1 09/12/74  dump_gcos, dgc
 3 Syntax:  dgc pathname {octal_offset} -bcd (-ch) -line_length (-ll) n
 6 Function: dumps a GCOS standard system format file, doing less printing than
 7 dump_segment or dump_segment -bcd.
10 Notes: If octal offset is omitted, it defaults to zero. If it is given, it is
11 rounded DOWN to the beginning of the 320 (decimal) word block in which it
12 falls. Dumping always begins on a 320-word boundary.
13   Dumping proceeds until the user QUIT's, or until an end of file (octal 17) is
14 found (in which case the user will be given the choice of quitting or
15 continuing); or until a block control word of all zeros is found, which always
16 terminates the dump.
17   If -bcd (or -ch) is given, the contents of BCD and ASCII records are printed
18 (the BCD being converted to ASCII for printing), preceeded by the rcw and its
19 offset. For binary card records, the offset and rcw, and the words BINARY CARD
20 are printed.
21   If -bcd is not given, just bcw and rcws (and their offsets) are printed.
22   The -line_length (-ll) n argument may be used to control the number of rcws
23 placed on each line. The default is 80, which is room for 4 rcws and their
24 offsets. Once set, the line length is remembered in internal static for the
25 remainder of the process.