1 06/05/87  format_pl1, fp
   3 Syntax as a command:  fp in_path {-control_args}
   6 Function:  formats a PL/I, create_data_segment, reductions, or
   7 pl1_macro source segment to make it more readable.
  10 Arguments:
  11 in_path
  12    is the pathname of the source segment.  Suffixes for PL/I,
  13    create_data_segment, reductions, and pl1_macro are recognized.  If
  14    in_path does not have a recognized suffix, format_pl1 attempts to
  15    use in_path.pl1 or in_path.cds, in that order.
  18 Control arguments:
  19 -brief, -bf
  20    does not print a warning if the prevailing style differs from the
  21    command line modes.
  22 -check_comments, -ckcom
  23    prints a warning if a comment contains "/*".  It is useful if you
  24    have omitted a "*/" from a comment.
  25 -check_strings, -ckstr
  26    prints a warning if a character string constant contains "/*", "*/",
  27    or vertical white space.  It is useful after receiving an error
  28    message indicating that you have omitted a quote from a character
  29    string constant.
  32 -force, -fc
  33    forms the prevailing style by concatenating the default style, the
  34    prevailing style control comment modes, and the command line modes.
  35    If the program already has a prevailing style control comment and
  36    the prevailing style differs from the prevailing style control
  37    comment modes, the prevailing style control comment is deleted.  If
  38    you provide -record_style, a new prevailing style control comment is
  39    inserted.
  40 -long, -lg
  41    prints a warning indicating the modes that differ if the prevailing
  42    style differs from the command line modes.  (Default)
  43 -modes STR, -mode STR, -md STR
  44    specifies a modes string STR used in forming the prevailing style
  45    (see "Notes on prevailing style" below).
  48 -no_check_comments, -nckcom
  49    does not print a warning if a comment contains "/*".  (Default)
  50 -no_check_strings, -nckstr
  51    does not print a warning if a character string constant contains
  52    "/*", "*/", or vertical white space.  (Default)
  53 -no_force, -nfc
  54    forms the prevailing style by concatenating the default style, the
  55    command line modes, and the prevailing style control comment modes.
  56    (Default)
  57 -no_record_style, -nrcst
  58    does not put a control comment in the source specifying the
  59    prevailing style.  (Default)
  60 -no_require_style_comment, -nrqst
  61    formats the source even if it does not already contain a prevailing
  62    style control comment.  (Default)
  65 -no_version, -nver
  66    does not print the version of format_pl1.  (Default)
  67 -output_file path, -of path
  68    specifies the pathname of the formatted source segment.  The equal
  69    convention is allowed.  The suffix of in_path is assumed if not
  70    specified.  If omitted and there were no errors, in_path is
  71    overwritten; if omitted and there were errors, a formatted copy is
  72    left in the process directory.
  73 -record_style, -rcst
  74    puts a control comment in the source specifying the prevailing style
  75    if the source does not already have a prevailing style control
  76    comment.  The comment is placed immediately before the first token
  77    of the program so it does not interfere with copyright notices.
  80 -require_style_comment, -rqst
  81    prints an error message if the source does not already contain a
  82    prevailing style control comment.  This is useful if you are
  83    concerned with accidentally destroying the style of a hand-formatted
  84    program.
  85 -version, -ver
  86    prints the version of format_pl1.
  89 Notes:  Alternate methods of formatting particular language constructs
  90 are selected by means of modes.  Several popular styles, consisting of
  91 groups of modes, are defined.  Modes and styles are specified on the
  92 command line and in comments in the source segment.
  95 An exec_com tool called compare_pl1 compares PL/I source segments of
  96 dissimilar formats via format_pl1.
  99 If you give two opposing control arguments, the rightmost one is
 100 chosen.  The term "token" excludes comments.  See the Multics PL/I
 101 Language Specification, Order No.  AG94, for definitions of words
 102 describing syntactic constructs in a PL/I program, e.g., independent
 103 statement, declaration list, etc.  Condition and label prefixes are not
 104 considered part of a statement.
 107 Notes on modes string:  A modes string changes the style format_pl1
 108 uses to format a program.  It consists of mode names separated by
 109 commas.  Many modes can be preceded by ^ to turn the specified mode
 110 off.  The modes string is processed from left to right; thus, if two or
 111 more contradictory modes appear within the same modes string, the
 112 rightmost mode prevails.  Modes not specified by the modes string are
 113 left unchanged.
 116 Notes on control comments: A control comment has the form
 117    /* format: STR */
 118 where STR is a modes string.  The control comment can start with one of
 119 the other comment indicators listed in "List of comment indicators"
 120 below.  Control comments can occur only before the first token of the
 121 program, between a semicolon and the first token of the next statement,
 122 or after the last semicolon in the program.  Control comments cannot
 123 occur in the middle of a statement.  Optional horizontal white space
 124 can precede "format" or surround STR.  Some modes changed by a control
 125 comment may not take effect immediately; for example, end statements
 126 are formatted according to the modes in effect when the matching do,
 127 begin, or procedure statement was formatted.
 130 There are two special control comments that are used in if statements.
 131 If a comment containing "/* case */" or "/* tree */" immediately
 132 follows the word "if" in an if statement, then the current style is
 133 changed for the duration of that if statement; exactly one space must
 134 precede and follow "case" and "tree".  (See case and tree modes in the
 135 "List of if statement modes" below.)
 138 Notes on prevailing style:  The style in which format_pl1 formats a
 139 PL/I program is formed from a combination of three sources:
 140 format_pl1's default style, modes specified on the command line, and
 141 control comments in the program.  The first control comment of the
 142 program preceding the first token of the program is called the
 143 prevailing style control comment.  A program might not have a
 144 prevailing style control comment.  The style specified by the
 145 concatenation of the default style, the command line modes, and the
 146 prevailing style control comment modes is called the prevailing style.
 147 This is the style in which most of the program is formatted.
 150 Since a styleN mode specifies the setting of every mode, if the
 151 prevailing style control comment contains a styleN mode, the default
 152 format_pl1 style and the command line modes are ignored.  If the
 153 program doesn't already have a prevailing style control comment, the
 154 command line
 155    format_pl1 in_path -modes MY_STYLE -record_style
 156 formats a program in MY_STYLE and records the style in a prevailing
 157 style control comment.  If the program has a prevailing style control
 158 comment, the program is formatted in the style specified by its
 159 prevailing style control comment and -record_style has no effect.  The
 160 prevailing style control comment created as a result of -record_style
 161 always begins with a styleN mode.
 164 Notes on examples:  The examples show how various program fragments are
 165 formatted.  If you give no control comment, then style1, is assumed; if
 166 you give a control comment, the default is used for all unspecified
 167 modes.  Unless you use delnl,insnl mode, each line of the input source
 168 segment contains the same tokens as the corresponding line of the
 169 example.  If you use delnl,insnl mode, then newline characters are
 170 inserted and deleted as required by the style.  (See "Notes on styles"
 171 below.)
 174 List of modes: Modes for various language constructs are listed
 175    separately.
 176 styleN
 177    specifies formatting style N.
 178 revert
 179    changes the formatting style to the prevailing style.  You can't
 180    supply this mode in -modes or in the prevailing style control
 181    comment.  Note that the on mode is changed to the phase specified in
 182    the prevailing style.
 183 off, ^on
 184    leaves the source exactly as it is until a control comment changes
 185    the style to on.  In this mode, block and group entries and exits
 186    are noticed so the program following the on mode control comment is
 187    formatted correctly.
 190 on, ^off
 191    starts formatting the source again.  (Default)
 192 indN
 193    N is the number of columns to indent for each block or group
 194    indentation level.  An independent statement in a then or else
 195    clause that does not have a condition or label prefix is indented a
 196    minimum of five columns when not in ifthen mode even if indN is less
 197    than five.  This avoids placing the then or else clause on the line
 198    after the "then" or "else".  The five columns are measured from the
 199    column the "else" would start in if the else clause was an
 200    independent statement.  (Default:  5)
 204       Example   /* format: ind3 */
 205                 if v = 2
 206                 then
 207                    do;
 208                       x = 12;
 209                       y = 128;
 210                    end;
 211                 else z = 12;
 213 llN
 214    N is the output line length.  (Default:  122)
 215 lineconindN
 216    N is the number of columns to indent the continuation of lines that
 217    exceed the output line length.  (Default:  5)
 218 equalindN
 219    if N is greater than zero, places the equal sign of assignment
 220    statements in a column indented N columns from the left margin.  If
 221    in insnl mode, a new line is inserted if necessary to insure that
 222    the equal sign is indented the specified column positions.  If N is
 223    zero, then assignment statements are formatted just as ordinary
 224    statements.  (Default:  0)
 226       Example:  /* format: style2,equalind8 */
 227                 a       = 12;
 228                 index   = 1;
 229                 second_index
 230                         = 43;
 231 initcolN
 232    N is the initial column that statements occurring before the first
 233    procedure statement should start at.  This is useful for include
 234    files.  (Default:  6)
 237 Notes on declare statements:  Depending upon delnl and insnl modes,
 238 each level one identifier that is declared is placed on a line by
 239 itself.  In indattr mode, all attributes are indented to the same
 240 column.  If a declaration list (parenthesized list) has all the
 241 attributes factored (i.e., each declaration component in the
 242 declaration list consists only of an identifier) and doesn't contain
 243 any comments and none of the identifiers contain a $, then the
 244 declaration list is placed on as few lines as possible instead of
 245 placing each identifier on a separate line.
 246    Example:  dcl (hbound, index, null) builtin;
 249 List of declare statement modes:
 250 indattr
 251    always indents the attributes so they start in the same column.
 252    (Default)
 253 ^indattr
 254    doesn't indent the attributes from the identifier being declared.
 255 inddcls
 256    indents declare statements so they start in the same column any
 257    other statement would start in.  (Default)
 258 ^inddcls
 259    always starts declare statements in column 1.
 260 declareindN
 261    indents N columns after the start of dcl.  (Default:  8)
 262 dclindN
 263    indents N columns after the start of dcl.  (Default:  8)
 266 idindN
 267    indents N columns after the start of an identifier before starting
 268    the attributes.  Ignored if in ^indattr mode.  (Default:  23)
 269 struclvlindN
 270    indents N columns for each level in a structure.  (Default:  2)
 273 List of if statement modes:
 274 ifthenstmt
 275    puts the then clause on the same line as the "if", if it fits.
 276    These criteria must be met:  (1) the then clause must be an
 277    independent statement and cannot be another if statement; (2) the
 278    then clause must not have a condition or label prefix; (3) if in
 279    tree mode, the if statement must not have an else clause; (4) if in
 280    case mode, the if statement must fall into one of the following
 281    categories:  (a) there is no else clause, (b) the else clause
 282    consists of an if statement, or (c) the if statement under
 283    consideration is an else clause of another if statement.
 284       Example:  /* format:  ifthenstmt */
 285                 if x > 3 then return;
 288 ^ifthenstmt
 289    doesn't put the then clause on the same line as the "if".  (Default)
 290          Example:  if x > 3
 291                    then return;
 292 ifthendo
 293    puts the "then do" on the same line as the "if", if it fits even if
 294    indN is less than five, if the then clause of an if statement is a
 295    noniterative do group without a condition or label prefix; puts the
 296    "then do" on the same line if it fits and in ^thendo mode; lines the
 297    "then" up with the "if" if in thendo mode; puts the "else do" on the
 298    same line, if it fits even if indN is less than five, if the else
 299    clause of an if statement is a noniterative do group without a
 300    condition or label prefix.  In ^delnl mode, the "then" or the "else"
 301    must already be on the same line as the "do".
 304       Example   /* format: ifthendo,^indnoniterdo */
 305                 if v = 2 then do;
 306                      x = 8;
 307                      y = 9;
 308                 end;
 309                 else do;
 310                      x = 9;
 311                      y = 92;
 312                 end;
 316                 /* format: ind3,ifthendo,^indnoniterdo */
 317                 if v = 2 then do;
 318                    x = 8;
 319                    y = 9;
 320                 end;
 321                 else do;
 322                    x = 9;
 323                    y = 92;
 324                 end;
 328 ^ifthendo
 329    doesn't put the "then do" on the same line as the "if".  (Default)
 330       Example:  /* format: ^indnoniterdo */
 331                 if v = 2
 332                 then do;
 333                      x = 8;
 334                      y = 9;
 335                 end;
 336                 else do;
 337                      x = 9;
 338                      y = 92;
 339                 end;
 343 thendo
 344    if in ifthendo mode, lines the "then" up with the "if".
 345       Example:  /* format: ind3,ifthendo,thendo,^indnoniterdo */
 346                 if v = 2
 347                 then do;
 348                    x = 8;
 349                    y = 9;
 350                 end;
 351                 else do;
 352                    x = 9;
 353                    y = 92;
 354                 end;
 358 ^thendo
 359    if in ifthendo mode, puts the "then do" on the same line as the "if"
 360    if it fits.  (Default)
 361       Example: /* format: ind3,ifthendo,^indnoniterdo */
 362                 if v = 2 then do;
 363                    x = 8;
 364                    y = 9;
 365                 end;
 366                 else do;
 367                    x = 9;
 368                    y = 92;
 369                 end;
 373 ifthen
 374    puts the "then" on the same line as the "if".
 375       Example:  /* format: ind3,ifthen */
 376                 if v = 2 then
 377                    do;
 378                       x = 12;
 379                       y = 128;
 380                    end;
 381                 else
 382                    do;
 383                       x = 128;
 384                       y = 12;
 385                    end;
 389 ^ifthen
 390    lines the "then" up with the "if".  (Default)
 391       Example:  if v = 2
 392                 then x = 8;
 393                 else x = 9;
 394 elsestmt
 395    places independent statements on the same line as the else clause;
 396    places nonindependent statements on the same line as the else clause
 397    if indN is set to five or more.  (Default)
 400 ^elsestmt
 401    does not place any statements on the same line the else clause
 402    appears on unless the else clause is part of an if statement in
 403    "case" mode and the statement following the else clause is another
 404    if statement.
 405       Example:  /* format: style2,ifthen,^elsestmt */
 406                 if a = b then
 407                      x = y;
 408                 else
 409                      x = z;
 413 indnoniterdo
 414    indents the statements of the do group two indentation levels from
 415    the column in which the "if" starts if a then or else clause
 416    contains a noniterative do group without a condition or label
 417    prefix; indents three levels if in indthenelse mode.  (Default)
 418       Example:  if v = 2
 419                 then do;
 420                           x = 3;
 421                           y = 4;
 422                      end;
 423                 else do;
 424                           x = 35;
 425                           y = 27;
 426                      end;
 430 ^indnoniterdo
 431    indents the statements of the do group one indentation level from
 432    the column in which the "if" starts if a then or else clause
 433    contains a noniterative do group without a condition or label
 434    prefix; indents two levels if in indthenelse mode.
 435       Example:  /* format: ^indnoniterdo */
 436                 if v = 2
 437                 then do;
 438                      x = 3;
 439                      y = 4;
 440                 end;
 441                 else do;
 442                      x = 35;
 443                      y = 27;
 444                 end;
 448 inditerdo
 449    indents the statements of the do group two indentation levels from
 450    the column in which the "if" starts if a then or else clause
 451    contains an iterative do group and it does not have a condition or
 452    label prefix; indents three levels if in indthenelse mode.
 453    (Default)
 454       Example:  if v = 2
 455                 then do i = 1 to 4;
 456                           a (i) = i;
 457                      end;
 461 ^inditerdo
 462    indents the statements of the do group one indentation level from
 463    the column in which the "if" starts if a then or else clause
 464    contains an iterative do group and it does not have a condition or
 465    label prefix; indents two levels if in indthenelse mode.
 466       Example:  /* format: ^insnl,^inditerdo */
 467                 if v = 2 then do i = 1 to 4;
 468                      a (i) = i;
 469                 end;
 473 indnoniterend
 474    starts the end statement of the noniterative do group in the same
 475    column as the statements of the noniterative do group if a then or
 476    else clause contains a noniterative do group without a condition or
 477    label prefix.
 478       Example:  /* format: ^indnoniterdo,indnoniterend */
 479                 if v = 2
 480                 then do;
 481                      x = 8;
 482                      y = 9;
 483                      end;
 484                 else do;
 485                      x = 9;
 486                      y = 92;
 487                      end;
 491 ^indnoniterend
 492    starts the end statement of the noniterative do group in the column
 493    that is one indentation level before the column the statements of
 494    the noniterative do group start in if a then or else clause contains
 495    a noniterative do group without a condition or label prefix.
 496    (Default)
 500       Example   /* format: ^indnoniterdo */
 501                 if v = 2
 502                 then do;
 503                      x = 8;
 504                      y = 9;
 505                 end;
 506                 else do;
 507                      x = 9;
 508                      y = 92;
 509                 end;
 513 indthenelse
 514    indents the then and else clauses two indentation levels from the
 515    column in which the "if" is placed.  Places the "else" one
 516    indentation level from the column in which the "if" is started.  If
 517    in ^ifthen mode and the ifthenstmt and ifthendo modes do not apply
 518    to the if statement, places the "then" in the same column as the
 519    "else".  If in case mode and the if statement under consideration is
 520    the else clause of another if statement, then indents from the
 521    column in which the preceding "else" is placed instead of the column
 522    in which the "if" is placed.  In case mode this mode is ignored for
 523    the else clause if the else clause consists of an if statement or
 524    the if statement under consideration is an else clause of another if
 525    statement.
 529       Example   /* format: indthenelse */
 530                 if v = 2
 531                      then x = 8;
 532                      else do;
 533                                x = 9;
 534                                call default;
 535                           end;
 536                 /* format: indthenelse */
 537                 if v = 2
 538                      then x = 8;
 539                 else if v = 3
 540                      then x = 25;
 541                 else call error;
 545 ^indthenelse
 546    indents the then and else clauses one indentation level from the
 547    column in which the "if" is placed.  Places the "else" in the same
 548    column as the "if" is placed.  If in ^ifthen mode and the ifthenstmt
 549    and ifthendo modes do not apply to the if statement, places the
 550    "then" in the same column as the "else".  If in case mode and the if
 551    statement under consideration is the else clause of another if
 552    statement, then indent from the column in which the preceding "else"
 553    is placed instead of the column in which the "if" is placed.
 554       (Default)
 558       Example   if v = 2
 559                 then x = 8;
 560                 else do;
 561                           x = 9;
 562                           call default;
 563                      end;
 564                 if v = 2
 565                 then x = 8;
 566                 else if v = 3
 567                 then x = 25;
 568                 else call error;
 572 case, ^tree
 573    indents "else if" clauses like a case statement.  (Default)
 574       Example:  if char = "a"
 575                 then call char_a;
 576                 else if char = "b"
 577                 then call char_b;
 578                 else if char = "c"
 579                 then call char_c;
 580                 else call error;
 584                 /* format: ifthenstmt */
 585                 if char = "a" then call char_a;
 586                 else if char = "b" then call char_b;
 587                 else if char = "c" then call char_c;
 588                 else call error;
 589                 /* Decision tree formatted like a case statement. */
 590                 if condition_1
 591                 then if condition_2
 592                      then call condition (0);
 593                      else call condition (1);
 594                 else if condition_2
 595                 then call condition (2);
 596                 else call condition (3);
 600 tree, ^case
 601    indents "else if" clauses like a decision tree.
 602       Example:  if /* tree */ condition_1
 603                 then if condition_2
 604                      then call condition (0);
 605                      else call condition (1);
 606                 else if condition_2
 607                      then call condition (2);
 608                      else call condition (3);
 612                 /* Case statement formatted like a decision tree. */
 613                 /* format: tree */
 614                 if char = "a"
 615                 then call char_a;
 616                 else if char = "b"
 617                      then call char_b;
 618                      else if char = "c"
 619                           then call char_c;
 620                           else call error;
 624 indbegin
 625    indents the body of those begin blocks that do not follow then
 626    clauses, else clauses, or on statements.  (Default)
 627       Example:  a = 15;
 628                 begin;
 629                      x = 21;
 630                 end;
 631                 y = 2;
 635 ^indbegin
 636    does not indent the body of those begin blocks that do not follow
 637    then clauses, else clauses, or on statements.
 638       Example:  /* format: ^indbegin */
 639                 a = 15;
 640                 begin;
 641                 x = 21;
 642                 end;
 643                 y = 2;
 647 indbeginend
 648    indents the end statement of those begin blocks that do not follow
 649    then clauses, else clauses, or on statements to the level of the
 650    begin block body.  If in ^indbegin mode, this option does not effect
 651    the placement of the end statement.  The end statement always lines
 652    up under the begin block body and in the same column as the begin
 653    statement since they are the same column.
 654       Example:  /* format: indbeginend */
 655                 a = 15;
 656                 begin;
 657                      x = 21;
 658                      end;
 659                 y = 2;
 663       Example   /* format: ^indbegin,indbeginend */
 664                 a = 15;
 665                 begin;
 666                 x = 21;
 667                 end;
 668                 y = 2;
 669 ^indbeginend
 670    places the end statement of those begin blocks that do not follow
 671    then clauses, else clauses, or on statements in the same column as
 672    the begin statement.  (Default)
 675 indthenbegin
 676    indents the body of begin blocks that follow then clauses, else
 677    clauses, or on statements.  (Default)
 678       Example:  if a = 2
 679                 then begin;
 680                           x = 12;
 681                      end;
 682                 y = 15;
 686 ^indthenbegin
 687    does not indent the body of begin blocks that follow then clauses,
 688    else clauses, or on statements.  By default the corresponding end
 689    statement is indented one less level than the begin block body (see
 690    indthenbeginend).
 691       Example:  /* format: ^indthenbegin */
 692                 if a = 2
 693                 then begin;
 694                      x = 12;
 695                 end;
 696                 y = 15;
 700 indthenbeginend
 701    indents the end statement of those begin blocks that follow then
 702    clauses, else clauses, or on statements to the same level as the
 703    begin block body.
 704       Example:  /* format: indthenbeginend */
 705                 if a = 2
 706                 then begin;
 707                           x = 47;
 708                           end;
 709                 y = 100;
 713      Example   /* format: ^indthenbegin,indthenbeginend */
 714                 if a = 89
 715                 then begin;
 716                      x = y;
 717                      end;
 718                 y = 100;
 719 ^indthenbeginend
 720    indents the end statement of those begin blocks that follow then
 721    clauses, else clauses, or on statements one less level than the
 722    indentation of the begin block body.  (Default)
 723       Example:  if a = b
 724                 then begin;
 725                           x = 15;
 726                      end;
 727                 y = 9;
 731       Example   /* format: ^indthenbegin */
 732                 if a = b
 733                 then begin;
 734                      x = 15;
 735                 end;
 736                 y = 9;
 737 indproc
 738    starts the procedure statement in the same column as other
 739    statements of the containing procedure if a procedure is contained
 740    within at least two other procedures, i.e., the procedure is an
 741    internal procedure of an internal procedure; starts the procedure
 742    statement in column indN+1, otherwise.
 746       Example   /* format: indproc */
 747                 extp:
 748                      procedure;
 749                           a = 1;
 750                 intp1:
 751                      procedure;
 752                           b = 2;
 753                 intp2:
 754                           procedure;
 755                                c = 3;
 756                           end intp2;
 757                      end intp1;
 758                      end extp;
 762 ^indproc
 763    start procedure statements in column indN+1.  (Default)
 764       Example:  extp:
 765                      procedure;
 766                           a = 1;
 767                 intp1:
 768                      procedure;
 769                           b = 2;
 770                 intp2:
 771                      procedure;
 772                           c = 3;
 773                      end intp2;
 774                      end intp1;
 775                      end extp;
 779 indprocbody
 780    indents the body of the procedure, the statements following the
 781    procedure statement, one level farther than the indentation of the
 782    procedure statement.  (Default)
 783 ^indprocbody
 784    begins the statements following a procedure statement in the same
 785    column as the procedure statement.
 786       Example:  /* format: ^indprocbody */
 787                 test:
 788                      procedure;
 789                      a = 12;
 790                      end test;
 794 indend
 795    starts the end statement of a do group, except those affected by
 796    indnoniterend mode, in the same column as the statements of the
 797    group.
 798       Example:  /* format: indend */
 799                 do i = 1 to 5;
 800                      a (i) = i;
 801                      end;
 802 ^indend
 803    starts the end statement of a do group, except those affected by
 804    indnoniterend mode, in the column that is one indentation level
 805    before the column the statements of the group start in.  (Default)
 806       Example:  do i = 1 to 5;
 807                      a (i) = i;
 808                 end;
 811 Notes on horizontal white space:  All horizontal white space, except
 812 within character string constants and comments, is removed from the
 813 program.  Spaces are inserted before left parentheses, after commas,
 814 around operators, and in other places to improve readability.  Where
 815 possible, horizontal tabs are used to conserve space in the output
 816 segment.
 819 Statements continued onto another line are indented lineconindN from
 820 the current left margin.  The left margin at which a statement is
 821 indented is increased by indN for every nested begin block, group, and
 822 then or else clause except as required by the indnoniterdo, inditerdo,
 823 indthenelse, case, indproc, and indprocbody modes.  Entry statements
 824 are placed in the same column as the corresponding procedure statement.
 825 The left margin before a procedure statement is saved; it is restored
 826 after the procedure's end statement.  After a procedure statement the
 827 left margin is increased by indN if the indprocbody option is set.  End
 828 statements are started in the same column as the statement that began
 829 the block or group except as required by the indnoniterend, indend,
 830 indbeginend, and indthenbeginend modes.  Condition and label prefixes
 831 are placed on lines by themselves except possibly in ^insnl mode.
 834 Notes on vertical white space:  Vertical white space within character
 835 string constants and comments is never changed.  Other vertical white
 836 space can be intrastatement and interstatement.  In on mode, vertical
 837 tabs and newlines before newpages are removed, newlines before vertical
 838 tabs are removed, and multiple newpages are reduced to one.  Then a
 839 newline is inserted before and after a sequence of vertical tabs and
 840 newpages if there is not already one there.  Interstatement vertical
 841 white space is never changed except for the above canonicalizations;
 842 intrastatement vertical white space is also canonicalized as above and
 843 processed depending upon delnl and insnl modes.
 846 List of vertical white space modes:
 847 delnl
 848    deletes all existing intrastatement vertical white space.
 849 ^delnl
 850    leaves existing intrastatement vertical white space in the program.
 851    (Default)
 854 insnl
 855    inserts newlines in the program if necessary.  Newlines are inserted
 856    when statements are too long to fit on a line.  To determine where
 857    newlines are inserted, various heuristics exist that use the
 858    statement type and the precedence of the tokens in the statement to
 859    determine where to insert newlines.  The driving force of format_pl1
 860    is what column statements or other language constructs should start
 861    in.  Newlines are inserted to start a statement, subset of a
 862    statement, or a comment in a particular column.
 863 ^insnl
 864    doesn't insert newlines into the program.  (Default)
 867 Notes on comments:  Comments are classified by where they occur within
 868 a PL/I program and where they are placed in the output segment.  They
 869 are divided into three categories:  intrastatement comments, indented
 870 comments, and block comments.  Intrastatement comments occur between
 871 the first token of a statement and the semicolon ending the statement.
 872 They are normally separated from surrounding tokens by a space except
 873 as required for linecom mode.  Comments that follow a semicolon and are
 874 separated by at most one newline character are considered indented
 875 comments.  They are placed in column comcolN.  All other comments are
 876 block comments.  Block comments are placed in column one or indented to
 877 the current left margin according to the indcom and indblkcom modes.
 878 All comments following a blank line, following a block comment, and
 879 before the first token of the program are block comments.  Placing a
 880 comment in column N means that the "/*" starts in column N.
 883 In these special cases intrastatement comments are treated as indented
 884 comments and placed in column comcolN:  comments following a comma;
 885 preceding the right parenthesis of a declaration component; following
 886 the colon in a condition or label prefix; and, in if statements that
 887 the ifthenstmt or ifthendo modes do not apply to, following the "then"
 888 in ifthen mode and preceding the "then" in ^ifthen mode.
 891 A comment indicator is placed at the beginning of a comment to specify
 892 where the comment is placed or to inhibit indcomtxt mode on the
 893 comment.  If necessary, even in ^insnl mode, a newline is inserted to
 894 place the comment in the specified column.  Comment indicators consist
 895 of the "/*", which starts the comment followed by other characters as
 896 listed below.  A comment indicator does not affect the classification
 897 of succeeding comments.
 900 List of comment indicators:
 901 /*
 902    places the comment according to its default classification.
 903 /**
 904    places the comment in column comcolN.
 905 /***
 906    indents the comment relative to the current left margin according to
 907    indblkcom mode.
 911 /****
 912    places the comment in column one.
 913       Example:  /* format: ind3,comcol21 */
 914                 /**** column one comment */
 915                       /*** comment indented to left margin */
 916                                     /** indented comment */
 917                       a = 3;        /* indented comment */
 919                 /* column one comment by default */
 920                       b = 4;
 921 /*^
 922    places the comment according to its default classification; formats
 923    the comment according to ^indcomtxt mode.
 927 /**^
 928    places the comment in column comcolN; formats the comment according
 929    to ^indcomtxt mode.
 930 /***^
 931    indents the comment relative to the current left margin according to
 932    indblkcom mode; formats the comment according to ^indcomtxt mode.
 933 /****^
 934    places the comment in column one; formats the comment according to
 935    ^indcomtxt mode.
 938 List of comment modes:
 939 comcolN
 940    N is the column indented comments are placed at.  (Default: 61)
 941 indcom
 942    indents block comments relative to the current left margin according
 943    to indblkcom mode.  This mode doesn't apply before the first token
 944    of the program so it doesn't interfere with copyright notices.
 945       Example:  /**** format: ind3 */
 946                       /* comment indented to left margin */
 947                       a = 3;
 948 ^indcom
 949    places block comment in column one.  (Default)
 950       Example:  /* format: ind3 */
 951                 /* column one comment */
 952                       a = 3;
 956 indblkcom
 957    starts comments that begin with the "/***" or "/***^" comment
 958    indicators and in indcom mode, block comments, at the current left
 959    margin.  (Default)
 960       Example:  /* format: ind3,indcom */
 961                 /**** column one comment */
 962                       /*** block comment */
 963                       a = 5;
 967 ^indblkcom
 968    starts comments that begin with the "/***" or "/***^" comment
 969    indicators and in indcom mode, block comments, one indentation level
 970    before the current left margin.
 971       Example:  /* format: ind3,indcom,^indblkcom */
 972                 /**** column one comment */
 973                    /*** block comment */
 974                       a = 5;
 978 linecom
 979    intrastatement comments at the end of a line in the original source
 980    segment apply to an entire line.  These comments are treated as
 981    indented comments and are placed in column comcolN.
 982       Example:  /* format: linecom */
 983                 if line_status < 3            /* Is line active? */
 984                      | char_count > 0
 985                 then return;
 986 ^linecom
 987    intrastatement comments apply to the preceding token.  (Default)
 988       Example:  /* format: ^delnl */
 989                 if char = "040"b3 /* space */
 990                      | char_count > 0
 991                 then return;
 995 indcomtxt
 996    inserts a space if there is no horizontal or vertical white space
 997    between the comment indicator and the comment text or between the
 998    end of the comment text and the "*/" or the reverse of any comment
 999    indicator.  Indents the text of continuation lines of a multiline
1000    comment so they line up; indenting the text of continuation lines
1001    does not apply to intrastatement comments.  The horizontal white
1002    space between the comment indicator and the comment text on the
1003    first line of a comment is not reduced; however, leading horizontal
1004    white space on subsequent lines is replaced by sufficient horizontal
1005    white space to indent the line.  If the comment is placed in column
1006    N, the length of the comment indicator is L, then the text of each
1007    line of the comment begins in column N+L+1.  This mode does not
1008    apply to comments whose comment indicator ends with "^".  Example:
1012       Input     /* format: indcomtxt */
1013                 a = 3; /* Here we have a very
1014       complicated assignment
1015       statement. */
1016       Output:   /* format: indcomtxt */
1017                 a = 3;              /* Here we have a very
1018                                        complicated assignment
1019                                        statement. */
1020 ^indcomtxt
1021    leaves the white space at the beginning of each line of a comment
1022    alone.  The character string between the "/*" and the "*/" of a
1023    comment is never changed in this mode.  (Default)
1026 Notes on irreversible changes: Several modes can cause irreversible
1027 changes to be made to the source program.  Suppose that program p.pl1
1028 was formatted with style S and does not contain a prevailing style
1029 control comment, then style T causes an irreversible change if the
1030 following command lines produce a program q.pl1 that differs
1031 substantially from p.pl1:
1032    format_pl1 p -modes T -output_file q.pl1
1033    format_pl1 q -modes S
1035 The following modes can cause irreversible changes--delnl, insnl,
1036 ^linecom, and indcomtxt.  If a program is not formatted with
1037 format_pl1, the on mode may also cause irreversible changes.
1040 Notes on styles:
1041 style1:   on,ind5,ll122,initcol6,indattr,inddcls,declareind8,
1042           dclind8,idind23,struclvlind2,^ifthenstmt,^ifthendo,
1043           ^thendo,^ifthen,indnoniterdo,inditerdo,
1044           ^indnoniterend,^indthenelse,case,^indproc,^indend,
1045           ^delnl,^insnl,comcol61,^indcom,indblkcom,^linecom,
1046           ^indcomtxt  (Default)
1047 style2:   style1,delnl,insnl
1048 style3:   style2,^inddcls,declareind10,dclind10,idind20
1049 style4:   style1,^indattr,^inddcls,declareind9,dclind5,
1050           ifthendo,^indnoniterdo,^inditerdo,indproc,linecom,
1051           indcomtxt
1052 style5:   style2,linecom,ifthen,^indnoniterdo,indnoniterend,
1053           indcomtxt,^indthenbegin,indthenbeginend,^indprocbody,
1054           ^elsestmt,ind8,ll80,initcol0,idind24,comcol57,lineconind4,
1058 Style1 indents declare statements, the attributes of declare
1059 statements, and the statements of the do group and lines up the end
1060 statement of a noniterative do group in a then or else clause under the
1061 "do".  No irreversible changes, such as with the delnl, insnl, or
1062 indcomtxt modes, are made.  Example:
1063    /* format: style1 */
1064              declare entryname              char (32);
1065              if x = 2
1066              then do;
1067                        a = 43;
1068                        b = 21;
1069                   end;
1073 Style2 is the same as style1 except it uses the delnl,insnl modes.  It
1074 may cause irreversible changes.
1076 Style3 is the same as style2 except that declare statements start in
1077 column one and the identifiers and attributes start in columns aligned
1078 on tab stops.  It may can cause irreversible changes.  Example:
1079    /* format: style3 */
1080    declare   entryname           char (32);
1081              if x = 2
1082              then do;
1083                        a = 43;
1084                        b = 21;
1085                   end;
1089 Style4 starts declare statements in column one, doesn't indent the
1090 attributes in declare statements, formats noniterative do groups in
1091 then or else clauses by indenting the statements of the noniterative do
1092 group one indentation level from the "if" or the "else", and starts the
1093 end statement in the same column as the "if" or the "else".  This style
1094 uses the ^delnl,^insnl modes, but still may cause irreversible changes
1095 from indcomtxt mode; it resembles that of the indent command.  Example:
1096    /* format: style4 */
1097    declare  entryname char (32);
1098              if x = 2 then do;
1099                   a = 43;
1100                   b = 21;
1101              end;
1105 Style5 starts declare statements in column one, sets the line length to
1106 80 columns, sets the indentation amount to eight columns, sets the line
1107 continuation indentation to four columns, places the then clause of the
1108 "if/then" statement on the same line with the if, doesn't place any
1109 statement on a line with an if statement or else clause except for
1110 placing an if statement on the line after an else when in case mode,
1111 doesn't indent the procedure body, and doesn't indent the body of
1112 "begin/end" blocks or noniterative do groups under if statements.
1116    Example   /* format: style5 */
1117              test:
1118                      procedure;
1119                      a = 12;
1120                      if a = b then
1121                              a = 15;
1122                      else
1123                              a = -15;
1124                      b = 78;
1128                      if b = c then
1129                              do;
1130                              x = 1;
1131                              y = 99;
1132                              end;
1133                      a = 0;
1134                      end test;
1137 Notes on error checking: Parenthesis balance checking is done for
1138 statements that are not partially contained in include files.  A
1139 warning is printed if an end statement with a closure label terminates
1140 more than one block or group.  If you provide no -output_file and there
1141 were errors, the source segment is not overwritten and a formatted copy
1142 is left in the process directory.  An error message is printed if a
1143 control comment is incorrect.
1146 Notes on error severities: The following severity values are returned
1147 by the severity active function when the "format_pl1" keyword is used:
1148      VALUE     MEANING
1149        0       No error
1150        1       Warning
1151        2       Correctable error
1152        3       Fatal error
1153        4       Unrecoverable error
1154        5       Bad control arguments, could not find source,
1155                or other severe errors.
1159 Notes on macros: This command makes certain assumptions about macros.
1160 Include files must contain complete statements and balanced blocks or
1161 groups.  Macro constructs can only occur between statements; they must
1162 not occur within a statement.  All macro constructs are placed in
1163 column one.  All %then and %else clauses of a %if macro must have the
1164 same effect on the current left margin and on block and group nesting;
1165 in addition, the effect on block and group nesting can only be to leave
1166 it unchanged or to start new blocks or groups.  Blocks or groups that
1167 were started before the %if macro cannot be closed in the %then or
1168 %else clauses.  A %then or %else clause cannot start with an else
1169 clause.