1 :Info: forum_check_meetings: fckm:  1986-08-07  forum_check_meetings, fckm
  3 Syntax as a command:  fckm {meeting_names} {-control_args}
  6 Function:
  7 establishes a list of changed meetings which can then be successively
  8 visited by the next_meeting (nm) request within the forum subsystem.
 11 Arguments:
 12 meeting_names
 13    are names of meetings to be checked. The star convention is allowed.
 14    If meeting_names are given, the list of changed meetings will
 15    consist of any changed meetings in the list given. If no
 16    meeting_names are given, then the list consists of all changed
 17    meetings which may be found in the "forum" search list.
 20 Control arguments:
 21 -exclude meeting_names, -ex meeting_names
 22    excludes the meetings identified by meeting_names from the changed
 23    meeting list.
 24 -from DT, -fm DT
 25    selects meetings which have changed since the specified time.  DT is
 26    any string acceptable to the convert_date_to_binary_ subroutine.
 27    The default is the current time.
 28 -list, -ls
 29    prints the name of each changed meeting and the number of new
 30    transactions in each.
 33 Notes:
 34 The list of changed meetings is accessible to applications outside
 35 of the forum subsystem.  The external variable forum_data_$meeting_list
 36 points to the following structure, which is defined in the include file
 37 forum_meeting_list.incl.pl1:
 40 dcl 1 forums_array aligned,
 41     2 version char (8),
 42     2 no_selected fixed bin,
 43     2 no_changed fixed bin,
 44     2 forums (0 refer (forums_array.no_selected)),
 45       3 long_name char (26) unaligned,
 46       3 short_name char (26) unaligned,
 47       3 path_name char (168) unaligned,
 48       3 chairman char (32) unaligned,
 49       3 uid bit (36) aligned,
 50       3 count fixed bin,
 51       3 last_seen fixed bin,
 52       3 last_trans fixed bin,
 55       3 flags unaligned,
 56         4 eligible bit (1),
 57         4 removed bit (1),
 58         4 notify bit (1),
 59         4 attending bit (1),
 60         4 two_names bit (1),
 61         4 read_only bit (1),
 62         4 attended bit (1),
 63         4 adjourned bit (1),
 64         4 processed bit (1),
 65         4 mbz bit (27),
 66       3 order fixed bin;
 69 where
 70 version
 71    is set to forum_meeting_list_version_1.
 72 no_selected
 73    is the number of meetings in the array.
 74 no_changed
 75    is the number of changed meetings in the list.
 76 long_name
 77    is the primary name of the meeting.
 78 short_name
 79    is an additional name of the meeting.  Valid only if the two_names
 80    flag is set.
 81 path_name
 82    is the full pathname of the meeting.
 85 chairman
 86    is the user_id, as User.Project, of the meeting's chairman.
 87 uid
 88    is the storage system unique identifier of the meeting.
 89 count
 90    is the number of new transactions in the meeting.
 91 last_seen
 92    is the index of the most recent transaction that this user has
 93    seen in this meeting.
 94 last_trans
 95    is the index of the last transaction in the meeting.
 96 eligible
 97    is set if the user is eligible to attend the meeting.
100 removed
101    is set if the user or chairman has turned off the participating
102    switch for this meeting.
103 notify
104    is set if the user's notify switch is on for this meeting.
105 attending
106    is set if the user was attending the meeting when the command
107    was executed.
108 two_names
109    is set when the short_name field is valid.
110 read_only
111    is set if the user does not have access to  enter transactions in
112    the meeting.
115 attended
116    is set if the user has ever attended the meeting.
117 adjourned
118    is set if the meeting is adjourned.
119 processed
120    is set if the next_meeting command has already visited this
121    meeting.  See "Notes on structure" below.
122 mbz
123    is always set to ""b.
124 order
125    is an array which orders the meetings alphabetically.  See
126    "Notes on structure" below.
129 Notes on structure:
131 The array contains information about 'no_selected' meetings.  The
132 'order' array contains sorting information (alphabetical order by short
133 name) that can be used in the following way:
135    do idx = 1 to forums_array.no_selected;
136       process (forums_array.forums (forums_array.forums(idx).order));
137    end;
139 where process is the name of a procedure that uses the information
140 about a single meeting.   This procedure should set the 'processed'
141 flag to indicate that this entry has been used.  The forum
142 'next_meeting' request obeys this protocol.
145 :hcom:
150   1) change(2020-12-14,GDixon), approve(2021-02-22,MCR10088),
151      audit(2021-05-27,Swenson), install(2021-05-27,MR12.6g-0056):
152       A) Change "Syntax:" to "Syntax as a command:" in command info seg
153          last changed after 1984.
154                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */