1 06/20/87  generate_pnotice
  3 Syntax as a command:  generate_pnotice {-control_args}
  6 Function:  allows Multics source and object archives and executable
  7 software to be legally protected via copyright or trade secret notices
  8 and provides software identification via Software Technical Identifiers
  9 (STIs).
 12 Control arguments:
 13 -id STR
 14    specifies the Marketing Identifier (MI) of the product as derived
 15    from psp_info_.  This control argument and -name are mutually
 16    exclusive.
 17 -name STR, -nm STR
 18    specifies the product's generic name found in psp_info_.
 19 -special
 20    used in cases where there may be no entry in psp_info_ for the
 21    software being protected.  This likely occurs when you are
 22    protecting software in a user or development library.  You are
 23    prompted for the information to be put into the PNOTICE segments.
 24    "See Notes".
 26 -sti STR
 27    specifies a valid 12-character Software Technical Identifier (STI).
 28    You can use it to override the STI found in psp_info_ when you give
 29    -name or -id.  Only Honeywell software uses STI's.
 32 Notes:  This command allows protection of software residing in a
 33 library other than the one specified in psp_info_ or of software not
 34 specified in psp_info_, via -special.
 37 The command generates ALM source and object segments with the names of
 38 "PNOTICE_<generic name>.alm" and "PNOTICE_<generic name>", where
 39 <generic name> comes from the psp_info_ data base or from -special.
 42 These segments contain the text of one or more software protection
 43 notices and three 12-character STIs.  The segments are appended to a
 44 product's primary source and object archives, as defined in the
 45 psp_info_ data base.  If you select -special, you must provide these
 46 archive names.  If PNOTICE segments with the same name exist in the
 47 archives, they are replaced.  Order the archives such that PNOTICE
 48 components are the first components (e.g., use archive_sort to place
 49 the PNOTICE component first).  The binding of the object archive places
 50 the protection notices and STIs into the bound segment as well.  Make
 51 the bindfile "Order" statement indicate that the PNOTICE component is
 52 first.  Don't retain the PNOTICE entrypoint name in the bound segment.
 55 To find PNOTICE segments' information for installed products, issue the
 56 display_psp command.
 59 Unless you use -special, the source and object archives must be in your
 60 working directory, in which case you must have sma access to the
 61 directory as well as rw access to the archives; then you can specify
 62 archive pathnames to generate_pnotice.  If you supply -special, access
 63 is checked, and if it is not sufficient it is forced; otherwise, access
 64 is not forced.
 67 When -special is selected, the following set of questions is asked.
 68 Have the requested information ready.
 71 Generic name?
 72    You supply a short (<= 20 characters) name that is descriptive of
 73    the module(s) being protected.  The name can be the same one
 74    contained in psp_info_ if the module is a newer version; otherwise,
 75    you can create the name.
 78 STI?
 79    This is the Software Technical Identifier, a 12-character identifier
 80    used by Honeywell to provide information on released software
 81    products.  It can be blank for user software.
 84 Include the notices from psp_info?
 85    The module(s) being protected have an entry in psp_info_.  You are
 86    asked whether the notices there are to be included.
 89 Source pnotice name?
 90    You are asked to provide primary names of notices, without the
 91    .pnotice suffix, for protection of source.  The default arguments
 92    -default_copyright (-dc) or -default_trade_secret (-dts) may be
 93    input in place of the primary name.  When done, type "q".  Use the
 94    list_pnotice_names command for available names.
 97 Object pnotice name?
 98    You are asked to provide primary names of notices, without the
 99    .pnotice suffix, for protection of object and executable.  The
100    default arguments -default_copyright (-dc) or -default_trade_secret
101    (-dts) may be input in place of the primary name.  When done, type
102    "q".  Use the list_pnotice_names command for available names.
105 Pathname of source archive?
106    You are asked to provide an archive pathname of the source archive.
107    The ".archive" suffix is not required, but can be given.
110 Pathname of object archive?
111    You are asked to provide an archive pathname of the object archive.
112    The suffix .archive is not required, but can be given.
115 These two archives need reside neither in the same directory nor in the
116 working directory.  Using the same archive for both source and object
117 pnotices, will cause an archive format error.
120 A given archive may contain several copyright notices or several trade
121 secret notices or a public domain notice, but cannot contain a mixture
122 of pnotice types.
125 Further information on the software protection commands can be found in
126 the Multics Library Maintenance SDN (Order No.  AN80).