1 01/10/83  graphics_editor, ge
  3 Syntax:  ge paths
  6 Function:  Creates and modifies graphic structures interactively.
  9 Arguments:
 10 path
 11    is the pathname of a segment containing editor commands and assignments.
 12    The segment must have a suffix of "ge".
 15 Editor requests:
 16 Requests fall into two categories-- commands and assignments.
 17 Newlines may terminate statements unless an assignment is pending,
 18 there exist some unclosed sets of parentheses, or the character
 19 preceding the newline is a comma.  A semicolon is ALWAYS required to
 20 end a statement if it contains ANY assignments.  As a general rule--
 21 when in doubt, type semicolon.
 23 A complete specification of the assignment language and descriptions
 24 of complex operations is too lengthy to place into an info file.  The
 25 interested user may find this information in the MPM Graphics
 26 Reference Manual.
 29 List of positional elements:
 30 setposition {x {y {z}}}, sps {x {y {z}}}
 31 setpoint {x {y {z}}}, spt {x {y {z}}}
 32 vector {x {y {z}}}, vec {x {y {z}}}
 33 shift {x {y {z}}}, sft {x {y {z}}}
 34 point {x {y {z}}}, pnt {x {y {z}}}
 35    where x, y, and z are numbers.  (DEFAULT-- 0.)
 38 List of modal elements:
 39 intensity i, int i
 40    where i is one of the identifiers off, on, or full; or a number
 41    from 0 through 7.  (DEFAULT-- full.)
 42 linetype l, lin l
 43    where l is one of the identifiers solid, dashed, dotted,
 44    dash_dotted, or long_dashed; or the numbers 0 through 4
 45    respectively.  (DEFAULT-- solid.)
 48 blink b, blk b
 49    where b is one of the identifiers steady or blinking; or 0 or 1
 50    respectively.  (DEFAULT-- steady.)
 51 sensitivity s, sns s
 52    where s is one of the identifiers insensitive or sensitive; or 0
 53    or 1 respectively.  (DEFAULT-- insensitive.)
 54 color {r {b {g}}}
 55    where r, b, and g are numbers in the range 0 through 63,
 56    representing relative saturations of red, blue, and green
 57    respectively.  (DEFAULT-- 63.)
 60 List of mapping elements:
 61 rotation {x {y {z}}}, rot {x {y {z}}}
 62    where x, y, and z are numbers representing degrees.  (DEFAULT-- 0)
 63    scaling {x {y {z}}}, scl {x {y {z}}} where x, y, and z are numbers.
 64    (DEFAULT-- 1)
 67 List of miscellaneous elements:
 68 null
 69    is the graphic no-op and takes no arguments.
 70 text str align
 71    where str is a string optionally enclosed in quotes and align is an
 72    alignment chosen from the following list: upper_left, ul;
 73    upper_center, uc; upper_right, ur; left, l; center, c; right, r;
 74    lower_left, ll; lower_center, lc; lower_right, lr; or the numbers 0
 75    through 9 respectively.
 76 datablock str, data str
 77    where str is a string optionally enclosed in quotes.
 80 List of system macros:
 81 circle x y
 82    where x and y are numbers representing the relative location of
 83    the center of the desired circle.  The current graphic position
 84    defines the perimeter.
 85 arc x y frac
 86    where x and y are as for circle; and frac is a number specifying
 87    the desired fraction of the circle.
 88 box x y
 89    where x and y are numbers specifying the dimensions of the box.
 92 polygon x y n
 93    where x and y are as for circle; n specifies the number of sides.
 94 ellipse x y eccen ang frac
 95    where x, y, and frac are as for arc; eccen is a number specifying
 96    the desired ratio of major to minor axis;  and ang is a number
 97    specifying the angle between the x axis and the major axis.
 98 varying_text str align w h table, vtext str align w h table
 99    where str and align as as for text;  w and h are numbers specifying
100    the (average) desired width and height of each character in the
101    string; and table is the path or name of a graphic character table.
104 List of editor commands:
105 display exprn, di exprn
106    erases the screen and displays the object exprn.
107 list items {-control_args}, ls items {-control_args}
108    lists symbols, macros, and other defined items.  Control arguments
109    allowed are--
110    -commands, -com
111       list editor commands.
112    -system, -sys
113       list system symbols.
114    -macros, -mc
115       list user-defined macros (DEFAULT).
116    -symbols, -sym
117       list user-defined symbols (DEFAULT).
118    -all, -a
119       list all of the above.
122 show exprn
123    prints an abbreviated description of exprn.
124 replay exprn
125    prints a description of exprn in assignment notation, suitable for
126    later re-input to the editor.
127 macro show name_1 ... name_N,
128 macro replay name_1 ... name_N
129    same as show and replay commands, for macros.
130 macro macroname arg_1 ... arg_n = exprn
131    defines a macro named macroname with dummy arguments arg_1 ... arg_N
132    as the editor request exprn.
133 use path
134    loads the contents of the PGS named path.
135 save path
136    saves all known graphic items into the PGS named path.
139 get {-control_args} (path) name_1 ... name_N,
140 put {-control_args} (path) name_1 ... name_N
141    transfers the specified graphic items between the editor and the
142    PGS named path.  Control arguments handle the action taken on
143    symbol name duplication.  Parentheses around path are required.
144    -safe
145       halt the transfer and print error message (DEFAULT)
146    -force
147       overwrite the old contents.
148    -replace_only, -rpo
149       force the named symbol.  On duplication of inferior symbols, use
150       existing copy.  Create null symbols for other inferior symbols.
151    -replace_all, -rpa
152       like -rpo, except contents of inferior symbols which do not already
153       exist are transferred.
156 execute command_line, exec command_line
157    passes command_line to the command processor.
158 quit, q
159    is used to exit from the editor.
162 restart
163    reinitializes the editor.
164 help, ?
165    directs the user to relevant documentation.
166 read path
167    reads and interprets the editor requests contained in the segment
168    named path.  The segment must have the suffix "ge".
169 vtext_type table, vtype table
170    sets the default graphic character table for varying_text elements.
171 input (devicename) sym_1 ... sym_N
172    requests "what" graphic input from device devicename and defines
173    sym_1 ... sym_N to be the result.  Valid device names are-- any,
174    joystick, keyboard, lightpen, mouse, pen_tablet, terminal_program,
175    and trackball.
176 .
177    identifies the version of the invocation of the graphics_editor in use.
180 increment <count> <delay> <expern>, inc <count> <delay> <expern>
181    increments the parameter values of the single positional, modal,
182    or mapping terminal graphic element specified by <expern> <count
183    times with a delay of <delay> seconds between increments.
184 synchronize, synch
185    causes the graphics system to await the completion of all
186    previously received increment commands.