1 03/04/85  format_document_
  4 The format_document_ subroutine is used to fill and adjust text.  The
  5 subroutine arguments control the formatting, some of which can be
  6 overridden by optional control lines in the text.  See the "Notes"
  7 section below for a discussion of those control lines.
 10 Entry points in format_document_:
 11    (List is generated by the help command)
 15 :Entry:  format_document_:  03/03/85  format_document_
 18 Function:
 19 The format_document_ entry point uses directory names and entrynames.
 20 The entrynames can reference segments, links, or multisegment files.
 23 Syntax:
 24 declare format_document_ entry (char(*), char(*), char(*), char(*),
 25      ptr, fixed bin(35));
 26 call format_document_ (dir_name_in, entry_name_in, dir_name_out,
 27      entry_name_out, options_ptr, code);
 30 Arguments:
 31 dir_name_in
 32    is the pathname of the containing directory of the input.  (Input)
 33 entry_name_in
 34    is the entryname of the input segment, link or multisegment file.
 35    (Input)
 36 dir_name_out
 37    is the pathname of the containing directory of the output.  (Input)
 38 entry_name_out
 39    is the entryname of the output segment, link or multisegment file.
 40    (Input) If the entry does not exist, it will be created.
 43 options_ptr
 44    is a pointer to the structure in which options are specified.
 45    (Input) See "Notes" below.
 46 code
 47    is a standard status code.  (Output) It may be one of the following:
 48    error_table_$fatal_error
 49       if the input file cannot be processed.
 50    error_table_$recoverable_error
 51       if an error occurs but processing is completed.
 54 :Entry:  string:  03/04/85 format_document_$string
 57 Function:  This entry point uses char (*) variables as input and
 58 output.
 61 Syntax:
 62 declare format_document_$string entry (char (*), char(*), fixed
 63      bin(21), ptr, fixed bin(35));
 64 call format_document_$string (instring, outstring, outlen, options_ptr,
 65      code);
 68 Arguments:
 69 instring
 70    is the input string.  (Input)
 71 outstring
 72    is the output string.  (Input)
 73 outlen
 74    is the length in bytes of the output string.  (Output)
 75 options_ptr
 76    is a pointer to the structure in which options are specified.
 77    (Input)
 80 code
 81    is a standard status code.  (Output) It can be one of the following:
 82    error_table_$smallarg
 83       if the size of the output exceeds that of the output string.
 84    error_table_$fatal_error
 85       if the input file cannot be processed.
 86    error_table_$recoverable_error
 87       if an error occurs but processing is completed.
 90 :Entry:  switch:  03/04/85 format_document_$switch
 93 Function:  This entry point uses a directory name and entryname for
 94 input and writes its output to an I/O switch.  The entryname can
 95 reference a segment, link or multisegment file.
 98 Syntax:
 99 declare format_document_$switch entry (char(*), char(*), ptr, ptr,
100      fixed bin(35));
101 call format_document_$switch (dir_name_in, entry_name_in, iocbptr,
102      options_ptr, code);
105 Arguments:
106 dir_name_in
107    is the pathname of the containing directory of the input.  (Input)
108 entry_name_in
109    is the entryname of the input segment, link or multisegment file.
110    (Input)
111 iocbptr
112    is a pointer to the control block for the output I/O switch.
113    (Input)
114 options_ptr
115    is a pointer to the structure in which options are specified.
116    (Input) See "Notes" below.
119 code
120    is a standard status code.  (Output) It can one of the following:
121    error_table_$fatal_error
122       if the input file cannot be processed.
123    error_table_$recoverable_error
124       if an error occurs but processing is completed.
127 Notes:  The argument options_ptr points to the format_document_options
128 structure (defined in include file format_document_options.incl.pl1).
130    dcl 1 format_document_options aligned based
131            (format_document_options_ptr),
132          2 version_number        fixed bin,
133          2 indentation           fixed bin,
134          2 line_length           fixed bin,
135          2 switches,
136            3 pgno_sw             bit (1) unaligned,
137            3 adj_sw              bit (1) unaligned,
138            3 galley_sw           bit (1) unaligned,
139            3 error_sw            bit (1) unaligned,
140            3 literal_sw          bit (1) unaligned,
141            3 file_sw             bit (1) unaligned,
142            3 dont_compress_sw    bit (1) unaligned,
145            3 break_word_sw       bit (1) unaligned,
146            3 max_line_length_sw  bit (1) unaligned,
147            3 dont_break_indented_lines_sw
148                                  bit (1) unaligned,
149            3 sub_err_sw          bit (1) unaligned,
150            3 dont_fill_sw        bit (1) unaligned,
151            3 hyphenation_sw      bit (1) unaligned,
152            3 mbz                 bit (23) unaligned
153          2 syllable_size         fixed bin;
157    Structure elements:
158    version_number
159       is the version number of this structure.  (Input) It must have
160       the value 2.
161    indentation
162       indentation value, causing indentation from the left margin.
163       (Input) This space is in addition to any indentation established
164       by the usage of the indent control in the text.
165    line_length
166       is the initial line length value.  (Input) It is the equivalent
167       of the ".pdw" control in the text, and can be overridden in the
168       text.
171    pgno_sw
172       (Input)
173       "1"b enables page numbering.  If galley_sw is off, then each page
174            is to end with a centered page number.
175       "0"b indicates that no page numbering is requested.
176    adj_sw
177       (Input)
178       "1"b causes adjust mode to be on initially.  This is the
179            equivalent of a ".alb" in the text.  It can be overridden in
180            the text.
181       "0"b causes adjust mode to be off initially.  This is the
182            equivalent of a ".all" in the text.  It is only meaningful
183            if dont_fill_sw = "0"b.
186    galley_sw
187       (Input)
188       "1"b suppresses vertical margins and page breaks.
189       "0"b enables vertical margins and page breaks.
190    error_sw
191       (Input)
192       "1"b causes diagnostic error messages to be written to
193            error_output.
194       "0"b suppresses diagnostic error messages.
195    literal_sw
196       (Input)
197       "1"b causes all input to be treated as text.
198       "0"b enables format_document_ controls.  A line that begins with
199            a period is treated as a control line.
202    file_sw
203       (Output)
204       "1"b indicates that a non-zero storage system status code refers
205            to the output file.
206       "0"b indicates that a non-zero storage system status code refers
207            to the input file.
208    dont_compress_sw
209       (Input)
210       "1"b causes no compression of adjacent spaces and tab characters,
211            nor enforcement of the convention of ending a sentence with
212            2 spaces.
213       "0"b causes adjacent spaces and tab characters that do not begin
214            a line to be converted to a single space, and enforces the
215            convention that a sentence ends with 2 spaces.  A sentence
216            is any string that terminates with one of the following
217            character sequences:  ".  "; "?  "; "   "; ":  "; ".)  ";
218            "?)  "; or " )  ".  This switch may be overridden by
219            dont_break_indented_lines for certain input lines.
222    break_word_sw
223       (Input)
224       "1"b causes the line to be broken in the middle of a word if the
225            line exceeds the line length and there are no spaces or tab
226            characters available at which to do so.
227       "0"b causes an overlength line to be returned and
228            error_table_$recoverable_error to be returned if the line
229            exceeds the linelength and there are no spaces or tab
230            characters at which to break it.
233    max_line_length_sw
234       (Input)
235       "1"b causes the line to be re-adjusted to the line_length given
236            in this structure and error_table_$recoverable_error to be
237            returned if controls in the text cause the calculated line
238            length to be greater than the line_length given in this
239            structure.
240       "0"b allows the controls in the text to adjust the calculated
241            line length to a value greater than the line_length given in
242            this structure.
245    dont_break_indented_lines_sw
246       (Input)
247       "1"b indicates that if an input line exceeds the specified line
248            length and begins with a blank or horizontal tab, it is not
249            to be broken if a) it is the last line of input, b) it is
250            followed a line that begins with a blank or horizontal tab,
251            or c) it is followed by a blank line.  In addition, such
252            lines will not have space compression or sentence formatting
253            performed on them, no matter what value dont_compress_sw
254            has.
255       "0"b indicates that overlength lines are broken regardless of
256            indentation, and that dont_compress will always control
257            space compression and sentence formatting.
260    sub_err_sw
261       (Input)
262       "1"b indicates that diagnostic errors are to be communicated via
263            calls to sub_err_.  The info structure used to communicate
264            information about the error is
265            format_document_error.incl.pl1.
266       "0"b indicates that no calls to sub_err_ are to be made.
267    dont_fill_sw
268       (Input)
269       "1"b causes fill mode to be off initially.  This is the
270            equivalent of a ".fif" in the text.  It can be overridden in
271            the text.
272       "0"b causes fill mode to be on initially.  This is the equivalent
273            of a ".fin" in the text.
276    hyphenation_sw
277       (Input)
278       "1"b causes hyphenation mode to be on initially.  Hyphenation can
279            be turned on in the text via the "hyn" control and off via
280            the ".hyf" control.  The ".hy" control returns hyphenation
281            mode to the initial value, i.e.  the state of this switch.
282       "0"b causes hyphenation mode to be off initially.
283    mbz
284       must be zero.
287    syllable_size
288       (Input)
289       indicates the smallest number of characters to be contained in a
290       syllable that is to be separated from the rest of a word by
291       hyphenation.  This value can be adjusted in the text via the
292       ".hyn" control.  The ".hy" control returns the syllable size to
293       the value of this argument.
294         set hyphenation mode and syllable size to the defaults as
295            specified by format_document_options.hyphenation_sw and
296            format_document_options.syllable_size.
299         hyf
300            set hyphenation mode off.  See the discussion of .hyn for
301            details.
302         hyn {N}
303            set hyphenation mode on and set the syllable size according
304            to the given parameter.  the parameter is given as an
305            unsigned integer and specifies the number of characters in
306            the smallest allowed hyphenated syllable.  If the parameter
307            is not given, then the default syllable size is used.  The
308            default syllable size is the value given in
309            format_document_options.syllable_size.
312 Control lines:
313 The following is a discussion of each of the control lines.
314 .alb
315    align the text at both the left and right margins according to the
316    current value of the left indentation and undentation.  Text is
317    padded by insertion of uniformly distributed white space.  The fill
318    mode must be on for this mode to operate.  If the fill mode is off,
319    this control is mapped into the align-left (.all) control.  This is
320    the default alignment mode.
321 .all
322    align the text on the left margin according to the current values of
323    left indentation and undentation leaving the right margin ragged.
324 .brf
325    finish the current output line by formatting any pending texts as a
326    short line.
329 .brp
330    finish the current page, formatting any pending texts as a short
331    line.
332 .fif
333    set the fill mode off.  See the discussion of .fin for details.
334 .fin
335    set the fill mode on.  In fill mode, text words are moved from line
336    to line in such a way that the last word does not extend past the
337    right margin.  The default for this mode is on.
340 .in, .inl {+/-N}
341    if N is given without the optional sign, plus (+) or minus (-), then
342    set the left indentation point to N columns to the right of the left
343    margin.  If N is given with the optional sign, then change the
344    current left indentation point by N columns.  Positive values for N
345    cause movement to the right.  The default value for N is 0.  Any
346    value that results in a zero or negative effective line length will
347    produce an error diagnostic message.  The left indentation point is
348    never set to the left of the left margin.  The left margin is
349    determined by the -indent control argument.
350 .pdl {+/-N}
351    if N is given without the optional sign, (+ or -), then set the page
352    length to N lines.  If N is given with the optional sign, then
353    change the current page length by N.  If the resulting page length
354    is zero or negative, an error diagnostic message is produced.  The
355    default value for N is 66.
358 .pdw {+/-N}
359    if N is given without the optional sign, then set the page width to
360    N columns.  If N is given with the optional sign, then change the
361    current page width by N.  If the resulting page width is zero or
362    negative, an error diagnostic message is produced.  The default
363    value for N is 65.
364 .spf {N}
365    finish the current output line and then add N blank lines.  If N is
366    not given, then add 1 blank line.
367 .un, .unl {+/-N}
368    adjust the indentation point for only the next output line.  If N is
369    unsigned or has the + sign the indentation point is moved n columns
370    to the left.  If N has the - sign, the indentation point is moved n
371    columns to the right.  The default value for N is the value of the
372    indentation value.
375 Specialized Error Handling:
376 If format_document_options.sub_err_sw is set and errors occur in
377 formatting, the sub_err_ subroutine will be called to signal them
378 rather than aborting the program.  The caller of format_document_ can
379 set up a handler for the sub_error_ condition and use the information
380 in the format_document_error structure to make decisions about how to
381 proceed.  See the sub_err_ subroutine for an example of how to
382 establish a handler for the sub_error_ condition.