1 03/01/84 dump_partition
3 Syntax as a command:
4 dump_partition pvname partname offset length -control_args
7 Syntax as an active function:
8 dump_partition pvname partname offset length
11 Function: displays data from a named disk partition. By default this
12 data appears in octal, four words per line, although other output
13 formats can also be selected. The active function returns the
14 contents of the specified words in octal separated by spaces.
17 Arguments:
18 pvname
19 is the name of the physical volume on which the partition to be
20 dumped exists.
21 partname
22 is the name of the partition to be dumped. It must be four
23 characters or less in length.
24 offset
25 is the offset at which to begin dumping.
26 length
27 is the number of words to be dumped. If not supplied, one word is
28 dumped.
31 Control arguments:
32 -short, -sh
33 outputs data in short form, similar to dump_segment -short.
34 -long, -lg
35 outputs data in long form, similar to dump_segment -long.
36 -character, -ch
37 outputs data including the ASCII character representation.
38 -bcd
39 outputs data including the BCD character representation.
40 -no_header, -nhe
41 prints no header.
42 -header, -he
43 prints a header. Default
46 Access required: Access to the phcs_ and hphcs_ gates is required.