1 05/04/84  explain_doc, edoc
 3 Syntax as a command:  edoc manual_name {-control_args}
 6 Function:  returns information about a specified Multics manual(s).
 9 Arguments:
10 manual_name
11    is the manual's name, a short name for the manual, or the manual's
12    order number.  The name or the short name may contain blank spaces;
13    it need not be enclosed in quotation marks.  Capitalizing letters is
14    not necessary.  Use iteration to get more than one manual.
17 Control arguments:
18 -all, -a
19    prints all the sections of manual information.
20 -audience, -aud
21    describes the audience for which the manual is intended.
22 -database_pathname PATH, -dbpn PATH
23    specifies the pathname of the data base you want instead of the
24    default one.  Once you supply -database_pathname, the specified data
25    base is used for all subsequent invocations of explain_doc during
26    your process until you select another data base.
27 -description, -desc
28    returns a brief description of the manual's contents.  (Default)
29 -new_features, -nf
30    lists all new features that have been added to the manual with the
31    last update (revision or addendum).
34 -no_audience, -no_aud
35    does not describe the manual's intended audience.  (Default)
36 -no_description, -no_desc
37    suppresses printing of the brief description of the manual's
38    contents.
39 -no_new_features, -no_nf
40    does not list new features.  (Default)
41 -no_request_loop, -nrql
42    does not enter the request loop.
45 -no_table_of_contents, -no_toc
46    does not print the manual's table of contents.  (Default)
47 -output_file PATH, -of PATH
48    directs the output to a file instead of to your terminal.
49 -request_loop, -rql
50    enters a request loop after the sections specified by control
51    arguments have been printed.  (Default)
52 -table_of_contents, -toc
53    prints the manual's table of contents.
56 Notes on requests:  When you have invoked explain_doc and the section
57 has been displayed, you are prompted
58    More information?
60 You may respond with one of the following requests--
61    yes, y
62    ?  (lists available responses)
63    description, desc
64    audience, aud
65    table_of_contents, toc
66    new_features, nf
67    all, a
68    no, n, quit, q  (quits the request loop and returns you to
69                    command level).
72 Notes:  When explain_doc cannot find a data base entry that matches the
73 manual name supplied, it may, in some cases, find a partial match that
74 enables it to identify that name as belonging to a particular group
75 such as the FORTRAN manuals or the Administrator's manuals.  In that
76 case, the relevant set of manual names is listed, and you can then
77 choose to see the information on one of those manuals or return to
78 command level.