1 08/01/84  gcos_fms, gfms
 3 Syntax as a command:  gfms REEL_NUMBER {-control_args}
 6 Function:
 7 Unload files from a GCOS master or user save tape.  Provides a
 8 convenient means of transporting files from a GCOS environment to
 9 use with the Multics GCOS simulators ("gcos" and "gtss" commands).
10 Multics directory hierarchy is created, along with any segments or
11 multi-segment files, to contain the GCOS catalog structure.
14 Arguments:
15 REEL_NUMBER is the tape reel identifier of the input save
16 tape.  This is in the form of a string of alphaumeric
17 characters (e.g., AAAAA).
20 Control arguments:
21 -density N, -den N
22    specifies that the the tape density is N where N is 200, 556, 800,
23    1600 or 6250.  This argument is usually not necessary since the
24    tape density is determined by inspection.
25 -track N, -tk N
26    where N is either "7" or "9" to specify 7 or 9 track tape.  If
27    the track argument is not included, the system DEFAULTS to 9
28    track.
29 -restore UMC_NAME, -rest UMC_NAME
30    restores the GCOS catalog structure identified by umc_name (user
31    master catalog name).  The DEFAULT is obtained from the catalog on
32    the tape.  (See "Notes" below.)
35 -directory_mapping RULE_NAME, -drm RULE_NAME
36    establishes the directory mapping rule for the restore process.
37    The rule_name should be entered as "umc", "smc", or "wd".  If smc
38    is selected, then the control_arg "-smc_pathname path" must also
39    be supplied.  DEFAULT is wd.  (See "Notes" below.)
40 -smc_pathname PATH, -spn PATH
41    establishes the pathname for smc directory mapping if the
42    -directory_mapping smc argument is supplied.
43 -no_acl
44    prevents the ACL (access control list) for the segments containing
45    the GCOS files from being determined from the permissions
46    information on the SAVE TAPE (usually this information would be
47    unrelated to Multics ACL's).
50 -control_file PATH, -cf PATH
51    PATH specifies the pathname of a Multics segment containing a
52    list of (only) those GCOS user names whose files are to be
53    unloaded.  The contents of this segment are in the form
54    "restorelist: user_name1 {, user_name2}...  ;" free format.
57 Notes:
58 The execution of gcos_fms with just a reel identifier results in
59 determining the density dynamically, determining whether a MASTER
60 or USER SAVE from tape information, and using the caller's working
61 directory.
63 The restored structure is placed in the Multics storage system
64 depending on the option given with the -directory_mapping
65 argument.  If the mapping rule is umc, the initial catalog (UMC)
66 is placed beneath the directory ">udd>umc_name", where umc_name
67 represents the name given after the -restore argument.  Thus all
68 subordinate structures are placed under the directory
69 ">udd>umc_name>umc_name".  If the mapping rule is smc, the UMC
70 catalog is placed immediately under the directory named with the
71 -smc_pathname argument.  If the mapping rule is wd, the current
74 working directory is taken to be synonymous with the UMC catalog.
75 All subordinate structure is placed below the working directory.
77 The user process must have sma access to the directory below which
78 the restore is to be done.  For a restore with mapping rule "umc",
79 this usually requires the cooperation of the System Administrator
80 to either create the directory >udd>user_name, or to add the name
81 user_name to an existing project.