1 03/06/85  forum_remove_project, frpj
 3 Syntax as a command:  frpj meeting_name Project_id
 6 Function:  denies eligibility to all participants who are currently
 7 eligible to attend by virtue of their project participation alone (not
 8 by virtue of their Person_id) from the meeting_name meeting.
11 Arguments:
12 meeting_name
13    is the pathname or entryname of the meeting to be adjusted.
14    Pathnames contain greater-than (>) or less-than (<) characters.  If
15    a pathname is specified, it identifies the meeting to be adjusted.
16    Otherwise, frpj searches for the meeting_name by using the forum
17    search list.
18 Project_id
19    is the Project_id of the project whose members are to be denied
20    participation rights if they lack explicit Person_id participation
21    rights.
24 Access required:  You can use this request if you have either modify
25 permision on the containing directory or chairman access to the
26 meeting.