1 03/12/84  ed_installation_parms
  3 Syntax:  ed_installation_parms {path}
  6 Function:  edits installation_parms and rate_structure segments.
  7 Normally, the segments edited should be those in the directory
  8 >system_control_1.
 11 Arguments:
 12 path
 13    is the pathname of an installation_parms segment.  If path is not
 14    given, a segment named installation_parms in the working directory
 15    is edited.  The segment is created if it does not already exist.  If
 16    the installation_parms segment defines multiple rate_structures,
 17    then segments named rate_structure_N (where N is a digit in the
 18    range 1 through 9) in the same directory as installation_parms are
 19    edited.  Editor requests allow the user to switch between
 20    installation_parms and the rate_structure segments within one
 21    invocation of the editor.  The entire set of segments is edited as a
 22    single unit in order to maintain consistency among them.  All
 23    editing is done with temporary copies of these segments; the actual
 24    segments are updated only by the "w" request described below.
 27 Notes:  After this command is invoked, the editor enters its main
 28 request loop, and prompts the user with the message "type".  To return
 29 to this request loop from any editor query, press the QUIT key and
 30 invoke the "program_interrupt" command.  Certain operations of the
 31 editor are defined as critical, as they may require updating many
 32 interdependent fields.  If the user attempts to return to the request
 33 loop using QUIT and program_interrupt when such an operation is taking
 34 place, the editor asks the user to confirm the abandonment of the
 35 operation.  The user may elect to restart the interrupted operation.
 36 After an abandonment, it may be necessary to retype a number of tables,
 37 or quit the editor and redo the editing.
 40 If the user is editing multiple rate_structures, then the following
 41 notes apply.  When editing any segment except installation_parms, the
 42 user is said to be editing a rate_structure, and is limited in the
 43 operations which may be performed.  In general, it is possible to
 44 change the pricing information of the rate_structure, but not values
 45 (such as device names) that affect all rate_structures.  In addition,
 46 there are items specific to installation_parms that cannot be accessed
 47 while editing a rate_structure.  See "Notes on keywords for rate
 48 structure" for details.
 51 Some of the requests accept keywords.  If the keyword is not given with
 52 the request, the system prompts with the message "id"; the system
 53 administrator then responds with one of the keywords described below.
 54 At this point, the system either prints out the current value of the
 55 item or prompts for a new value.  All requests, keywords, and values
 56 can be typed ahead, avoiding the prompting messages.  In several
 57 cases, certain typed ahead values alter the operation of the request,
 58 causing it to operate on a subset of the data that it normally
 59 operates on.
 62 List of edit requests:
 63 add XX, a XX
 64    adds new items to the entry specified by the XX keyword.  This
 65    request may only be used for device_prices, config_table, rate
 66    structure_names, and resources entries.
 67 change XX, c XX
 68    allows an entry, or a portion of an entry, specified by the XX
 69    keyword to have its value changed.
 70 copy
 71    prompts for an existing rate structure name and copies pricing
 72    information from that rate_structure to the one being edited.
 75 default
 76    sets all entries in the installation_parms segment to default
 77    values.  Requests of the form <release name>_default (e.g.,
 78    mr10.0_default) are also provided, with any release in which new
 79    parameters have been added to installation_parms, to initialize just
 80    the new parameters.  See the installation instructions for the
 81    release for more information.  When specified while editing a
 82    rate_structure, the default request causes pricing information from
 83    the rate_structure named "default" (the one in installation_parms)
 84    to be copied to the rate_structure being edited.
 85 help {long}, h {long}
 86    prints a summary of available requests and keywords.  Normally, only
 87    the primary name of each keyword is printed.  If the long argument
 88    is given, then the keyword abbreviations are also printed.
 91 print XX, p XX
 92    prints the entry specified by the XX keyword.
 93 retype XX, r XX
 94    allows all portions of an entry specified by the XX keyword to be
 95    replaced.
 96 w
 97    writes the changes that have been made back into the input segments;
 98    all editing is done on temporary copies.
 99 q
100    quits from editor.  Must be preceded by a "w" request to save
101    changes.
104 rate_structure {RS}, rates {RS}
105    specifies that subsequent editor requests are to affect the pricing
106    information of the rate_structure RS.  The installation_parms
107    segment is referred to as rate_structure "default".  The site may
108    change this or any rate structure name.  The single character RS "."
109    always refers to installation_parms, even if the name has been
110    changed from "default".  To return to editing installation_parms,
111    type the request:  "rate_structure .".  If RS is omitted, the name
112    of the current rate structure is printed.
115 verify, v
116    performs certain verifications of the integrity of the
117    installation_parms and rate_structure_N segments.  Most checks are
118    designed to detect inconsistencies between installation_parms and
119    rate_structure segments.  If -force, -fc, force, or fc is typed on
120    the same line as the verify request, ed_installation_parms forces
121    table consistency, zeroing prices for affected entries.  The user is
122    notified of each such alteration.
125 List of keywords:
126 abs_cpu_default_limit, abscpudf
127    selects the default absentee CPU time limit (in seconds), for each
128    queue.  Default limits are used when no time limit is specified by
129    the user who enters a job in one of the background absentee queues.
130 abs_cpu_max_limit, abscpumx
131    selects the maximum absentee CPU time limit (in seconds), for each
132    queue and shift.  These limits allow jobs with high CPU time limits
133    (either specified by the user or set by the abs_cpu_default_limit
134    parameter) to be run during lightly-loaded shifts, by specifying the
135    longest-running jobs from each queue that will be permitted to log
136    in during each shift.
139 abs_default_queue, absdfq
140    selects the default absentee queue for submission of jobs by the
141    enter_abs_request, pl1_abs, etc. commands.  This parameter can have
142    a value in the range 1 to 4 (the default is 3 unless changed by the
143    system administrator).
144 abs_timax
145    selects the absentee timax per queue (in microseconds).
146 abs_queue_parameters, abs_
147    is the same as selecting all of the keywords abs_cpu_default_limit,
148    abs_cpu_max_limit, abs_default_queue, and abs_timax.
149 access_ceiling, acce
150    selects the maximum sensitivity level that may be used, and all
151    categories that may be used.  Categories are specified by an octal
152    string, levels by a decimal digit.
155 all
156    selects every entry.  This keyword may only be used with the print
157    or retype requests.
158 all_structures
159    selects every entry of installation_parms and every rate_structure.
160    This keyword has the effect of "all" for installation_parms, and
161    "rates" for all rate_structures.
162 ARPANET_host_number, ARPA
163    selects the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANet) host
164    address.  A value of -1 means the installation is not attached to
165    the ARPANet.
166 authentication, auth
167    selects the default level of security for volume authentication
168    under RCP Resource Management.  See "Notes on volume
169    authentication" below.
172 auto_registration, auto
173    selects the automatic volume registration set by RCP.  The value
174    can be "on" or "off" (off is the default).  Automatic registration
175    of an unregistered volume is performed when the operator allows a
176    user to mount the volume.  The volume is registered, with default
177    attributes, to the user requesting the volume.  This keyword may
178    only be used with the change, print, or retype requests.
179 category_names, cate
180    selects the short (up to eight characters) and long (up to 32
181    characters) names for up to 18 access categories.  Embedded blanks
182    are allowed in long names only.  Category names may not be blank.
185 config_table, conf
186    selects the elements of the configuration table which consist of 9
187    decimal numbers, in the order:
188       CPU mem bulk shift min max base absu absq
189    See "Notes on config table" below.
191    All 9 parameters must be entered for the retype, add, or change
192    requests in the order shown above.  Each parameter is prompted for
193    or the prompting may be avoided by typing all nine parameters of
194    the element in response to the prompt for the first one (CPUs).
197 cwe_count, cwec
198    selects the count parameter of the terminal channel wakeup loop
199    detector.  If a user causes more than cwe_count interactions within
200    cwe_time while logging in, the channel is hung up.  An interaction
201    occurs every time the Answering Service is notified of an event for
202    the terminal channel.  The number of interactions perceived by the
203    Answering Service is typically the same as the number of input lines
204    (terminated by a newline) entered by the user.  The default value
205    for this parameter is 10.  See "Notes on wakeups" below.
206 cwe_time, cwet
207    selects the time parameter of the channel wakeup error loop detector
208    in seconds.  Default time is 3 seconds.  See also the description
209    of cwe_count.
212 device_prices, devi
213    selects the names and prices (dollars per hour, for each shift) for
214    each of up to 16 miscellaneous devices (teletype channels, tapes,
215    high-speed channels, etc.).  For the print request, if the name of
216    a device is typed ahead on the input line after the device_prices
217    keyword, the prices for that device are printed; otherwise the
218    prices of all devices are printed.  For the retype request, the
219    name of each device is typed and new prices are requested for all
220    shifts.
223 device_names, devname, devn
224    selects the names of the miscellaneous devices.  Allows changing the
225    name of an existing device or printing the names of all the defined
226    devices.  Changing a device name to devN, where N is a number from 1
227    to 16 indicating the location of the device in the table, has the
228    effect of deleting the device, since unused device table locations
229    contain names of that form.  If a deleted device is the last one in
230    the list, the list is shortened by one.
232    Charging for certain devices is built into the system.  These
233    devices must be defined in the device table, with their names
234    spelled exactly as the system expects to find them.  These devices
235    are defined automatically by the "default" request.  A warning
236    message is printed by the "print device_prices" and "print devnames"
237    requests for any of these devices that is not defined.
240 devices, device
241    selects the names and prices (dollars per hour, for each shift) for
242    each of up to 16 miscellaneous devices.  For the print request, if
243    the name of a device is typed ahead on the input line after the
244    devices keyword, the prices for that device are printed; otherwise
245    the names and prices of all devices are printed.  For the retype
246    request, the user can enter new prices for the system defined
247    devices, and enter a new set of site-defined device names and
248    prices.  For the add request, it allows the user to define a new
249    device.
250 foreground_cpu_default_limit, fgcpudf
251    selects the default CPU time limit (in seconds) for the foreground
252    absentee queue.  This limit is used when no time limit is specified
253    by the user who enters a job in the foreground absentee queue.
256 fpe_count, fpecount, fpec
257    selects the count parameter of the fatal process error loop
258    detector.  Default is 3.  If interactive users get fpe_count fatal
259    process errors within fpe_time, they are logged out.
260 fpe_time, fpetime, fpet
261    selects the time parameter of the fatal process error loop detector.
262    Default is 1 minute.
263 idle_time_constant, idle
264    selects the time over which the moving average of foreground load is
265    taken, for use in adjusting maximum background absentee users
266    (abs_maxu).  Default is 15 minutes.
267 inactive_time, inac
268    selects the number of real-time seconds a process may remain blocked
269    before being bumped for inactivity.
272 installation_id, inst
273    selects the installation name, city, and state (maximum of 32
274    characters).
275 level_names, leve
276    selects the short (up to 8 characters) and long (up to 32
277    characters) names for up to eight sensitivity levels.  Embedded
278    blanks are allowed in long names only; "."  means leave name blank
279    (level 0 only).
280 log_parameters, log_
281    selects the number of pages (1 to 63) to which ring 0 syserr log may
282    grow before being copied.  A value of -1 means disable automatic
283    copying; 0 means use default value.
284 login_time, logi
285    selects the number of real-time seconds in which login must be
286    completed.
289 max_abs
290    selects the per-shift upper limit in the abs_maxu equation.  See
291    "Notes on shift and queue specification" below.
292 max_qres
293    selects the per-shift and per-queue upper limit in the qres
294    equation.  See "Notes on shift and queue specification" below.
295 min_abs
296    selects the per-shift lower limit in the abs_maxu equation.  See
297    "Notes on shift and queue specification" below.
298 min_qres
299    selects the per-shift and per-queue lower limit in the qres
300    equation.  See "Notes on shift and queue specification" below.
303 pct_abs
304    selects the percentage of idle units to be made available to
305    background absentee jobs.  Used in the abs_maxu equation.  See
306    "Notes on shift and queue specification" below.
307 pct_qres
308    selects the percentage of absentee slots to be reserved for each
309    queue.  Used in the qres equation.  See "Notes on shift and queue
310    specification" below.
313 prices
314    selects the prices of disk storage (per page-second or
315    page-30-days), per-month registration, and per-shift prices of CPU
316    time (dollars/virtual CPU hour), connect time (real hours), terminal
317    I/O operations (kilo lines), and memory usage (kilo memory units).
319    The change request allows the user to specify a shift and set the
320    CPU, connect time, terminal I/O, and memory prices.  The retype
321    request asks for the disk and registration prices, and then
322    optionally asks for all other prices for each shift.
323 queue_prices
324    selects the prices for absentee virtual CPU time (dollars/virtual
325    CPU hour), absentee memory usage (dollars/kilo memory unit), and
326    I/O daemon usage (dollars/kilo lines), for up to four queues.
329 rate_structure_names, rate_structure_name, rsn
330    allows changing the name of a rate_structure, printing the names of
331    the defined rate structures, or adding a rate_structure.
332 rates
333    selects all pricing fields: device_prices, prices, queue_prices,
334    resource_prices.
335 resources, resource
336    selects the names and prices of resources for which users are to be
337    charged.  For the print request, if the name of a resource is typed
338    ahead on the input line after the resources keyword, the price for
339    that resource is printed; otherwise the names and prices of all
340    resources are printed.  For the retype request, allows the user to
341    re-enter all resource names and prices.  For the add request, allows
342    the user to define a new resource.
345 resource_prices, reso
346    selects the names and prices of resources for which users are to be
347    charged.  The resource price list is currently used only for
348    charging for special forms in I/O daemon requests.  For the print
349    request, if the name of a resource price is typed directly after the
350    resource_price keyword, that price is printed; otherwise all the
351    prices are printed.  For the retype request, the name of each
352    resource is typed and a new price is requested.
353 resource_names, rscname, rscn
354    selects the name of an existing entry in the resource price list.
355    Allows changing the name of an existing resource.
356 resource_wait_time, rsctime, rsct
357    selects the time interval at which to keep checking for resource
358    availability when an absentee job is waiting for a resource and
359    there are no other jobs logging in or out.  Default is 5 minutes.
362 rsc_mgmt_enabled, rsc_
363    controls activation of the RCP Resource Management subsystem.  The
364    string "on" sets the flag on.  Initially this flag is off; it should
365    not be turned off again once it has been turned on.  This keyword
366    may only be used with the change, print, or retype requests.
367 shift_table, shif
368    selects the shifts for each half-hour of the week.  Shifts are
369    numbered 0 to 7.  By default, the change request changes the shift
370    of a single half hour, specified by day, hour, and half hour.
371    If the word "thru" is typed ahead on the input line after the first
372    half hour, then a second day, hour and half hour are read, and all
373    half hours from the first through the second are set to the
374    specified shift.
377 sus_cpu_time, susc
378    selects the CPU time limit imposed on a suspended process.  The
379    default is 5 seconds.  The default handler for the sus_ signal in
380    a user process goes blocked and waits to be released.  If the
381    process fails to respond in this way and continues running, it is
382    destroyed after it has used the specified amount of CPU time (after
383    the sus_ signal is sent).
384 sus_real_time, susr
385    selects the real time limit imposed on a suspended process.  The
386    default is 180 seconds.  Before going blocked, a suspended process
387    sends a wakeup to the answering service, specifying the event
388    channel on which it is about to go blocked, and over which it can be
389    released.  If the process fails to respond in this way within the
390    specified interval of real time, it is destroyed.
393 titles
394    selects the company name and department name single-spaced (maximum
395    of 64 characters) and double-spaced (maximum of 120 characters).
396 tries
397    selects the number of login tries allowed before Multics hangs up.
398 trm_cpu_time, trmcputime, trmc
399    selects the CPU time limit imposed on a process that is being
400    terminated and has been sent a trm_ signal.  Default is 5 seconds.
402    A process being terminated involuntarily by the answering service
403    (e.g., by the bump command), as opposed to a process that
404    terminates itself voluntarily (e.g., by the logout command), is
405    sent a trm_ signal, and is given a small amount of time to
406    terminate itself.  The default handler for trm_ signals the finish
407    condition in the user's process.
410 trm_real_time, trmrealtime, trmr
411    selects the real time limit imposed on a process that has been sent
412    a trm_ signal.  Default is 120 seconds.
413 unload_on_detach, unlo
414    controls whether detached volumes are unloaded automatically.  The
415    string "on" sets the flag on; "off" is the default.  When the flag
416    is off, a detached volume remains on its drive until the drive is
417    needed for another volume.  This flag has no effect when the user
418    specifies "-retain all" in the attach description of the volume
419    being detached.  This keyword may only be used with the change,
420    print, or retype requests.
421 update_time, upda
422    selects the number of real-time seconds between accounting updates.
425 warning_time, warn
426    selects the number of real-time seconds between warning (of an
427    automatic logout) and actual logout.
429    This value also affects the automatic bumping of users prior to a
430    shutdown scheduled through the operator down command.  The bump is
431    scheduled for N minutes before the time specified in the down
432    command (where N is warning_time divided by 60, rounded up to the
433    next whole minute).  At that time, all interactive users are bumped
434    (i.e., warned that they will be logged out in N minutes), and the
435    login word is changed to prevent further logins.
438 Notes on keywords for rate structure: The following keywords may be
439 used when editing a rate_structure: all (same as "rates"),
440 device_prices, device_names, devices, prices, queue_prices, rates,
441 rate_structure_names, resource_prices, resource_names, and
442 resources.  Further restrictions on this set of keywords exist
443 within some requests.  For example, none of the keywords are
444 allowed to change device or resource names when editing a
445 rate_structure because such a change must be reflected in all
446 rate_structures.
448 Users must have read access to rate_structure_N segments in >sc1 when
449 multiple rate_structures are in effect.  In addition, all daemons that
450 charge users for services must have read access to the SAT, to
451 determine the appropriate rate_structure for a user's project.  These
452 access settings are unnecessary when a site is using a single rate
453 structure.
456 List of volume authentication values:  The following is a list of
457    acceptable values for the authentication keyword:
458 automatic
459    authenticates volume labels via an algorithm that accepts volumes
460    only if they are obviously correct.  Does not allow manual
461    authentications of "***" to authenticate a volume whose identity
462    is in doubt (requires the operator to type the correct
463    authentication code).
465    Automatic authentication means that the system checks IBM and ANSI
466    magnetic tape volumes for an authentication code in the tape label
467    that matches the tape label name.  Such volumes created on Multics
468    meet this requirement.  IBM and ANSI tape volumes created on other
469    systems require manual authentication when automatic authentication
470    is in effect.
473 manual
474    require operator to manually authenticate every mount request with
475    the proper authentication code.  Does not allow an authentication
476    code of "***" to be used under any circumstances.
477 nominal
478    authenticate volume labels via an algorithm that rejects volumes
479    only if they are obviously incorrect.  Additionally, allow manual
480    authentications of "***" (as an alternative to typing the correct
481    authentication code) to authenticate a volume whose identity is in
482    doubt.
483 none
484    do not authenticate volume labels on mount requests.
487 Notes on config table: A configuration table element consists of 9
488 numbers, in order:
490    CPU mem bulk shift min max base absu absq
492 The config table is automatically sorted after an add, change, or
493 retype operation.  Duplicate elements and elements containing -1 in
494 the CPU field are deleted by this sort.  Thus, config elements can be
495 deliberately deleted by changing the CPU field to -1.
497 The first four parameters describe the configuration and shift, and
498 the last 5 give the load control parameters to be used for that
499 configuration and shift.  All are decimal numbers.
502 The CPU parameter is the number of CPUs, the mem and bulk parameters
503 are the number of pages of main memory and bulk store, respectively,
504 and shift is the shift number.
506 The load control parameters min and max are only used when response
507 control (automatic load leveling) is enabled (by the operator
508 command maxu level).  Use of this feature is not recommended, since
509 the load leveling algorithm is unsatisfactory.  Nevertheless, values
510 for these parameters must be given when entering a config table
511 element.
513 The base parameter is the maximum number of load units allowed.  The
514 min, max, and base parameters may optionally contain a decimal point
515 and a single digit fraction (tenths).
518 The absu and absq parameters are the maximum number of background
519 absentee users and the number of the lowest priority (highest
520 numbered) absentee queue from which jobs are to be taken.  (Note that
521 the absu parameter is ignored if the number of background absentee
522 users is made a function of interactive load.) Nevertheless, this
523 parameter must always be given when entering a config table element.
525 The print request prints the entire config table.
527 The retype request completely replaces the entire config table.  All
528 of its elements must be entered.
530 The add request adds a new element to the table.  The automatic sort
531 described above properly positions the new element.
534 The change request changes one element.  The first four parameters
535 (cpu, mem, bulk, and shift) are prompted for (or they may be typed
536 ahead).  The element matching all four of those parameters (exactly)
537 is the one changed.  All nine parameters of the element must be
538 entered.  Thus, the first four parameters must be typed twice: once to
539 locate the element to be changed, and once to give new (or possibly
540 the same) values to those parameters.
542 It is required that elements be in order by number of CPUs,
543 within that by amount of main memory, within that by amount of bulk
544 store, and within that by shift; smaller numbers first.
546 See the MAM System Administrator manual (AK50) which details the
547 required ordering of elements in the table, and the meaning of the
548 parameters in each element.
551 Notes on wakeups: The terminal channel wakeup loop detector protects
552 the Answering Service from overload due to accidental or malicious
553 generation of a large number of wakeups in rapid succession by devices
554 such as intelligent terminals.  If this is a problem at the site, the
555 system administrator should establish the smallest possible ratio of
556 cwe_count/cwe_time that still allows high-speed channel users to log
557 in.
559 The administrator should estimate the maximum number of wakeups which
560 could reasonably occur in a burst.  For example, a hardwired terminal
561 might generate five wakeups in quick succession: hangup, dialup,
562 answerback, login line, and password line.  It would therefore be
563 imprudent to set cwe_count to a value less than 5 on a system having
564 hardwired terminals and answerback reading enabled.  The value of
565 cwe_time would be set according to the fastest channel configured at
566 the site.
569 Notes on shift and queue specification: Several of the keywords take
570 per-shift or per-shift and per-queue values.  By default, values for
571 all shifts and queues are printed, or are prompted for and must be
572 supplied.  However, it is possible to specify which shifts and queues
573 are to be changed, retyped, or printed, by using the following
574 notation.  The words "shift" or "queue" may be typed, followed by a
575 single number or a range of numbers.  If both are given, shift must
576 precede queue.  These words must appear on the same input line as the
577 keyword.