1 11/26/87  dump_segment, ds
  3 Syntax as a command:
  4           ds segname {offset} {length} {-control_args}
  5           ds segno {offset} {length} {-control_args}
  6           ds virtual_pointer {offset} {length} {-control_args}
  9 Syntax as an active function:
 10    [ds segname {offset} {length} {-control_args}]
 11    [ds segno {offset} {length} {-control_args}]
 12    [ds virtual_pointer {offset} {length} {-control_args}]
 15 Function: prints, in octal or hexadecimal format, selected portions
 16 of a segment.  It prints out either four or eight words per line, and
 17 optionally print out an edited version of the ASCII, BCD, EBCDIC (in
 18 8 or 9 bits), or 4-bit byte representation.  Alternately, data can be
 19 displayed as a PL/I structure, in a format similar to that of the probe
 20 value request.
 23 Arguments:
 24 segname
 25    is either a pathname or an octal segment number to the segment to
 26    be dumped. To specify a segment name that consists entirely of
 27    octal digits, the name must be preceded by the -name control
 28    argument.
 29 offset
 30    is the (octal) offset of the first word to be dumped.  If both
 31    offset and length are omitted, the entire segment is dumped.
 32 length
 33    is the (octal) number of words to be dumped.  If you supply offset
 34    and omit length, one word is dumped.
 37 segno
 38    is the octal segment number of a segment to be dumped. It cannot
 39    be a hardcore segment number.
 40 virtual_pointer
 41    is an ASCII representation of a pointer. See
 42    virtual_pointers.gi.info for further descriptions of virtual
 43    pointers.
 46 Control arguments:
 47 -block N, -bk N
 48    dumps words in blocks of N words separated by a blank line.  The
 49    offset, if being printed, is reset to the initial value at the
 50    beginning of each block.
 51 -entry_point NAME, -ep NAME
 52    specifies that the offset of the first word to be dumped is relative
 53    to the location defined by the externally available symbol NAME.
 54    Use -entry_point only for object segments (created by a compiler or
 55    by the create_data_segment command).
 56 -name PATH, -nm PATH
 57    indicates that PATH is a pathname even though it may look like an
 58    octal segment number.
 61 Control arguments for display:
 62 -address, -addr
 63    prints the address (relative to the base of the segment) with the
 64    data.  (Default)
 65 -header, -he
 66    prints a header line containing the pathname (or segment number) of
 67    the segment being dumped as well as the date-time printed.
 68    (Default: to print a header only if the entire segment is being
 69    dumped, i.e., if you give neither the offset nor the length
 70    argument)
 71 -interpreted, -it
 72    prints the data decoded into the indicated format.
 75 -long, -lg
 76    prints eight words on a line. Four is the default. This control
 77    arguement cannot be used with -4bit, -bcd, -character, -ebcdic8,
 78    -ebcdic9, or -short. (Its use with these control arguments, other
 79    than -short, results in a line longer than 132 characters.)
 80 -no_address, -nad
 81    does not print the address.
 82 -no_header, -nhe
 83    does not print the header line even though the entire segment is
 84    being dumped.
 85 -no_interpret, -nit
 86    suppresses printing of the decoded data.  (Default)
 87 -no_offset, -nofs
 88    does not print the offset.  (Default)
 91 -no_raw, -nraw
 92    suppresses printing of the raw data.
 93 -no_suppress_duplicates, -nsd
 94    indicates that sequential lines are to be printed even if they would
 95    be identical to previous lines.
 96 -offset {N}, -ofs {N}
 97    prints the offset (relative to N words before the start of the data
 98    block being dumped) along with the data.  If you supply no N, 0 is
 99    assumed.
100 -raw
101    indicates that the raw data is to be printed.  (Default)
102 -rest
103    prints from any given offset (specified by -offset or the offset
104    argument) to the end of the segment.
107 -short, -sh
108    compacts lines to fit on a terminal with a short line length.
109    Single spaces are placed between fields, and only the two low-order
110    digits of the address are printed except when the high-order digits
111    change.  This shortens output lines to less than 80 characters.
112 -suppress_duplicates, -sd
113    indicates that if lines to be printed are identical to the previous
114    line with a single block, they are to be replaced by a short line of
115    equal signs.  (Default)
118 Control arguments for structure display:
120    displays the data as a PL/I structure defined by STRUCTURE_NAME.
121    The STRUCTURE_NAME can be a structure defined in one of the system
122    include files supported by the analyze_multics display request.
123    See >doc>ss>azm>structure_names.info for a list of supported
124    include files and structures.  Or the STRUCTURE_NAME can be a PL/I
125    structure declared in an object program specified in the -in control
126    argument.  See "Notes for structure display" below.
128    identifies an object program compiled with the -table control
129    argument which declares the STRUCTURE_NAME given with the -as
130    control argument.  If -in is not given, then STRUCTURE_NAME must be
131    found in one of the segments listed in the structure search list.
134 -long, -lg
135    displays each element of the structure on a separate line.
136 -short, -sh
137    displays as many structure elements as will fit on a line, and
138    groups elements with common data types together. (Default)
141 Control arguments for interpreted data:
142 -4bit
143    prints out, or returns, a translation of the octal or hexadecimal
144    dump based on the Multics unstructured 4-bit byte.  The translation
145    ignores the first bit of each 9-bit byte and uses each of the two
146    groups of four bits remaining to generate a digit or a sign.
147 -bcd
148    prints the BCD representation of the words in addition to the octal
149    or hexadecimal dump.  There are no nonprintable BCD characters, so
150    periods can be taken literally.  It causes the active function to
151    return BCD.
154 -character, -ch, -ascii
155    prints the ASCII representation of the words in addition to the
156    octal or hexadecimal dump.  Characters that cannot be printed are
157    represented by periods.  It causes the active function to return
158    ASCII.  (Default)
159 -ebcdic8
160    prints the EBCDIC representation of each eight bits in addition to
161    the octal or hexadecimal dump.  It causes the active function to
162    return 8-bit EBCDIC.  Characters that cannot be printed are
163    represented by periods.  If an odd number of words is requested to
164    dump, the last four bits of the last word do not appear in the
165    translation.
168 -ebcdic9
169    prints the EBCDIC representation of each 9-bit byte in addition to
170    the octal or hexadecimal dump.  Characters that cannot be printed
171    are represented by periods.  It causes the active function to return
172    9-bit EBCDIC.
175 Control arguments for raw data:
176 -hex8
177    prints the dumped words in hexadecimal with nine hexadecimal digits
178    per word rather than octal with 12 octal digits per word.
179 -hex9
180    prints the dumped words in hexadecimal with eight hexadecimal digits
181    per word rather than 12 octal digits per word.  Each pair of
182    hexadecimal digits corresponds to the low-order eight bits of each
183    9-bit byte.
184 -octal, -oc
185    display the raw data in octal format, with 12 octal digits per word.
186    (Default, for raw data)
189 Notes: The defaults for use as a command are -address, -no_interpret,
190 -no_offset, -raw, and -supress_duplicates with -header if the entire
191 segment is printed, and -no_header if only parts of the segment are to
192 be printed.  The defaults for use as an active function are
193 -no_address, -no_header, -no_interpret, -no_offset,
194 -no_suppress_duplicates, and -raw.
196 Supply only one of -4bit, -bcd, -character, -ebcdic8, or -ebcdic9.
198 If you invoke -4bit, -bcd, -character, -ebcdic8, -ebcdic9, -hex8, or
199 -hex9, the information is returned in the specified format only.  All
200 other arguments are ignored in active function invocation.
202 In the active function the following control arguments are invalid--
203 -address, -as, -block, -header, -offset, and -suppress_duplicates.
206 When you give conflicting control arguments, the last one on the
207 command line is used.
209 The active function returns either raw data in octal or hexadecimal
210 representation or the interpreted data representation.
213 Notes for structure display:
214 When -as is given, the segname/offset, segno/offset or virtual_ptr is
215 taken as the address of the beginning of the structure.  If the whole
216 structure is being displayed, that is the address where display begins.
217 If only certain elements are being displayed, that is the address used
218 to compute offsets of the elements.
221 The structure reference following -as must be a single string,
222 containing no spaces, used to specify structure elements, array
223 indexes, and substring matching.  The structure reference is made up of
224 two parts: a structure element reference and an optional set of match
225 strings.  If no match strings are supplied, no string matching is done.
226 The structure element reference syntax consists of one or more element
227 names, separated by periods, and may contain subscripts following some
228 of these element names.  The first name in a structure element
229 reference must be a level-one structure reference; partially qualified
230 top-level references are not permitted.  Intermediate levels of
231 qualification may be omitted as long as there is no ambiguity.
234 All subscripts must be supplied as decimal integers.  The subscripts
235 can be cross-section references such as "(1:4)" to reference elements
236 one through four.  Asterisk bounds cannot be used: if a cross section
237 is desired, its upper and lower bounds must be given as decimal
238 constants.  If an element has more subscripts than are supplied, the
239 complete cross section is printed for the remaining subscripts.  To
240 eliminate the need for quoting, subscripts may be surrounded by braces
241 instead of parentheses.
244 In order to specify that only certain elements be displayed (such as
245 all those with names containing the string "time"), a set of match
246 strings can be given after the structure element reference.  Each match
247 string begins with a slash and is followed by the string itself.  The
248 final match string can be followed by a slash, but this is not
249 required.  If match strings are specified, any element that matches at
250 least one string is displayed.
253 Examples of structure display:
254 ds 234 -as stack_header
255    the whole structure "stack_header".
256 ds 234 -as stack_header/ptr/,
257 ds 234 -as stack_header/ptr
258    any elements in the structure "stack_header" containing the string
259    "ptr".  Note that the final slash is optional.
260 ds 234 -as stack_header/isot/lot/
261    any elements in the structure "stack_header" containing either the
262    string "isot" or the string "lot".
265 ds 234 -as stack_header.stack_begin_ptr
266    the single element "stack_begin_ptr" in the structure "stack_header".
267    The following examples assume it has a value of 234|2000.
268 ds 234|2000 -as stack_frame.pointer_registers
269    all elements of array "stack_frame.pointer_registers".
270 ds 234|2000 -as stack_frame.pointer_registers{3}
271    element three of "stack_frame.pointer_registers".
272 ds 234|2000 -as stack_frame.pointer_registers{2:4}
273    elements two, three, and four of "stack_frame.pointer_registers".
276 ds prog_data -as data_array -in my_prog
277    all elements in the data_array declared in the my_prog object
278    program, compiled with -table.  The array is stored at
279    [wd]>prog_data|0.
282 Structure output format:
283 The default output format is a compressed form, which places as many
284 values on a line as will fit within the line length.  The -long control
285 argument places one value on a line.  The short form, additionally,
286 collects all bit(1) flags and displays them, at the end of the display
287 for each substructure or array element, in two groups: one listing all
288 the flags that were on ("1"b) and one for all the ones that were off
289 ("0"b).
292 All PL/I data types are displayed in the same representations used by
293 probe.  Additionally, the following special formats are used:
295  1.  Bit strings are displayed in octal if the length is divisible by
296      three, in hex if divisible by four, and as bit strings otherwise.
298  2.  Character strings are displayed as a string concatenated with a
299      repeated constant if the string is padded on the right with more
300      than 16 nulls, spaces, or octal 777 characters.
302  3.  Large-precision (> 51) fixed binary values are also displayed as
303      clock readings if their values represent clock readings within 10
304      years of the present.