1 02/07/86  general_ready, gr
  3 Syntax as a command:  gr {-control_args}
  6 Syntax as an active function:  [gr {-control_args}]
  9 Function: prints a ready message containing specified values in a
 10 specified format.
 13 Control arguments (prefix): You must use these control arguments
 14    prior to the format ones.  They allow you to override the default
 15    formats for the contents of the ready message.
 16 -control
 17    allows you to specify the entire ioa_ control string used to format
 18    the ready message.  The string is passed to ioa_$nnl without change
 19    so it must contain specifications for each of the various values to
 20    be included in the ready message.  The ioa_ control string formats
 21    for the various values that you can insert into the ready message
 22    are given below for each type of value (see "List of Format Control
 23    Arguments").  This control argument overrides any format arguments
 24    that would normally affect the format of the ready message; however,
 25    you must still give format keywords to indicate which values are to
 26    be output and the order in which these values correspond to the ioa_
 27    control characters in the control string.
 30 -string
 31    allows you to specify the character string at the beginning of the
 32    ready message.  The argument following -string is used instead of
 33    "r" at the beginning of the ready message.  Since it is put into the
 34    ioa_ control string, you can use "^/", "^R", and "^B" to cause new
 35    lines, red ribbon shifts, and black ribbon shifts, respectively.
 38 Control arguments (format): The format and content of the ready
 39    message are controlled by format control arguments.  They include
 40    control arguments that identify values to be included in the ready
 41    message, optional precision numbers following some of these control
 42    arguments that control the number of digits after the decimal point
 43    in numeric values, and literal character strings that are inserted
 44    in the ready message.  The format control arguments are combined in
 45    the order of their appearance in general_ready to form an ioa_
 46    control string that controls the format of the ready message.
 48    Processor usage values--
 49 -active_string STR, -astr STR
 50    expands the active string STR each time the ready message is
 51    printed.
 54 -inc_rcpu {N}
 55    incremental real CPU value.
 56 -inc_vcpu {N}
 57    incremental virtual CPU value.
 58 -total_rcpu {N}
 59    total real CPU value.
 60 -total_vcpu {N}
 61    total virtual CPU value.
 63    where N can be a single numeric digit from 1 to 9, indicating the
 64    number of digits that should appear to the right of the decimal
 65    point in the number that is output.  The default is three digits.
 66    The output format of the value can be described by the ioa_ control
 67    string "^.Nf", where N is 3 by default.
 70    Memory usage values--
 71 -inc_mem_units {N}
 72    incremental units.
 73 -total_mem_units {N}
 74    total memory units.
 76    These control arguments are used in the same manner as the ones for
 77    processor usage values.
 80    Usage cost values--
 81 -inc_cost {N}
 82    incremental cost charges.
 83 -total_cost {N}
 84    cost charges.
 86    These control arguments are used in the same manner as the ones for
 87    processor usage values except that the default number of digits
 88    following the decimal point is two.  The output format of the value
 89    can be described by the ioa_ control string " $^.Nf" where N is 2
 90    by default.
 93    Paging operations values--
 94 -inc_bf
 95    incremental bounds faults.
 96 -inc_pft
 97    incremental page faults.
 98 -inc_sf
 99    incremental segment faults.
100 -inc_vr
101    incremental VTOC reads.
102 -inc_vw
103    incremental VTOC writes.
104 -total_bf
105    bounds faults
106 -total_pft
107    page faults.
110 -total_sf
111    segment faults.
112 -total_vr
113    VTOC reads.
114 -total_vw
115    VTOC writes.
117    These control arguments are output by the ioa_ control string "^d",
118    where ^d is the number of demand page faults.
121   Command processor values--
122 -level, -lev
123    specifies the number of command processor invocations to be included
124    in the ready message.  The level numbers are output by the ioa_
125    control string "^a", but the printed format can be described by
126    "level ^d".  If the command processor level is 1, the printed format
127    is the null string.  The number of digits is not settable.
128 -frame, -fr
129    specifies the number of stack frame level numbers to be included in
130    the ready message.  The level numbers are output by the ioa_ control
131    string "^a", but the printed format can be described by "frame ^d".
132    If the command processor level is 1, the printed format is the null
133    string.
134    If you give both control arguments, the printed format can be
135    described by "level ^d,^d".
138    Date/time values--
139 -date
140    your default date format.  Type "print_time_defaults date" to
141    display the format and "gr -date" to display a sample date value.
142 -date_time
143    your default date/time format.  Type "print_time_defaults date_time"
144    to display the format and "gr -date_time" to display a sample
145    date/time value.
146 -day
147    two-digit day (dd).
148 -day_name
149    three-character day of the week (www).
150 -hour
151    two-digit hour (hh).
154 -minute
155    two-digit minute (mm)
156 -month
157    two-digit month (mm).
158 -time, -tm
159    your default time format.  Type "print_time_defaults time" to
160    display the format and "gr -time" to display a sample value.
161 -time_format STR, -tfmt STR
162    where STR is a time format control string defining a user-specified
163    format for any of the various date values (see time_format.gi).
166 -year
167    two-digit year (yy)
168 -zone
169    three-character time zone (zzz).
171    These values can be described by the ioa control string "^a" except
172    for the -min, -day, and -year control arguments, which use the ioa_
173    control string "^a" (without a leading space).  The number of
174    digits is not settable.
177 Control arguments (operation): The following control arguments affect
178    the operation of general_ready, but do not change the format of
179    ready messages.
180 -set
181    establishes general_ready as the current ready message procedure and
182    sets an alarm timer to catch shift changes.  The command processor
183    then calls general_ready to print a ready message after each command
184    line is complete.  In addition, the ready, ready_on, and ready_off
185    system commands determine the operation of general_ready.
186 -revert
187    makes the system ready procedure the current ready message procedure
188    and resets any timer alarms to catch shift changes.
191 -reset
192    resets incremental usage values to zero without printing a ready
193    message.
194 -call cmdline
195    when used with -set, calls the command processor to execute cmdline
196    after the completion of every command line.  The argument cmdline is
197    a single argument to general_ready and you must therefore enclose it
198    in quotes if it contains any blanks.  A frequent use of -call is
199    "-call print_messages -brief"; cmdline is executed even if the
200    printing of ready messages has been inhibited by executing
201    ready_off.
204 Notes on operation control arguments: The -set and -revert control
205 arguments are mutually exclusive.  A general_ready command that
206 includes -set does not print a ready message; instead it saves the ioa_
207 control string built from the format and prefix control arguments in
208 the command and uses this ioa_ string to control the format of ready
209 messages printed when command lines complete execution or when a ready
210 command is issued.  A general_ready command that includes -revert
211 prints a single ready message only if format or prefix control
212 arguments appear in the command with -revert; otherwise no ready
213 message is printed.
215 If you give neither -set nor -revert, general_ready prints one ready
216 message according to the format and prefix arguments given in the
217 command.
220 The program is designed to allow an almost arbitrary format at no
221 additional cost (relative to the system's ready procedure) other than
222 the one associated with general_ready, which sets up the ready message.
223 Once a ready message is specified, the ready, ready_on, and ready_off
224 commands control the printing of the ready message in the normal
225 manner.
228 The command builds up an ioa_ control string (see the Subroutines
229 manual) from the order of the keywords passed to it.  The keywords
230 specify which values to output in the ready message.  Virtual CPU usage
231 and cost can be printed.  Both incremental usage (usage accrued since
232 the last ready message produced by general_ready) and total usage
233 (usage accrued during this process) can be in the same ready message
234 with the precision of the output (the number of decimal places to the
235 right of the decimal point) you specified.  As a command, you can use
236 general_ready to either print a single ready message or define the
237 contents of the ready message printed by the ready command (and after
238 every command line if you execute ready_on); as an active function, the
239 return value is the ready message.
242 The values for total virtual CPU time and total memory units is valid
243 across new processes.  The value for cost is valid unless a shift
244 change occurred during a previous process.  When you invoke
245 general_ready for the first time in a process, the cost of all usage in
246 that process up to that time is computed at the rates then in effect.
248 Due to the manner in which ready message procedures and procedures that
249 set up alarm timers are invoked, such procedures should not be
250 terminated (by the terminate and terminate_refname commands).  If you
251 want to terminate general_ready, invoke it with -revert before it is
252 terminated.