1 :Info: eis_tester: et:
 2 2022-10-30  eis_tester, et
 4 Syntax:  et path {-control_args}
 7 Function:  sets up and tests EIS instructions in a controlled
 8 environment.  You must prepare an input script describing the EIS
 9 instructions to be tested.  From this input script the EIS tester
10 builds the EIS instructions (one at a time) and the indirect words,
11 descriptors, and data that each instruction needs.  The instruction to
12 be tested is set up in a special ALM segment (etx).  The eis_tester
13 command calls etx in order to execute the EIS instruction; etx returns
14 to eis_tester when the instruction has been executed.  After executing
15 the instruction, eis_tester tests correct execution of the instruction.
16 If one of the test scripts in the ets data base fails and the
17 successful execution of that test is dependent upon installation of a
18 particular FCO, the FCO number is displayed in the error message.
20 See the Multics System Diagnostic Aids manual (AR97) for details on the
21 operation of the EIS tester and on how to write script input tests.
24 Arguments:
25 path
26    is the pathname of a segment that contains input script data that
27    defines the instructions to test.
30 Control arguments:
31 -brief, -bf
32    suppresses all output except identification and error messages.
33 -nox
34    sets up the instruction but does not execute it; used to test the
35    validity of the input script.
36 -debug
37    runs the test in a debugging loop where each instruction is tested
38    10 times but results from the test are not checked.  Each time
39    through the loop the instruction is set up completely, including all
40    the specified faults.
41 -select N, -sel N, -do N
42    processes only test N (where N is a positive decimal number).  This
43    number has no relationship to the -ns field in any test.
46 -help
47    displays a brief usage statement.
48 -instruction_type INSTR, -inst INSTR
49    processes only tests that contain the instruction INSTR.
50 -long, -lg
51    displays all the related test information prior to executing a test.
52 -repeat N, -rpt N
53    repeats the entire execution of the selected tests N times.
54 -stop_on_failure, -sof
55    displays the failing data, machine condition, and history register
56    information and return to command level if an error is detected in a
57    test.  The default is to display the failing data and continue with
58    the next test.
61 -from N, -fm N
62    starts processing test N (where N is a positive decimal number) and
63    continues processing all remaining tests in the input segment unless
64    -to is used.
65 -to N
66    stops processing after test N (where N is a positive decimal
67    number).  If -from is not used, tests one through N are processed.
70 Notes:  The eis_tester program prints a message noting the beginning of
71 each instruction test.  It also prints the number of this test.  If
72 there are errors, it prints the incorrect data or incorrect
73 indicators.
75 If you specify -long, then the data that eis_tester has set up
76 for this instruction is printed before the instruction is executed.
79 The eis_tester program is the main procedure in the EIS instruction
80 tester.  It calls et_test to parse the statements in your data file.
81 It translates these statements into the data needed to build and test
82 an EIS instruction in the external segment etx.  After building the
83 instruction, this procedure calls etx in order to execute the EIS
84 instruction.  When etx returns, the results of the EIS instruction are
85 examined.  The eis_tester program continues to build and test EIS
86 instructions until there is no data left in the input file.  The
87 failure of one instruction only causes the termination of that one
88 instruction test.  Any remaining instructions specified in the input
89 file are processed and tested
92 :hcom:
94   1) change(2022-10-30,Swenson), approve(2022-10-30,MCR10124),
95      audit(2022-10-30,None), install(2022-10-30,MR12.8-1049):
96      Fix to say that data about the instruction is printed out only if the
97      -long control argument is specified.
98                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */