1 03/29/82 forum.conversion
3 The continuum subsystem has been renamed "forum". Forum is completely
4 compatible with continuum except for changes in the names of the
5 commands and several of the requests, the method of notifications, and
6 the name of the search path used to locate meetings.
8 Before attempting to use the forum subsystem, you should create a "forum"
9 search path which is identical to your "continuum" search path. The Multics
10 command
12 set_search_paths forum print_search_paths continuum
14 will do this. If your start_up.ec changes the "continuum" search path, it
15 should be modified to change the "forum" search path instead.
18 Once you have established a forum search path, use the
19 forum_list_meetings flsm command, formerly con_list_meetings or
20 meeting_list, to obtain information about available forums. You may
21 want to compare the output of the forum_list_meetings and con_list_meetings
22 commands to make sure that you have not lost any meetings. The
23 con_meeting_dir command has been renamed "forum_dir fd".
25 To enter the forum subsystem, use the "forum" command. subsystem.
26 Forum is compatible with continuum with only minor changes which
27 increase the usefullness of the subsystem. The "con_meeting_dir"
28 request has been renamed "forum_dir" and the obsolete name_list request
29 has been deleted, you should use the list_users lsu request instead.
32 In an effort to decrease the cost of entering transactions,
33 notifications will only be sent to users who have explicitly requested
34 them by invoking the forum_accept_notifications fant command. The
35 notify flag must still be set for each meeting for which you wish to
36 receive notifications. To continue to receive notifications from the
37 same meetings you receive them for now, just add the
38 forum_accept_notifications command to your start_up.
41 The correspondence between forum and continuum commands is as follows:
45 forum continuum con
46 forum_list_meetings flsm con_list_meetings clsm
47 forum_list_users flsu con_list_users clsu
48 forum_dir fd con_meeting_dir cmd
49 forum_create fcr create_con_meeting crcm
50 forum_delete fdl delete_con_meeting dlcm
51 forum_add_participant fapt con_add_participant capt
52 forum_remove_participant frpt con_remove_participant crpt
53 forum_add_project fapj con_add_project capj
54 forum_remove_project frpj con_remove_project crpj
55 forum_make_public fmp con_make_public cmp
56 forum_unmake_public fump con_unmake_public cump