1 05/08/84  get_library_segment, gls
 3 Syntax as a command:  gls seg_names {-control_args}
 6 Function: finds source or object segments in the Multics system
 7 libraries and copies them into your current working directory.  You
 8 can specify which system libraries are to be searched and the order of
 9 the search.  You can also search for user libraries that may not be
10 organized like the Multics system libraries.  (See "Notes on
11 operation" below.)
13 This command has functionally been replaced by library_fetch.
16 Arguments:
17 seg_names
18    are the names of the segments to be found, including any language
19    suffix.
22 Control arguments:
23 -brief, -bf
24    does not print pathnames.  (Default)
25 -control path, -ct path
26    looks in the directory specified by path to find the control
27    segments.  The path argument can be -working_directory (-wd) to
28    specify the current working directory (see "Notes on operation"
29    below).  If -control is not specified, the command looks in the
30    directory >ldd to find its control segments.
31 -long, -lg
32    prints the pathname of the segment from which each segment is
33    copied.
36 -rename new_name, -rn new_name
37    copies the immediately preceding seg_name into your process
38    directory and then into a segment in the working directory.  The
39    new_name can be an equal name, in which case the equal convention is
40    applied to the seg_name; otherwise, the segment created in the
41    working directory is named new_name.  The new_name cannot be a
42    pathname.
43 -sys lname
44    uses the control segment "lname.control".
47 Notes:  If you don't give -sys, get_library_segment uses all the
48 control segments specified in the root directory, whose default is
49 >ldd.  For a complete list of the control segments, type
51 !  list -pn >ldd -all **.control
52    hard
53    standard
54    unbundled
55    auth_maint
56    network
57    languages
58    tools
61 You can give multiple -sys in the same command invocation.  If so, all
62 the control segments referenced by the lnames in these arguments are
63 searched.  The order in which the control segments are processed and
64 searched is determined by the order in which the lnames appear in the
65 command and the directores referenced by each lname appear in the lname
66 control segment.
68 Control arguments and segment names can be interspersed throughout the
69 command invocation.
72 Notes on user libraries:  You can supply -control to extract segments
73 from a user library, causing the command to use a control segment with
74 the pathname path><keyword>.control.  This allows you to search your
75 own library structure, using your own search procedure or one of the
76 Multics system library search procedures listed below.
79 Notes on operation: If you don't select -control, gls searches for
80 segments in one or more of the Multics system libraries.  From each
81 keyword given in a -sys, it constructs a pathname of the form
82 >ldd><keyword>.control.  It uses this as the pathname of a control
83 segment.  This control segment tells gls which directories are to be
84 searched and how to search them.