1 03/31/83  g115_
 4 Syntax for Attach Description:
 5    g115_ -control_args
 8 Function: The g115_ I/O module performs stream I/O to a remote I/O
 9 terminal that has the characteristics of the Honeywell Level 6 remote
10 batch facility (G115 type).  The hardware options currently supported
11 are defined by the control arguments described below.
13 Entry points in this module are not called directly by users; rather,
14 the module is accessed through the I/O system.
17 Control arguments:
18    The following control arguments are optional, with the exception of
19    -comm, -device, and -tty:
20 -ascii
21    uses the ASCII character set.  This is the default.  This argument
22    is accepted for compatibility with other terminal I/O modules.
23 -auto_call N
24    specifies the phone number, N, to be called via the auto call unit
25    on the specified communications channel.
26 -comm STR
27    uses the communications I/O module specified by STR.  Currently, the
28    only permissible value for STR is "rci".  This argument is required
29    for compatibility with all other I/O modules used by the I/O daemon.
32 -device STR
33    attaches the subdevice specified by STR.  STR can be printer, punch,
34    reader, or teleprinter.
35 -physical_line_length N, -pll N
36    specifies the physical line length, N, of the output device.  This
37    argument is accepted for compatibility with other terminal I/O
38    modules.
39 -terminal_type STR, -ttp STR
40    STR specifies the terminal type whose conversion, translation, and
41    special tables defined in the user or system terminal type table
42    (TTT) are used to convert and translate input and output to and from
43    the device.  If not specified, no conversion or translation is
44    performed.  See "Notes" below.
45 -tty STR
46    connects the remote I/O terminal to the communications channel named
47    STR.
50 Open Operation:
51 The g115_ I/O module supports stream_input, stream_output, and
52 stream_input_output opening modes.
55 Put Chars Operation:
56 The put_chars entry blocks the data to be written into blocks of up to
57 324 characters and transmits them to the specified communications
58 channel.
61 Get Chars Operation:
62 The get_chars entry reads blocks of up to 324 characters and returns
63 the number of characters requested up to the next record separator.
66 List of Control Operations:
67    This I/O module supports all the control operations supported by the
68    tty_ I/O module, plus the following:
69 end_write_mode
70    prevents the g115_ module from returning until all outstanding
71    output has been written to the attached channel.
74 hangup_proc
75    sets up a procedure to be called if the communications channel hangs
76    up.  The hangup_proc structure has this form:
77       dcl 1 hangup_proc aligned,
78             2 entry entry variable,
79             2 datap ptr,
80             2 prior fixed bin;
81    where:
82    entry
83       is the entry to call when a hangup is detected.
84    datap
85       is a pointer to data for the hangup procedure.
86    prior
87       is the ipc_ event call priority to be associated with hangup
88       notification.
91 reset
92    sets the edited mode of output conversion.
93 runout
94    transmits any data stored in the output buffer.  There is no input
95    structure.
96 select_device
97    selects the subdevice (printer, punch, or teleprinter) to which
98    output is next directed.  The input structure is of the form:
99       dcl device char(32);