1 03/05/85 Hardcore Wait Event Identifiers
3 The ring-0 wait/notify protocol requires that a 36-bit identifier be
4 supplied to indicate the event of interest. When a process waits,
5 this event identifier is specified by the process that notices that
6 the event has occurred i.e. the process that notifies the event.
7 This info segment contains a description of all wait identifiers in
8 use by the system, with a brief description of each. The identifiers
9 are given in octal, with ASCII interpretations where appropriate.
12 Wait event identifiers:
13 000000000071
14 tty_buf lock
15 000000000072
16 FNP dump/patch event
17 000000000073
18 FNP meter event
19 000000000074
20 tty_area lock
21 000000000105
22 Syserr log event lock on paged syserr_log header
23 000000002000
24 User unlock event wire_proc
25 000555000000
26 System search rules lock
29 000000xxxxxx
30 Page I/O Event xxxxx is the offset of the PTW in sst_seg
31 143150xxxxxx "ch"xx
32 IOI channel table entry cte lock event xxxxxx is the offset of
33 the cte in ioi_data
34 144142155137 "dbm_"
35 Volume Dumper bit map lock
36 144154141171 "dlay"
37 Set when a process wishes to delay briefly in ring 0
38 144155160162 "dmpr"
39 Volume Dumper Label-Read lock
40 144162154163 "drls"
41 Directory lock table event
42 144163153167 "dskw"
43 Disk wait event
46 144166xxxxxx "dv"xx
47 IOI device table entry dte lock event xxxxxx is the offset of the
48 dte in ioi_data
49 146156160144 "fnpd"
50 FNP dump segment event
51 151157141164 "ioat"
52 I/O Attach Table
53 151157160164 "iopt"
54 I/O page table lock event
55 160164154167 "ptlw"
56 Global page table lock
57 164141160145 "tape"
58 Tape IO Event
59 200000000000
60 Temp wiring event
63 333000000xxx
64 VTOC I/O Event xxx is the index into the VTOC buffer array if xxx
65 is between 1 and the number of VTOC buffers
66 Global VTOC Buffer Lock if xxx is 1 + the number of VTOC buffers
67 301000000xxx
68 Pvtx hold lock
69 400000000000
70 Global AST lock
71 444000xxxxxx
72 Volmap lock
73 445000xxxxxx
74 Volmap idle lock
75 446000xxxxx
76 VTOC map lock
79 55500000000
80 Volume Scavenger lock
81 66600000000
82 Page control lock for DM
83 777777777776
84 salv_data lock for online salvaging
85 xxxxxxxxxxxx
86 Directory Lock Event, where xxxxxxxxxxxx is the unique-identifier of
87 the directory note that 777777777777 is the unique-identifier of
88 the root directory.