1 03/31/83  find_partition_
 4 Entry points in find_partition_:
 5    (List is generated by the help command)
 8 :Entry: find_partition_: 02/01/83  find_partition_
11 Function: is used to ascertain information about a disk partition
12 located on some mounted storage system disk.  It reads the label and
13 locates the partition, returning information about its size and
14 location, as well as returning the PVID of the volume, for use in a
15 later call to one of the hardcore entries for partition reading and
16 writing.  Use of this subroutine requires access to phcs_.
19 Syntax:
20 dcl find_partition_ entry (char (*), char (*), bit (36) aligned,
21      fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35));
22 call find_partition_ (pvname, partition_name, pvid, first_record,
23      partition_size, code);
26 Arguments:
27 pvname
28    is the name of the physical volume on which the partition is
29    located.  (Input).  The volume must be a presently mounted storage
30    system disk volume.
31 partition_name
32    is the name of the disk partition to be located.  (Input).  It must
33    be four characters long or shorter.
34 pvid
35    is the physical volume ID of the volume the partition is located on.
36    (Output).  This is returned as a convenience, for use in a later
37    call to one of the hardcore entries for partition I/O.
38 first_record
39    is the number (zero origin, from the beginning of the volume) of the
40    first record in the partition.  (Output)
43 partition_size
44    is the number of words in the partition.  (Output)
45 code
46    is a nonstandard status code.  (Output).  It can be one of the
47    following:
48    0
49       indicates that the partition exists and that the returned
50       parameters are all correct.
51    error_table_$pvid_not_found
52       indicates that the specified physical volume is not presently
53       mounted.
54    error_table_$entry_not_found
55       indicates that the specified partition could not be found.
56    an integer between 1 and 10
57       indicates that a physical disk error occurred while trying to
58       read the label.  Error messages for physical disk errors are
59       declared in the include file fsdisk_errors.incl.pl1, in the array
60       fsdisk_error_message.