1 08/01/83  gcos_card_utility, gcu
  3 Syntax as a command:  gcu {-input} INPUT {-input control args}
  4    {-output} OUTPUT {-output control args}
  7 Function:
  8 Copies GCOS Standard System Format files or tapes, altering their
  9 format, content, and medium, as specified.  Converts between GCOS
 10 Standard System Format files, tape, or card images and Multics ASCII
 11 text files or other GCOS files.
 14 Arguments:
 17    specify the files to read and write.  These files are either
 18    segments or on tape.  Files are specified either by a single
 19    pathname, -tape or -attached, or -list.  Pathnames may have the
 20    suffixes ".ascii", ".gcos", ".raw", or ".comdk" to indicate their
 21    format.
 24 List of input control arguments:
 25 -input, -in
 26    specifies the beginning of the input part of the command.  Not
 27    necessary if the input is a single pathname.
 28 -brief, -bf
 29    suppresses printing of nonfatal error messages.
 30 -long, -lg
 31    prints names of snumbs, edit names, tape file names, and Multics
 32    pathnames as they are read from input.  Prints all input item names
 33    and indicates those selected for copying.
 36 List of input control arguments (to specify format):
 37 -ascii, -aci
 38    specifies Multics ASCII text format.  May be omitted if the
 39    pathname has the suffix ".ascii".  This is the default format for
 40    non-tape files.
 41 -gcos, -gc
 42    indicates file is in GCOS Standard System Format.  The media code
 43    of the data is determined for each record read.  May be omitted of
 44    the pathname has the suffix ".gcos" or if the input is tape which
 45    must be gcos format.
 46 -raw
 47    indicates file contains card images, in the format accepted by the
 48    Multics I/O daemon, for card input in raw mode.  May be omitted if
 49    the pathname has the suffix ".raw".
 52 -comdk, -cdk
 53    will decompresses any COMDKs present.  May be omitted if pathname
 54    has the suffix ".comdk".
 57 List of input control arguments (to specify tabs and truncation):
 58 -canonicalize, -can
 59    perform canonicalization.
 60 -no_canonicalize, -ncan
 61    do not perform canonicalization.
 62 -tabs TABSTOPS
 63    supplies logical tab stops to be used for canonicalization.
 64    TABSTOPS is a list of the numeric tabstops.
 65 -truncate, -tc
 66    truncates lines to 80 characters without warning.
 69 List of input control arguments (to process imcv and library files):
 70 -imcv NAMES
 71    specifies that the input is an IMCV tape or file from which the
 72    jobs listed by NAMES are to be extracted into separate output
 73    files.  NAMES may be either a list of snumbs, or "-all" meaning to
 74    extract all jobs, or -file_input PATH (see).
 75 -library NAMES, -lib NAMES
 76    input file contains several source decks where NAMES is a list of
 77    edit names of decks to extract from the library to write to
 78    separate output files.  NAMES may be either a list of edit names,
 79    or "-all" meaning to extract all decks, or -file_input PATH (see).
 80 -list NAMES, -ls NAMES
 81    specifies a list of Multics files as input.  NAMES is either a list
 82    of file names or -file_input PATH (see).
 85 -file_input PATH, -fi PATH
 86    specifies that the NAMES list is contained in a segment whose
 87    pathname is PATH.
 88 -label LABEL, -lbl LABEL
 89    selects the tape file identified by LABEL for reading.  LABEL is
 90    either the tape file name or the ordinal number of the desired file
 91    on the tape.
 94 List of input control arguments (to select records):
 95 -first N, -ft N
 96    is the number of the first line to be copied.
 97 -last N, -lt N
 98    is the number of the last line to be copied.
 99 -count N, -ct N
100    is the number of lines to be copied.
103 List of input or output control arguments (for tape processing):
104 -tape TAPE_ID
105    specifies a GCOS magnetic tape as input or output.  TAPE_ID is
106    either the tape number or the tape number with the deensity
107    appended as 12345,den=1600.  The default density is 800 bpi.
108 -attached, -att
109    tape remains attached from a previous use of this command.
110 -retain, -ret
111    tape remains attached when the command finishes.
112 -detach, -det
113    detaches a tape retained by a previous use of this command.
116 List of output control arguments:
117 -output, -out
118    specifies the beginning of the output part of the command.  Not
119    necessary if the output is a single pathname and unambiguous.
120 -brief, -bf
121    suppresses printing of nonfatal error messages.
122 -long, -lg
123    Names items selected for copying as they are written to output.
124    Prints all input item names and indicates those selected for
125    copying.
128 List of output control arguments (to specify format):
129 -ascii, -aci
130    specifies Multics ASCII text format.  May be omitted if the
131    pathname has the suffix ".ascii".  This is the default format for
132    non-tape files.
133 -gcos, -gc
134    indicates file is in GCOS Standard System Format.  The output will
135    be GCOS BCD card images (media code 2) if the input is Multics
136    ASCII.  Otherwise, the output records are copied directly from the
137    input (except COMDK records which may be expanded, and binary
138    records which are never copied).  May be omitted of the pathname
139    has the suffix ".gcos".  This is the default format for output tape
140    files.
143 -gcos_ascii, -gca
144    indicates the output file is written as a GCOS time-sharing ASCII
145    file.
146 -gcos_bcd, -gcb
147    indicates the output file is written as a GCOS BCD card image file
148    (media code 2).
149 -raw
150    indicates file contains card images, in the format produced by the
151    Multics I/O daemon, for card output in raw mode.  May be omitted if
152    the pathname has the suffix ".raw".
153 -comdk, -cdk
154    will compress all cards except binary cards and dollar cards before
155    writing them to the output file.  May be omitted if pathname has
156    the suffix ".comdk".
159 List of output control arguments (to write to output files):
160 -append, -app
161    appends output to an already existing output file immediately
162    following its current contents.
163 -label LABEL, -lbl LABEL
164    write the file out to tape with the file name specified by LABEL.
165 -list NAMES, -ls NAMES
166    specifies a list of Multics files to be copied into.  NAMES is
167    either a list of file names, or -file_input PATH, or "-name" which
168    indicates that the files names are to taken from the edit names of
169    an input library or the snumb names of an imcv file.
172 -file_input PATH, -fi PATH
173    specifies that the NAMES list is contained in a segment whose
174    pathname is PATH.
175 -truncate, -tc
176    truncate the output records to 80 characters.
179 Notes:
180 Only GCOS BCD card image files (media code 2) are limited to 80
181 characters per record (line or card).  The -truncate control argument
182 must be used when writing lines longer than 80 characters to such a
183 file.
185 When converting GCOS files to Multics ASCII, non-comdk binary records
186 are discarded since they cannot be converted.
188 Multics or GCOS ASCII files containing tab characters must be
189 canonicalized if converted to non-ASCII.
191 Only GCOS files may be read from or written to tape.
194 Examples:
195 A Multics ASCII segment "readable.jcl" is to be converted into a GCOS
196 BCD card image file named "GJOB".  Canonicalization is to be done with
197 tab stops at 8, 16, and 32:
198    gcu readable.jcl -ascii -can -tabs 8 16 32 -out GJOB -gcos_bcd
199 A GCOS TSS formated file "SPCWRS" is to be converted into a Multics
200 ASCII segment:
201    gcu SPCWRS -gcos space_wars.fortran
202 The source program "TSSA" is to be extracted from GCOS 800bpi tape
203 "U8421" which is a library of COMDKs (a K* tape):
204    gcu -in -tape u8421 -comdk -lib tssa -out tssa.ascii
205 A GCOS BCD file named "pswdlst.gcos" is to be converteed to a Multics
206 ASCII text file:
207    gcu pswdlst.gcos password.list.ascii
210 A GCOS 1600bpi tape "12DO" contains a BCD file to be copied to a
211 Multics ASCII text file called "gcos_manuals":
212    gcu -input -tape 12do,den=1600 -output gcos_manuals -ascii