1 06/13/90  get_bound_seg_info_
 3 Function:  The get_bound_seg_info_ subroutine is used by several
 4 object display programs concerned with bound segments to obtain
 5 information about a segment as a bound segment as well as general
 6 object information.
 9 Syntax:
10 dcl get_bound_seg_info_ entry (ptr, fixed bin(24), ptr, ptr, ptr,
11      fixed bin(35));
12 call get_bound_seg_info_ (obj_ptr, bit_count, oi_ptr, bm_ptr,
13      sblk_ptr, code);
16 Arguments:
17 obj_ptr
18    is a pointer to the beginning of the segment.  (Input)
19 bit_count
20    is the bit count of the segment.  (Input)
21 oi_ptr
22    is a pointer to the object format structure returned by the
23    object_info_$display entry point.  (Input)  This structure is
24    defined in object_info.incl.pl1.
27 bm_ptr
28    is a pointer to the bind map.  (Output)
29 sblk_ptr
30    is a pointer to the base of the symbol block containing the
31    bindmap.  (Output)
32 code
33    is a standard status code.  (Output)
36 Notes:  If obj_ptr points to an object segment but no bindmap is
37 found, two possible codes are returned.  One is
38 error_table_$not_bound, indicating that the segment is not bound.
39 The other is error_table_$oldobj, indicating that the segment was
40 bound before the binder produced internal bind maps.  If either one
41 of these is returned, the structure pointed to by oi_ptr contains
42 valid information.