1 01/01/88  enter_output_request, eor
  3 Syntax as a command:  eor {paths} {-control_args}
  6 Function: submits requests to printer, punch, or plotter queues.  All
  7 control arguments are nonpositional.  Paired control arguments
  8 override one another if both are used in a single command.  You can
  9 also establish personalized default settings for these control
 10 arguments.
 13 Arguments:
 14 paths
 15    are pathnames of segments or multisegment files to be printed,
 16    punched, or plotted.  The star convention is accepted.  Null links
 17    and directories matching a starname are ignored without error.
 20 Control arguments (queuing):
 21 -brief, -bf
 22    suppresses the message printed by -long.
 23 -force, -fc
 24    forces sufficient access to a file to allow printing, punching, or
 25    plotting, and adjusts the bit count of segments having a zero bit
 26    count.
 27 -long, -lg
 28    prints the  message "J requests submitted; K already in
 29    REQUEST_TYPE queue N."  (Default)
 30 -name path, -nm path
 31    submits a request for the single file identified by the pathname.
 32 -no_force, -nfc
 33    prints an error message for files having a zero bit count and for
 34    files to which the IO Driver has insufficient access.  (Default)
 37 -number, -nb
 38    prints line numbers before each line.  The line number and the
 39    spaces separating it from the line take up 10 spaces.
 40 -no_number, -nnb
 41    prints each line with no line numbers. (Default)
 42 -plot
 43    submits requests for plotting on an installation-defined plotting
 44    device.
 45 -print, -pr
 46    submits requests for printing.  (Default)
 47 -punch, -pch
 48    submits requests for punching.
 51 -queue N, -q N
 52    submits the request to queue N of the request type.  If N is
 53    "default" (dft), the default priority queue is used.  Some request
 54    types have fewer than four queues, so the default priority queue
 55    varies, depending upon the request type.
 56 -request_type STR, -rqt STR
 57    submits requests to the STR printer, punch, or plotter request
 58    type.  STR must be one of the request types listed by
 59    print_request_types.  (Default: printer when printing, punch when
 60    punching, plotter when plotting)
 63 Control arguments (processing):
 64 -copies N, -cp N
 65    produces N copies of the printed, punched, or plotted output.  N
 66    may be any number from 1 to 30 or "default" (dft) to obtain the
 67    default number of copies.  (Default: 1)
 68 -destination {-control_args} STR, -ds {-control_args} STR
 69    STR is the destination placed on the banner page of printed output
 70    or placed in the flip cards of punched output.  See "Control
 71    arguments (with headings/labels)" for allowed control arguments.
 72    (Default: submitter's project_id)
 73 -forms STR
 74    specifies the type of forms to be used when printing a file.
 75    Currently, standard I/O daemon drivers ignore -forms when
 76    processing a print request.
 79 -header {-control_args} STR, -he {-control_args} STR
 80    STR is the heading placed on the banner page of printed output or
 81    placed in the flip cards of punched output.  See "Control
 82    arguments (with headings/labels)" for allowed control arguments.
 83 -no_separator, -nsep
 84    does not include the inner head and tail sheets when multiple copies
 85    of a request are processed.
 86 -separator, -sep
 87    includes the inner head and tail sheets.  (Default)
 90 Control arguments (preprocessing):
 91 -defer_until_process_termination, -dupt
 92    specifies that the request is not processed until the requesting
 93    process terminates.
 94 -no_defer_until_process_termination, -ndupt
 95    processes the request normally.  (Default)
 98 Control arguments (postprocessing):
 99 -delete, -dl
100    deletes files after they are printed, punched, or plotted.
101 -no_delete, -ndl
102    does not delete files.  (Default)
103 -no_notify, -nnt
104    does not notify the submitter.  (Default)
105 -notify, -nt
106    notifies the submitted after the entry is printed, punched, or
107     plotted.
110 Control arguments (with headings/labels):
111    You can use the following control arguments as operands of -header,
112    -destination, -top_label, -bottom_label, or -label.
113 -active_string, -astr
114    STR is interpreted as an active string that eor evaluates as each
115    request is submitted.  For example, "-he -astr date" uses today's
116    date as the heading.  You can use the pathname of the file being
117    processed in the active string because STR is evaluated as:
118       [do "[STR]" pathname]
119    For example,
120       -he -astr "date;string -;spe &1"
121    produces a heading of "12/15/84 - test".
124 -equal_name, -enm
125    the heading or label is constructed by applying the equals
126    convention to STR and the pathname of the file being processed.
127    If the STR contains any equal signs (=) or percent characters (%),
128    then -equal_name is assumed by default unless -string is given.
129    You can give this operand with -active_string to apply the equal
130    convention to the evaluated active string.
131 -string, -str
132    treats STR as an ordinary heading or label character string,
133    even though it may contain equal signs or begin with a hyphen.
134 -center
135    centers the label string on each printed page.  You can use it only
136    with -label, -top_label, and -bottom_label.  (Default: label is
137    left justified)
140 Control arguments (print format):
141 -end_page, -ep
142    skips to the top of the next page after P lines are printed on a
143    page.  (Default)
144 -fold
145    continues lines longer than L-I columns on subsequent print
146    lines.  (Default)
147 -indent I, -ind I
148    indents the left margin by I columns.  I can be any number from
149    0 to L (the line length) or it can be "default" (dft) to obtain the
150    default indentation.  (Default: 0)
151 -line_length L, -ll L
152    prints no more than L columns per line.  L can be any number from 1
153    to 136, or it can be "default" (dft) to obtain the default line
154    length.  (Default: varies depending upon the request type)
156 -no_end_page, -nep
157    skips to the top of the page only when a formfeed (newpage)
158    character is encountered in the input.  Use of -no_end_page
159    disables -page_length.
160 -page_length P, -pl P
161    prints no more than P lines per page, where P is the logical page
162    length (i.e., the number of lines of user data to appear).  P can
163    be "default" (dft) to obtain the default page length, which varies
164    depending upon the request type.
165 -truncate, -tc
166    truncates lines longer than L-I columns.
169 Control arguments (print output conversion):
170 -edited, -ed
171    suppresses printing of nonprintable characters.  (Default)
172 -non_edited, -ned
173    prints nonprintable control characters as octal escape sequences.
174 -no_vertical_space, -nvertsp
175    treats formfeed and vertical-tab characters as newline characters
176    during printing.
177 -vertical_space, -vertsp
178    performs formfeed and vertical tabbing operations during printing.
179    (Default)
182 Control arguments (page labels):
183 -access_label, -albl
184    puts the access class of the entry being printed at the top and
185    bottom of every page; for entries at system_low access class, this
186    is equivalent to -no_label.  (Default)
187 -bottom_label {-control_args} STR, -blbl {-control_args} STR
188    puts STR at the bottom of every page.  See "Control
189    arguments (with headings/labels)" for allowed control arguments.
190 -label {-control_args} STR, -lbl {-control_args} STR
191    puts STR at the top and bottom of every page.  See "Control
192    arguments (with headings/labels)" for allowed control arguments.
195 -no_label, -nlbl
196    does not put labels on each page.
197 -top_label {-control_args} STR, -tlbl {-control_args} STR
198    puts STR at the top of every page.  See "Control
199    arguments (with headings/labels)" for allowed control arguments.
202 Control arguments (punch output conversion):
203 -7punch, -7p
204    punches files using 7-punch conversion.
205 -mcc_punch, -mcc
206    punches files using character conversion.  (Default)
207 -raw_punch, -raw
208    punches files using no conversion.
211 Control arguments (set/print defaults):
212    (See "Notes on setting defaults" below.)
213 -all, -a
214    prints the control argument values associated with all defined
215    groups (-print_defaults is assumed).
216 -default_name STR, -dnm STR
217    uses STR as the name for the group of default control arguments
218    being set.  Use -default_name when the name of the new group
219    differs from the request type defined by the group.
220 -delete_defaults, -ddft
221    deletes the definition of the named group of control argument
222    settings.
223 -list_defaults, -ldft
224    lists the names of the print, punch, and plot defaults that have
225    been defined.
228 -print_defaults, -pdft
229    prints the default control argument settings associated with a given
230    request type or named group of defaults.
231 -replace_defaults, -rdft
232    resets control argument settings in the group to their standard
233    values and then applies the specified control arguments to modify
234    the group.
235 -set_defaults, -sdft
236    adds control arguments given in the command line to the existing
237    default values.
238 -set_default_request_type STR, -sdrqt STR
239    sets the default request type for printing, punching, or plotting to
240    STR.
243 Access required: The IO Daemon process that performs the printing or
244 punching must have at least r access to the entry and at least s
245 access to the directory that contains the entry.  Use the
246 print_request_types command to print the access name of IO Daemon
247 processes.
249 If you give -delete, the IO coordinator (normally IO.SysDaemon.z) must
250 have at least m access to the directory that contains the entry.
253 Notes: If you invoke eor without arguments, it gives the number of
254 requests in the default printer queue.
257 Notes on setting defaults: The various user-defined groups of default
258 control values are stored in your default value segment (normally
259 [hd]>[your name].value).