -mail but doesn't select -no_interactive_messages,
92 you only need s extended access.