1 08/01/84  gcos_label_tape, gclt
 3 Syntax as a command:  gclt reel_num {new_num} {-control_args}
 6 Function:  The gcos_label_tape command writes a GCOS label on a tape.
 9 Arguments:
10 reel_num
11    is the number on the label of the tape reel to be used.
12 new_num
13    is the new serial number to be written on the tape.  If it is the
14    same as the reel_num, it may be omitted.
17 Control arguments:
18 -density N, -den N
19    where N specifies the tape density.  (Default is 1600 bpi)
20 -erase
21    erases the tape before labeling it.  Default is to overwrite the old
22    label (if it exists), and leave the remaining data intact.
23 -no_erase
24    does not erase the tape before labeling it.  (Default)
25 -track N, -tk N:  where N specifies 7- or 9-track tape.  (Default is
26    9-track)
29 Notes:  If no control arguments are given, the command:
30      gclt xyz12
31 is equivalent to the command:
32      gclt xyz12 xyz12 -tk 9 -den 1600 -no_erase
33 If conflicting control arguments are given, the rightmost control
34 argument is used (e.g., "gclt m1266 -tk 7 -tk 9" results in a 9-track
35 tape label.)