1 11/10/86 exists
  3 Syntax as a command:
  4    exists argument {str_args}
  5    exists key star_name{s} {-control_arg{s}}
  8 Syntax as an active function:
  9    [exists argument {str_args}]
 10    [exists key star_name{s} {-control_arg{s}}]
 13 Function:  checks for the existence of various types of items depending
 14 on the value of the first argument (key).
 17 Arguments:
 18 argument
 19    is the key "argument" described below in "List of Keys".
 20 key
 21    is any key as described below in "List of Keys".
 22 str_args
 23    are character string arguments.
 24 star_name{s}
 25    are star names to be matched.  Up to 20 names can be specified.
 28 Control arguments:
 29 -chase
 30    specifies that any keyword that looks for branch entries chase links
 31    and look at the link targets.  When used, the link names are used
 32    for starname matching and the targets for type matching.
 33 -inhibit_error, -ihe
 34    returns false if a star_name is an invalid name or if access to tell
 35    of an entry's existence is lacking.
 36 -no_chase
 37    specifies that any keyword that looks for branch entries not chase
 38    links.  (Default)
 39 -no_inhibit_error, -nihe
 40    signals an error if a star_name is an invalid name or if access to
 41    tell of an entry's existence is lacking.  (Default)
 45 -select_entry_type STR, -slet STR
 46    selects entries of the types specified by STR, which is a
 47    comma-delimited list of file system entry types; example:  exists
 48    entry ** -slet ms,mbx.  This control argument is recognized when the
 49    key is "entry."  Use the list_entry_types command to obtain a list
 50    of valid entry type values.
 53 List of keys:
 54 argument
 55    true if any str_args are specified, false otherwise.
 56 branch
 57    true if any branches (segments, multisegment files, or directories)
 58    with a pathname matching star_name exist, false otherwise.
 59 component
 60    true if any archive components with a pathname matching star_name
 61    exist, false otherwise.  Both the archive segment name and the
 62    component name can be a star_name.
 63 directory, dir
 64    true if any directories with a pathname matching star_name exist,
 65    false otherwise.
 68 entry
 69    true if any entries (segments, directories, multisegment files,
 70    links, data management files, or extended entries) with a pathname
 71    matching star_name exist, false otherwise.
 72 file
 73    true if any segments or multisegment files with a pathname matching
 74    star_name exist, false otherwise.
 75 link
 76    true if any links with a pathname matching star_name exist, false
 77    otherwise.
 78 master_directory, mdir
 79    true if any master directories with a pathname matching star_name
 80    exist, false otherwise.
 84 msf
 85    true if any multisegment files with a pathname matching star_name
 86    exist, false otherwise.
 87 nonbranch
 88    true if any links with a pathname matching star_name exist, false
 89    otherwise.
 90 nondir
 91    true if any segments, multisegment files, or links with a pathname
 92    matching star_name exist, false otherwise.
 93 nonfile
 94    true if any links or directories with a pathname matching star_name
 95    exist, false otherwise.
 96 nonlink
 97    true if any directories, segments, or multisegment files with a
 98    pathname matching star_name exist, false otherwise.
102 nonmaster_directory, nmdir
103    true if any directories which are not master directories with a
104    pathname matching star_name exist, false otherwise.
105 nonmsf
106    true if any directories, segments, or links with a pathname matching
107    star_name exist, false otherwise.
108 non_null_link, nonnull_link, nnlink
109    true if any links with a pathname matching star_name exist and point
110    to an existing segment, directory, or multisegment file, false
111    otherwise.
114 nonobject_file, nobfile
115    true if nonobject files with a pathname matching starname exist;
116    otherwise false.  Segments or multisegment files that the user does
117    not have at least r access to are treated as nonobject files.
118 nonobject_msf, nobmsf
119    true if nonobject multisegment files with a pathname matching
120    starname exist; otherwise false.  Multisegment files that the user
121    does not have at least r access to are treated as nonobject msfs.
122 nonobject_segment, nobseg
123    true if nonobject segments with a pathname matching star_name exist;
124    otherwise false.  Segments that the user does not have at least r
125    access to are treated as nonobject segments.
128 nonsegment, nonseg
129    true if any links, directories, or multisegment files with a
130    pathname matching star_name exist, false otherwise.
131 nonzero_file, nzfile
132    true if any nonzero length segments or multisegment files with a
133    pathname matching star_name exist, false otherwise.
134 nonzero_msf, nzmsf
135    true if any nonzero length multisegment files with a pathname
136    matching star_name exist, false otherwise.
137 nonzero_segment, nzseg
138    true if any nonzero length segments with pathname matching star_name
139    exist, false otherwise.
140 null_link, nlink
141    true if any links with a pathname matching star_name exist and point
142    to nonexistent entries, false otherwise.
146 object_file, obfile
147    true if object files with a pathname matching starname exist;
148    otherwise false.  Segments or multisegment files that the user does
149    not have at least r access to will be ignored.
150 object_msf, obmsf
151    true if object multisegment files with a pathname matching starname
152    exist; otherwise false.  Multisegment files that the user does not
153    have at least r access to will be ignored.
154 object_segment, obseg
155    true if object segments with a pathname matching star_name exist;
156    otherwise false.  Segments that the user does not have at least r
157    access to will be ignored.
160 segment, seg
161    true if any segments with a pathname matching star_name exist, false
162    otherwise.
163 zero_segment, zseg
164    true if any zero length segments with a pathname matching star_name
165    exist, false otherwise.