1 08/21/2018 AM81 (System Maintenance Procedures)
  3 Section 9, Page 9-19; add the following section before the
  4 paragraph entitied "Hierarchy Backup".
  6 Volume Pools
  8 Unlike volume backup, hierarchy backup does not keep track of what
  9 segments have been dumped to which tapes. Consequently, it has no
 10 way of automatically freeing tapes in a volume pool when they are
 11 no longer needed. Keeping track of the tapes used for hierarchy backup
 12 is the responsibility of the site administration staff. However, as
 13 of MR12.6g, the hierarchy backup commands (start_dump, catchup_dump,
 14 complete_dump, and backup_dump) all do support a new -volume_pool path
 15 (-vp path) control argument. This control argument allows the specification
 16 of a volume pool. This feature is off by default and must be specified
 17 when any of the dump commands are invoked. As with all hierarchy backup
 18 commands, any arguments are "sticky". They remain in place for the life
 19 of the process unless overriden by another command. To disable the use
 20 of a volume pool in subsequent invocations of the hierarchy backup commands,
 21 use the -no_volume_pool (-no_vp) control argument.
 23 The path provided as an argument to the -volume_pool (-vp) control argument
 24 must reference a volume pool created with the manage_volume_pool (mvp)
 25 command. The site administrator should populate the volume pool with
 26 sufficient tapes to allow the daemons to run unattended. Volumes marked as
 27 free in the volume pool with be automatically allocated by the hierarchy
 28 backup commands when a new tape is required. If no free tapes are available,
 29 the commands will prompt for a tape volume, as were the case if no
 30 -volume_pool control argument was specified.
 32 Because no automatic freeing of tape volumes in the volume pool is supported
 33 by the hierarchy backup software, it is imperative that the site administrator
 34 keep track of tape volume usage and replenish the volume pool when free tapes
 35 are low. When tapes used for incremental backups are known to be no longer
 36 useful (because they have been subsumed by catchup or complete dumps), the
 37 site administrator should free the tapes used by the incrementals by using the
 38 "manage_volume_pool free" command.  Similarly, when tapes used for catchup
 39 backups are no longer needed (because they've been subsumed by complete backup
 40 tapes), these can be freed as well.
 43 03/17/89       Errata Information for MR12.2
 46 Section 6, Page 6-2; add the following note in
 47 the section titled "Cold Booting BCE" after the
 48 sentence which states "Proceed as if you were doing a regular
 49 boot."
 51      If default_rpv_data is defined on the boot tape,
 52      you will receive a prompt of the form "Find_rpv_subsystem:
 53      Default RPV data is ...    Is this
 54      correct?".  You must answer "no" to be able to input
 55      the "cold" rpv information.
 58 Section 15: The documentation for the iod_tables_compiler will be
 59 changed as follows:
 62 Page 15-8; add the following information before
 63 the section titled "Substatements for Request Types"
 68      The following keywords are allowed in the definition of a
 69      device.  They will apply to all current device definitions,
 70      but the defaults have been chosen to avoid any changes to
 71      current tables.
 73      comment:  <string>;
 74         defines a comment of up to 128 characters which may be
 75         used to describe the device definition.  It must be a
 76         quoted string.  The default is a null string.
 78      head_sheet:  <module name>;
 79         defines the name of a module to be used to produce the
 80         front banner page on each listing.  The name given is a
 81         virtual pathname.  The default is the system program
 82         "head_sheet_".
 84      tail_sheet:  <module name>;
 85         defines the name of a module to be used to produce the
 86         trailing banner page on each listing.  The name given is
 87         a virtual pathname.  The default is the system program
 88         "tail_sheet_".
 90      paper_type:  single | continuous;
 91         defines whether the output paper is single sheet or
 92         continuous forms.  The default is "continuous".^L
 95      forms_validation:  <name>;
 96         defines the name of the module to be used to validate and
 97         generate information for the given forms option.  The
 98         name given is a virtual pathname.  If forms_validation is
 99         not given, iod_forms_$validate is called.
101      forms_info:  <name>;
102         defines a Forms_table entry name to be used for forms
103         validation & evaluation.  If this entry is defined, the
104         default_form entry must also be given.
106      default_form:  <name>;
107         defines a default forms string for the device to be used
108         for the -forms option if the user did not provide one.
109         If this entry is defined, the forms_info entry must also
110         be given, since that defines how to interpret the
111         default_form definition.
113      font_dir:  <name>;
114         defines the directory containing downloadable fonts.  The
115         default is a null string.
118 Page 15-32; add the following after the section titled "Syntax
119 for the Request Type Info Source Segment"
124      The following keywords are allowed in the definition of a
125      request type.  They will apply to all current definitions.
127      comment:  <string>;
128         defines a comment of up to 128 characters which may be
129         used to describe the request type.  It must be a quoted
130         string.  The default is a null string.
132      forms_validation:  <name>;
133         defines the name of the module to be used to validate and
134         generate information for the given forms option.  The
135         name given is a virtual pathname.  If not given,
136         iod_forms_$validate is called.
138      forms_info:  <name>;
139         defines a Forms_table entry name to be used for forms
140         validation & evaluation.  If this entry is defined, the
141         default_form entry must also be given.
143      default_form:  <name>;
144         defines a default forms string for the request type to be
145         used for the -forms option if the user did not provide
146         one.  If this entry is defined, the forms_info entry must
147         also be given since that defines how to interpret the
148         default_form definition.^L
151      font_dir:  <name>;
152         defines directory containing downloadable fonts.  The
153         default is a null string.
156      NOTE
158      Since the definitions for forms_validation, forms_info,
159      default_form and font_dir may be in both the Device and
160      Request_type definitions, a conflict may result.  If there
161      is a conflict, it is resolved in favor of the Device values.
163      If we had a Request_type queue which was being serviced by
164      both an Apple LaserWriter device and a Bull laser printer
165      device, each would have to use their own special control
166      strings to service their own unique device.
168      The default_form value only takes effect when the user has
169      not supplied any forms option.  A situation where this might
170      have an effect is if the system printer queue, which takes
171      no forms options, were to be serviced by a device defined as
172      a laser printer.  The laser printer defaults to a portrait
173      mode when turned on.  The default_form option for the device
174      could convert the device into a landscape mode.
177 Page 15-6; add to the section titled "Substatements for Lines".
179      The following keyword is allowed in the definition of a
180      communications line.  It will apply to all current line
181      definitions.
183      comment:  <string>;
184         defines a comment of up to 128 characters which may be
185         used to describe the communications line definition.  It
186         must be a quoted string.  The default is a null string.
189 Page 15-6; add to the section titled "Statements"
191      The following is a major statement which may appear anywhere
192      within the source file.  It is terminated by a Line, Device,
193      Request_type or another Forms_table keyword.  The
194      Forms_table defines the forms options allowed by the
195      referencing Device or Request_type entry.
197      Forms_table:  <name>;
198         defines the name of a table containing definitions of
199         various forms options.  Any subsequent substatements
200         apply to this specific forms table until the next Line,
201         Device, Request_type or Forms_table statement is
202         encountered.  Any <name> may be chosen; it can be a
203         maximum of 32 characters and cannot contain periods or^L
206         spaces.  This is the name which is referenced by the
207         forms_info keyword in the Request_type definition.
209      The following substatements for the Forms_table statement
210      describe the various attributes of forms information.
212      name:  <name>[,<name>...,<name>];
213         defines the name of a given forms option.  If more than
214         one name is given, the subsequent names are synonyms for
215         the first.  All statements following this entry apply to
216         this entry until the next name substatement or the next
217         Line, Device, Request_type or Forms_table statements.
219      comment:  <string>;
220         defines a comment of up to 128 characters for this forms
221         option.  It must be a quoted string.
223      type:  <form type>;
224         defines what type of forms definition this is.  Allowed
225         definitions are "orientation", "font", "line_height",
226         "uses" and "special".  See the notes on types below for
227         further information.
229      string:  <string>;
230         defines the string to be tied to this option to enable
231         it.  See the notes on strings below for further
232         information.
234      page_height:  <size>;
235         defines the effective height of the printed page for the
236         forms option.  See the notes on sizes below for further
237         information.
239      page_width:  <size>;
240         defines the effective width of the printed page for the
241         forms option.  See the notes on sizes below for further
242         information.
244      char_height:  <size>;
245         defines the effective height of the characters for the
246         forms option.  See the notes on sizes below for further
247         information.
249      char_width:  <size>;
250         defines the effective width of the characters for the
251         forms option.  See the notes on sizes below for further
252         information.
254      line_height:  <size>;
255         defines the effective height of the line for the forms
256         option.  See the notes on sizes below for further
257         information.^L
260      uses:  <name>[,<name>...,<name>];
261         defines that this forms option is a combination of the
262         given name options.
264      NOTES ON STRINGS:  The TTF convention for initial_string
265      and/or additional_info is used when defining the escape
266      string for the "string" field.  The string is specified as
267      one or more substrings where each substring may be one of
268      the following:
270   1) A quoted string; e.g., "sR".  If a quoted string is to
271      contain a quote character, that quote must be doubled.
272      (e.g., "s""R" is s"R).
274   2) A single unquoted character such as X, A, p, $ or @.  This
275      notation is only allowed for "simple" characters.  This
276      notation may not be used for control characters, white
277      space, ASCII digit characters, "(", ")", "<", ">", " ", ":",
278      ",", ";", or the double quote character.
280   3) A single quoted character such as "X", ";", "B", or "0".
281      Any ASCII code can be entered this way.  Note that digits
282      should be specified as "0", not 0.
284   4) A 1 to 3 digit octal number such as 177, 14, or 007.  This
285      enters the character whose octal representation is as
286      specified.  Note that 0 is interpreted as octal 000.  If the
287      ASCII digit "0" is desired, it must be specified as "0" or
288      060.
290   5) The name of a control character, such as DEL.  These may be
291      either upper or lower case.  All standard control characters
292      are accepted, including:
294                NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL (000 - 007)
295                BS  TAB LF  VT  FF  CR  SO  SI  (010 - 017)
296                DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB (020 - 027)
297                CAN EM  SUB ESC FS  GS  RS  US  (030 - 037)
299      In addition, SP (040), DEL (177), NL (012), and HT (011) are
300      also accepted.
302   6) Control characters may also be entered in the form ^A, which
303      is read as control-A, and is the character sent when the
304      control-A function is used on an ASCII keyboard.  ^A is
305      equivalent to SOH, or 001.  The letters A-Z (upper or lower
306      case equivalent) preceded by a "^" may be used for 001
307      through 032.  Also accepted are ^@!(000), ^[!(033),
308      ^\!(034), ^]!(035), ^^!(036), and ^_!(037).
311      NOTES ON SIZES:  The definition of the <size> value is
312      <number>[<units>].  The value of <number> may include a
313      decimal point.  The default for units is "inches" which may^L
316      be shortened to "in" or "i".  In addition, the values of
317      "points", "pt" or "p"; "centimeters", "cm" or "c"; or "lpi"
318      (for lines per inch) are also accepted.
321      NOTES ON TYPES:  Each of the types has a unique function in
322      defining the complete format option.  The complete format
323      option defines:
325      o    the orientation of the printing on the page,
326      o    the font and the size of the characters to be output,
327      o   the number of lines on the page to be displayed.
330      The following table describes required and optional keywords
331      for each form type where R is Required, O is optional and -
332      is not used.
335                       orientation   font_desc  line_desc uses   special
336         name               R           R          R       R       R
337         comment            O           O          O       O       O
338         type               R           R          R       R       R
339         string             R           R          R       R       R
340         page_height        R           -          -       -       -
341         page_width         R           -          -       -       -
342         char_height        -           R          -       -       -
343         char_width         -           R          -       -       -
344         line_height        -           O          R       -       -
345         uses               -           -          -       R       -
350 Page 15-22; add the following paragraph after "Remote Driver
351 <string> Arguments".
355      The following variable will be allowed in the args or
356      minor_args definition of a device.
358      indirect= <name>; defines the pathname of a segment or
359         archive component containing text to be used in place of
360         the arg or minor_arg strings.
362      The following variables are allowed in the remote_driver_
363         minor_args definition.
365      model= <name>;
366         defines name of particular model of printer.  In the
367         initial release, the model names of "hblp", for the Bull
368         Model 80 laser printer, and "applelw", for the Apple
369         LaserWriter will be the only models supported.  If the^L
372         "paper_type:  single;" keyword is used, this field is
373         required.  There is no default.
376 Page 15-22; add the following after the section titled "Setup for
377 Stations That Connot Input Commands (Type II Stations).
381      The following is an example of an I/O daemon table
382      definition for a Type II station driving a Bull Model 80
383      laser printer with the added keywords.
385      Device:             stms_laser_1;
386        comment:          "Bull Ricoh printer in room 3-325";
387        driver_module:    remote_driver_;
388        args:             "station= stms_laser_1,
389                           slave= no, model= hblp,
390                           desc= -terminal tty_printer_ -comm tty_";
391        ctl_dial_id:      stmslw1;
392        line:             a.h123;
393        head_sheet:       iodd_hblp_support_;
394        tail_sheet:       iodd_hblp_support_;
395        paper_type:       single;
396        admin_mbx:        >udd>m>ecb>hblp_problems.mbx;
397        forms_validation: iod_forms_$validate;
398        default_form:     portrait,courier,6lpi;
399        forms_info:       hblp_forms;
401       minor_device:      noholes;
402        comment:          "Device running regular paper";
403        minor_args:       "dev= printer";
404        default_type:     stms_laser_noholes;
406      Device:             stms_laser_2;
407        comment:          "Bull Ricoh printer in room 2-325";
408        driver_module:    remote_driver_;
409        args:             "station= stms_laser_2,
410                           slave= no, model= hblp,
411                           desc= -terminal tty_printer_ -comm tty_";
412        ctl_dial_id:      stmslw2;
413        line:             b.h123;
414        head_sheet:       iodd_hblp_support_;
415        tail_sheet:       iodd_hblp_support_;
416        paper_type:       single;
417        admin_mbx:        >udd>m>ecb>hblp_problems.mbx;
418        forms_validation: iod_forms_$validate;
419        default_form:     portrait,courier,6lpi;
420        forms_info:       hblp_forms;
422       minor_device:      holes;
423        comment:          "Device running prepunched paper";
424        minor_args:       "dev= printer";
425        default_type:     stms_laser_holes;^L
428      Device:             stms_laser_3;
429        comment:          "Apple LaserWriter in room 2-324";
430        driver_module:    remote_driver_;
431        args:             "station= stms_laser_3,
432                           slave= no, model= applelw,
433                           desc= -terminal tty_printer_ -comm tty_";
434        ctl_dial_id:      stmslw3;
435        line:             c.h123;
436        head_sheet:       iodd_applelw_support_;
437        tail_sheet:       iodd_applelw_support_;
438        paper_type:       single;
439        admin_mbx:        >udd>m>ecb>applelw_problems.mbx;
440        forms_validation: iod_forms_$validate;
441        default_form:     portrait,courier,6lpi;
442        forms_info:       applelw_forms;
444       minor_device:      noholes;
445        comment:          "Device running regular paper";
446        minor_args:       "dev= printer";
447        default_type:     stms_applelw_holes;
450      Request_type:       stms_laser_noholes;
451       comment:           "Regular (non-holed) paper";
452       generic_type:      printer;
453       driver_userid:     RJE.SysDaemon;
454       device:            stms_laser_1.noholes;
455       device:            stms_laser_3.noholes;
456       forms_validation:  iod_forms_$validate;
457       default_form:      portrait,courier,6lpi;
458       forms_info:        hblp_forms;
460      Request_type:       stms_laser_holes;
461       comment:           "Prepunched 3-hole paper";
462       generic_type:      printer;
463       driver_userid:     RJE.SysDaemon;
464       device:            stms_laser_2.holes;
465       forms_validation:  iodd_hblp_support_$validate_forms;
466       default_form:      landscape,gothic_land,8lpi;
467       forms_info:        laser_forms;
470      Forms_table: hblp_forms;
471        comment:          "This defines forms info for the
472                           Bull Model 80 (Ricoh) printer";
474       name:              landscape,land;
475        comment:          "Landscape - Print parallel to long edge";
476        type:             orientation;
477        page_height:      8inches;
478        page_width:       10.5in;
479        string:           ESC DC2 "D2 ";^L
482       name:              portrait,port;
483        type:             orientation;
484        comment:          "Portrait - Print parallel to short edge";
485        page_height:      10.5inches;
486        page_width:       8in;
487        string:           ESC DC2 "D1 ";
489       name:              Courier_10,courier,pica;
490        comment:          "Courier font - 10 CPI";
491        type:             font;
492        char_height:      12pt;
493        char_width:       7.2pt;
494        string:           ESC DC2 "S01 ";
496       name:              Prestige_Elite_12,elite;
497        comment:          "Elite font - 12 CPI";
498        type:             font;
499        char_height:      9.84pt;
500        char_width:       6pt;
501        string:           ESC DC2 "S02 ";
503       name:              Letter_Gothic_15,letter,gothic;
504        comment:          "Letter font - 15 CPI";
505        type:             font;
506        char_height:      9.84pt;
507        char_width:       4.8pt;
508        string:           ESC DC2 "S04 ";
510       name:              Letter_Gothic_15_Landscape,
511                           letter_land,gothic_land,
512                           land_font,landscape_font;
513        comment:          "Font for landscape mode printing";
514        type:             font;
515        char_height:      9.84pt;
516        char_width:       4.8pt;
517        string:           ESC DC2 "A08,2@Letter Gothic 15R"
518                           ESC SP ESC DC2 "S08 ";
520       name:              8lpi,8l;
521        comment:          "8 Lines Per Inch";
522        type:             line_height;
523        line_height:      9pt;
524        string:           ESC RS 7;
526       name:              6lpi,6l;
527        type:             line_height;
528        comment:          "6 Lines Per Inch";
529        line_height:      6lpi;
530        string:           ESC RS 9;
532       name:              listing,list,ls;
533        comment:          "defaults for compilation listings";
534        uses:             landscape,gothic_land,8lpi;^L
537       name:              memo;
538        comment:          "default string for interoffice memoranda";
539        uses:             portrait,courier,6lpi;
541       name:              control,ctl;
542        comment:          "Just send text out as is in raw mode";
543        type:             special;
544        string:           "control";
546       name:              compose,comp;
547        comment:          "Special output file generated by compose";
548        type:             special;
549        string:           "compose";
551       name:              tex,TeX,Tex;
552        comment:          "Special output file generated by TeX";
553        type:             special;
554        string:           "tex";
556      Forms_table: applelw_forms;
557        comment:          "This just shows how a new table is given.";
559       name:              landscape,land;
560        comment:          "this defines the landscape mode";
561        type:             orientation;
562        page_height:      8inches;
563        page_width:       10.5in;
564        string:           "0 792 translate -90 rotate";
566       name:              portrait,port;
567        type:             orientation;
568        comment:          "this defines the portrait mode";
569        page_height:      10.5inches;
570        page_width:       8in;
571        string:           "0 792 translate";
573       name:              Courier_10,courier,pica;
574        comment:          "Normal 10 CPI font";
575        type:             font;
576        char_height:      12pt;
577        char_width:       7.2pt;
578        string:           "/Courier findfont 12.0 scalefont setfont";
580       name:              control;
581        type:             special;
582        string:           "control";
584       name:              compose;
585        type:             special;
586        string:           "compose";
588       name:              tex;
589        type:             special;
590        string:           "tex";^L