1 12/01/86  dsl_
   3 This subroutine supplies entry points for the functions required in
   4 opening, manipulating, and closing a data base.
   7 Examples of its use are documented in the MRDS Reference Manual (AW53).
  10 Entry points in dsl_:
  11     (List is generated by the help command)
  14 :Entry: close: 06/17/86  dsl_$close
  16 Function:  This entry causes the specified data bases to be closed and
  17 made unavailable for processing.
  20 Syntax:
  21 declare dsl_$close entry options (variable);
  22 call dsl_$close (data_base_index1, ..., data_base_indexn, code);
  25 Arguments:
  26 data_base_indexi (Input) (fixed bin(35))
  27    is the integer returned by dsl_$open that designates the currently
  28    open data bases that are to be closed.
  29 code (Output) (fixed bin(35))
  30    is a standard status code.
  33 :Entry: close_all: 06/17/86  dsl_$close_all
  35 Function:  This entry closes all data bases that are currently open in
  36 the user's process.
  39 Syntax:
  40 declare dsl_$close_all entry options (variable);
  41 call dsl_$close_all (code);
  44 Arguments:
  45 code (output) (fixed bin(35))
  46    is the standard status code and is 0 if all data bases are
  47    successfully closed or if no data bases are open.
  50 :Entry: compile: 12/01/86  dsl_$compile
  52 Function:  This entry compiles (or pre-translates) a selection
  53 expression for later use in the current process, for retrieval, modify,
  54 delete, and define_temp_rel operations.  A previously compiled
  55 selection expression can be deleted or redefined through this
  56 entrypoint.  A selection expression can be compiled at any time in the
  57 life of an open data base and saved for future use in that opening.
  60 Syntax:
  61 declare dsl_$compile entry options (variable);
  62 call dsl_$compile (data_base_index, selection_expression, se_index,
  63    se_value1, ..., se_valuen, code;
  66 Arguments:
  67 data_base_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
  68    is the index returned by dsl_$open to designate the data base.
  69 selection_expression (Input) (char (*))
  70    is a character string as defined at the beginning of this section.
  71    It may contain .V.  argument substitution characters in all normal
  72    places.  These are filled in at the time the selection expression is
  73    compiled.  Argument substitution characters of the form .X.  may be
  74    used in all places in the where clause where .V.  is appropriate,
  75    except functions and expressions, to specify that this value is to
  76    be filled in at the time that the selection expression is used.
  79 se_index (Input/Output) (fixed bin(35))
  80    is an integer used to identify a compiled selection expression.  If
  81    the se_index is 0 (on input), a new compiled selection expression is
  82    defined and the index for the newly compiled selection expression is
  83    returned.  If the se_index is greater than zero (on input) and a
  84    compiled selection expression with that index is found, it is
  85    redefined to the new selection expression.  If the se_index is less
  86    than zero (on input) and a compiled selection expression with that
  87    index is found, it is deleted and the selection expression is
  88    ignored.
  89 se_value_i (Input)
  90    is a selection expression value for each control code (designated by
  91    .V.)  appearing in the selection expression.  These must be
  92    specified so as to correspond in order and quantity with the control
  93    codes specified in the selection expression.
  96 code (Output (fixed bin(35))
  97    is a standard MRDS status code.  A value of 0 indicates that no
  98    error occurred.
 101 Notes:  Any .V.  argument substitution characters supplied in the
 102 selection expression must have matching arguments supplied in the call
 103 to dsl_$compile.  They are then considered to be constant and cannot be
 104 changed later.  Any .X.  argument substitution characters supplied in
 105 the selection expression must have matching arguments supplied in the
 106 call that references the compiled selection expression, not the call to
 107 dsl_$compile.  The arguments supplied to satisfy a .X.  must have the
 108 same data type as that of the data base attribute it is being compared
 109 to.
 112 :Entry: declare: 06/17/86  dsl_$declare
 114 Function:  This entry makes a user-defined function known to MRDS while
 115 processing the specified data base.  After it is declared, a
 116 user-defined function may be used exactly as a MRDS built-in function.
 117 If a user-defined function has the same name as a built-in function,
 118 the user-defined function is referenced.
 121 Syntax:
 122 declare dsl_$declare entry (fixed bin(35), char(*), fixed bin(35));
 123 call dsl_$declare (db_index, fn_name, code);
 126 Arguments:
 127 db_index (Input)
 128    is the index returned by dsl_$open that designates the data base.
 129 fn_name (Input)
 130    is the name of the function being declared.
 131 code (Output)
 132    is a standard status code.
 135 Notes:  Built-in functions are provided as a standard part of MRDS and
 136 need not be declared.
 139 User-defined functions may be written in PL/I, COBOL, or FORTRAN.  MRDS
 140 generates a call that is equivalent to:
 142    return_val = fn_name$fn_name (arg1 ...  argn)
 145 Restrictions on arguments to user-defined functions are (1) No star (*)
 146 extents are permitted in the declarations for return_val or argi; (2)
 147 Data types are restricted to those data types permitted in a MRDS data
 148 base (i.e., pointers, entries, labels, structures, offsets, and arrays
 149 are not allowed).
 152 :Entry: define_temp_rel: 06/17/86  dsl_$define_temp_rel
 154 Function:  This entry allows the user to explicitly create, delete, or
 155 redefine a temporary relation that can be used by the current process
 156 for retrieval operations in the same manner as any predefined permanent
 157 data base relations.
 160 The only operations that can be performed on a temporary relation are
 161 the "define_temp_rel", "retrieve", and "get_population".  After a
 162 temporary relation is defined, it is referenced by specifying a ".V."
 163 argument in the range clause and supplying the appropriate rel_index in
 164 the dsl_ call argument list.  A temporary relation cannot be used in
 165 the -select clause except for the dsl_$retrieve call.
 168 Syntax:
 169 declare dsl_$define_temp_rel entry options (variable);
 170 call dsl_$define_temp_rel (data_base_index, selection_expression,
 171    se_index, se_value1, .., se_index, se_valuen, rel_index, code);
 174 Arguments:
 175 data_base_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
 176    is the index returned by dsl_$open that designates the data base.
 177 selection_expression (Input) (char(*))
 178    is a character string as defined at the beginning of this section,
 179    with at least one * in the -select clause to define the temporary
 180    relation key.  The attribute names given in the select clause must
 181    be unique.  This character string may be a constant or a variable
 182    declared either character varying or non-varying.
 183 se_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
 184    is an integer used to refer to a compiled selection expression.  It
 185    is required only if the selection expression is "-compiled".
 188 se_valuei (Input)
 189    is a selection expression value for each argument substitution
 190    (designated by .V.  or .X.)  appearing in the
 191    <selection_expression>, including temporary relation (rel_index)
 192    designations.  These must be specified so as to correspond in order
 193    and quantity with the argument substitution specified in the
 194    <selection_expression).  If the selection expression is "-compiled",
 195    then the selection expression value is substituted for the .X.
 196    value in the where clause that has to be satisfied.  These values
 197    are supplied in the order in which they occur in the selection
 198    expression used in the call to dsl_$compile.  If the specified data
 199    type does not equal the attribute data type, the value
 200    mrds_error_$inv_data_type is returned in the code.
 203 rel_index (Input/Output) (fixed binary(35))
 204    is an integer.  If rel_index is 0 on input, a new temporary relation
 205    is defined and the index for the newly created temporary relation is
 206    returned in rel_index.  If rel_index is greater than 0 on input and
 207    if a temporary relation possessing this index is already in
 208    existence, that temporary relation is redefined.  If rel_index is
 209    less than zero and a temporary relation with that rel_index exists,
 210    then that temporary relation is deleted and the selection expression
 211    is ignored.
 212 code (Output) (fixed bin(36))
 213    is a standard status code.  A value of 0 indicates that no error
 214    occurred.
 217 Notes:  If a duplicate of the temporary relation key is found while
 218 creating the temporary relation, it is ignored (i.e., not stored)
 219 without warning.
 222 If no data satisfied the selection expression, then an unpopulated
 223 temporary relation is created.  The population can be determined by a
 224 call to dsl_$get_population.
 227 For shared openings, relations specified in the range clause must have
 228 read_attr scope set.
 231 For attribute level security, attributes specified in the select and
 232 where clauses must have read_attr access.
 235 :Entry: delete: 06/17/86  dsl_$delete
 237 Function:  This entry allows the user to delete one or more tuples from
 238 the same relation of an opened data base.  The user must have
 239 read-write permission to the relation.  All attributes in the relation
 240 must be specified as being selected and, if the data base is being
 241 referenced by means of a data submodel, all attributes of the relation
 242 must be defined in the submodel.  All selected tuples are deleted.
 245 Syntax:
 246 declare dsl_$delete entry options (variable);
 247 call dsl_$delete (data_base_index, selection_expression, se_index,
 248    se_value1, ..., se_valuen, code);
 251 Arguments:
 252 data_base_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
 253    is the index returned by dsl_$open that designates the data base.
 254 selection_expression (Input) (char(*))
 255    is a character string as defined at the beginning of this section.
 256    However, the select clause must specify all attributes in the
 257    relation.  This character string may be a constant or a variable
 258    declared character varying or non-varying.
 259 se_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
 260    is an integer used to refer to a compiled selection expression.  It
 261    is required only if the selection expression is "-compiled".
 264 se_valuei (Input)
 265    is a selection expression value for each argument substitution
 266    (designated by .V.  or .X.)  appearing in the
 267    <selection_expression>, including temporary relation (rel_index)
 268    designations.  These must be specified so as to correspond in order
 269    and quantity with the argument substitution specified in the
 270    <selection_expression).  If the selection expression is "-compiled",
 271    then the selection expression value is substituted for the .X.
 272    value in the where clause that has to be satisfied.  These values
 273    are supplied in the order in which they occur in the selection
 274    expression used in the call to dsl_$compile.  If the specified data
 275    type does not equal the attribute data type, the value
 276    mrds_error_$inv_data_type is returned in the code.
 279 code (Output) (fixed bin(35))
 280    is a standard status code.  A value of 0 indicates that no error
 281    occurred.  A value corresponding to mrds_error_$tuple_not_found
 282    indicates that no error occurred and that no data satisfied the
 283    selection expression.
 286 Notes:  For shared openings, the relation must have delete_tuple permit
 287 scope set.
 290 For attribute level security, the relation must have delete_tuple
 291 access and any attributes specified in the where clause must have
 292 read_attr access.
 295 :Entry: dl_scope: 06/17/86  dsl_$dl_scope
 297 Function:  This entry deletes all or part of a previously specified
 298 scope from the user's current scope.
 301 Syntax:
 302 declare dsl_$dl_scope entry options (variable);
 303 call dsl_$dl_scope (db_index, rel_name1, permit_ops1, prevent_ops1,
 304    ..., rel_namen, permit_opsn, prevent_opsn, code);
 307 Arguments:
 308 db_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
 309    is the index returned by dsl_$open that designates the data base.
 310 rel_namei (Input) (char(*))
 311    is the name of the relation(s) to be included in the scope.
 312 permit_opsi (Input)(fixed bin)
 313    the sum of the codes for the operations no longer granted to the
 314    user's process on the specified relation (as defined in set_scope).
 315    (See "Note" below for a description of appropriate codes.)
 316 prevent_opsi (Input) (fixed bin)
 317    the sum of the codes for the operations no longer denied to other
 318    processes on the specified relation (as defined in set_scope).  (See
 319    "Note" below for a description of appropriate codes.)
 320 code (Output) (fixed bin(35))
 321    is a standard status code.
 324 Notes:  Scope codes for operations to be prevented or permitted are as
 325 follows:
 328      Scope
 329      Code      Operation
 331        0       null
 332        1       read_attr or read
 333        2       append_tuple or store
 334        4       delete_tuple or delete
 335        8       modify_attr or modify
 338 Current scope settings can be determined by a call to dsl_$get_scope.
 341 :Entry: dl_scope_all:  06/17/86  dsl_$dl_scope_all
 343 Function:  This entry deletes all remaining scope tuples from the
 344 user's current scope.
 347 Syntax:
 348 declare dsl_$dl_scope_all entry (fixed bin(35), fixed bin(35));
 349 call dsl_$dl_scope_all (db_index, code);
 352 Arguments:
 353 db_index (Input)
 354    is the index returned by dsl_$open that designates the data base.
 355 code (Output)
 356    is a standard status code.  It is 0 if no scope is set prior to the
 357    call to dsl_$dl_scope_all.
 360 :Entry: get_attribute_list: 06/17/86  dsl_$get_attribute_list
 362 Function:  This entry returns information on the attributes in the view
 363 of the given relation provided by the user's opening.
 366 Syntax:
 367 declare dsl_$get_attribute_list entry (fixed bin(35),
 368    char(*), ptr, fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin(35));
 369 call dsl_$get_attribute_list (db_index, relation_name,
 370    area_ptr, structure_version, mrds_attribute_list_ptr,
 371    error_code);
 374 Arguments:
 375 db_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
 376    is the integer returned by dsl_$open for the opening the user wishes
 377    to reference.
 378 relation_name (Input) (char(*))
 379    is the name of the relation in the user's view for which the
 380    attribute information is desired.
 381 area_ptr (Input) (pointer)
 382    is a pointer to a user-supplied freeing area, in which the attribute
 383    information is to be allocated.
 384 structure_version (Input) (fixed bin)
 385    is the desired version of the attribute information structure to be
 386    returned.
 389 mrds_attribute_list_ptr (Output) (pointer)
 390    is a pointer to the attribute information returned in a structure as
 391    described in the Notes below.
 394 error_code (Output) (fixed bin(35))
 395    is the standard status code.  It may be one of the following:
 396    error_table_$area_too_small
 397       if the supplied area could not hold the attribute information.
 398    error_table_$badcall
 399       if the area_ptr was null.
 400    error_table_$unimplemented_version
 401       if the structure_version supplied is unknown.
 402    mrds_error_$invalid_db_index
 403       if the db_index given does not refer to a data base open in this
 404       process.
 405    mrds_error_$not_freeing_area
 406       if the supplied area does not have the attribute "freeing".
 409    mrds_error_$unknown_relation_name
 410       if the given relation name is not known in this opening view of
 411       the data base.
 412    mrds_error_$version_not_supported
 413       if the data base referenced is not version 4.
 416 Notes:  The only structure version currently available is 1.  This
 417 entry only works for version 4 data bases.
 420 :Entry: get_opening_temp_dir: 06/17/86  dsl_$get_opening_temp_dir
 422 Function:  This entry returns the pathname of the directory that is
 423 being used for temporary storage for a particular data base opening.
 426 Syntax:
 427 declare dsl_$get_opening_temp_dir entry
 428    (fixed bin(35), fixed bin(35)) returns(char(168));
 429 path = dsl_$get_opening_temp_dir(db_index, error_code)
 432 Arguments:
 433 db_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
 434    is the integer returned by a call to dsl_$open and refers to the
 435    opening whose temporary storage directory is desired.
 436 error_code (Output) (fixed bin(35))
 437    is the standard status code.  If the supplied db_index does not
 438    refer to a currently open data base in the user's process then it
 439    will be mrds_error_$invalid_db_index.
 440 path (Output) (char(168))
 441    is the absolute pathname of the directory being used for temporary
 442    storage for the opening specified.
 445 Notes:  See dsl_$get_temp_dir for an entry that will return the
 446 directory pathname to be used in the next call to open.  Also see
 447 dsl_$set_temp_dir and the commands display_mrds_temp_dir and
 448 set_mrds_temp_dir.
 451 :Entry: get_path_info: 06/17/86  dsl_$get_path_info
 453 Function:  This entry returns information about a supplied pathname.
 454 It indicates whether or not the path refers to a MRDS data base model
 455 or submodel, and if so, the version number and details about its
 456 creation.  This entry replaces dsl_$get_db_version, which is obsolete.
 459 Syntax:
 460 declare dsl_$get_path_info entry(char(*), ptr,
 461    fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin(35));
 462 call dsl_$get_path_info(in_path, area_ptr,
 463    structure_version, mrds_path_info_ptr, error_code);
 466 Arguments:
 467 in_path (Input) (char(*))
 468    is the relative or absolute pathname about which the user desires
 469    information.  If it refers to a MRDS data base model or submodel, it
 470    does not need a suffix, unless ambiguity would result.  A model will
 471    be found before the submodel if they both have the same name, less
 472    suffix, in the same directory.
 473 area_ptr (Input) (pointer)
 474    is a pointer to a user-supplied freeing area in which the path
 475    information will be allocated.
 476 structure_version (Input) (fixed bin)
 477    is the desired version of the path information structure to be
 478    returned.
 481 mrds_path_info_ptr (Output) (pointer)
 482    is the pointer to the path information structure that is returned,
 483    which is described in the Notes below.
 486 error_code (Output) (fixed bin(35))
 487    is the standard status code.  It may be one of the following:
 488    error_table_$area_too_small
 489       if the supplied area could not hold the path information.
 490    error_table_$badcall
 491       if the area_ptr was null.
 492    error_table_$unimplemented_version
 493       if the supplied structure version is unknown.
 494    mrds_error_$no_model_access
 495       if the user does not have "r" access to the db_model segment
 496       under the data base.
 497    mrds_error_$no_model_submodel
 498       if the path does not refer to a MRDS data base model or submodel.
 499    mrds_error_$not_freeing_area
 500       if the supplied area does not have the attribute "freeing".
 503 Notes:  The only structure version currently available is 1.  The
 504 variables mrds_path_info_ptr and mrds_path_info_structure_version are
 505 also declared in the mrds_path_info include file.
 508 :Entry: get_population: 06/17/86  dsl_$get_population
 510 Function:  This entry returns the current number of tuples in either a
 511 permanent or temporary relation.
 514 Syntax:
 515 declare dsl_$get_population entry () options (variable);
 516 call dsl_$get_population (db_index, relation_identifier,
 517    tuple_count, error_code);
 520 Arguments:
 521 db_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
 522    is the integer returned from a call to dsl_$open, which refers to
 523    the opening for which population statistics are desired.
 524 relation_identifier (Input)
 525    is the identification for the relation whose tuple count is to be
 526    returned.  If it is declared as character and starts with a letter,
 527    then it is interpreted as a permanent relation name.  If the string
 528    does not start with a letter and it can be converted to a number,
 529    then it will be interpreted as a temporary relation index.  If the
 530    relation identifier is declared as fixed bin (35), then it is
 531    interpreted as a temporary relation index.
 532 tuple_count (Output) (fixed bin(35))
 533    is the current tuple count for the specified relation in this
 534    opening view.
 537 error_code (Output) (fixed bin(35))
 538    is the standard status code.  It may be one of the following:
 539    mrds_error_$invalid_db_index
 540       if the given db_index does not refer to a model or submodel
 541       opening of a data base in the user's process.
 542    mrds_error_$undef_temp_rel
 543       if the temporary relation index given does not refer to a
 544       temporary relation currently defined in this opening.
 545    mrds_error_$unknown_relation_name
 546       if the permanent relation name given is not known in this opening
 547       view of the data base.
 550 Notes:  This entry can be used to determine the number of tuples
 551 selected by a selection expression by defining a temporary relation
 552 using that selection expression and calling dsl_$get_population for
 553 that temporary relation.
 556 :Entry: get_relation_list: 06/17/86  dsl_$get_relation_list
 558 Function:  This entry returns information about all the relations in
 559 the specified opening view.
 562 Syntax:
 563 declare dsl_$get_relation_list entry (fixed bin(35), ptr,
 564    fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin(35));
 565 call dsl_$get_relation_list (db_index, area_ptr,
 566    structure_version, mrds_relation_list_ptr,
 567    error_code);
 570 Arguments:
 571 db_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
 572    is the integer returned from a call to dsl_$open, referring to the
 573    opening for which relation information is to be returned.
 574 area_ptr (Input) (pointer)
 575    is a pointer to a user-supplied freeing area in which the relation
 576    information is to be allocated.
 577 structure_version (Input) (fixed bin)
 578    is the desired version of the relation information structure to be
 579    returned.
 580 mrds_relation_list_ptr (Output) (pointer)
 581    is a pointer to the relation information structure that has been
 582    allocated and is described in the Notes below.
 585 error_code (Output) (fixed bin(35))
 586    is the standard status code.  It may be one of the following:
 587    error_table_$area_too_small
 588       if the supplied area could not hold the relation information.
 589    error_table_$badcall
 590       if the area_ptr was null.
 591    error_table_$unimplmented_version
 592       if the supplied structure version is unknown.
 593    mrds_error_$invalid_db_index
 594       if the db_index given does not refer to a data base open in this
 595       process.
 596    mrds_error_$not_freeing_area
 597       if the supplied area does not have the attribute "freeing".
 598    mrds_error_$version_not_supported
 599       if the data base referenced is not version 4.
 602 Notes:  Currently, the only structure version available is 1.  The
 603 variables mrds_relation_list_num_rels_init, mrds_relation_list_ptr, and
 604 mrds_relation_list_structure_version are also declared in the
 605 mrds_relation_list include file.
 608 :Entry: get_scope: 06/17/86  dsl_$get_scope
 610 Function:  This entry returns the scope currently set on a given
 611 relation for the specified opening of the data base.
 614 Syntax:
 615 declare dsl_$get_scope entry(fixed bin(35), char(*),
 616    fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed bin(35));
 617 call dsl_$get_scope(db_index, relation_name,
 618    permits, prevents, scope_version, error_code);
 621 Arguments:
 622 db_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
 623    is the integer returned from a call to dsl_$open which refers to the
 624    opening for which scope information is desired.
 625 relation_name (Input) (char(*))
 626    is the name of the relation for which scope information is desired
 627    in this opening.
 628 permits (Output) (fixed bin)
 629    is the sum of the scope modes, representing operations that are to
 630    be permitted the caller for this relation in this opening.  See the
 631    table of scope mode encodings in the Notes below.
 632 prevents (Output) (fixed bin)
 633    is the sum of the scope modes representing operations that are to be
 634    denied other users of this data base for this relation.  See the
 635    table of scope mode encodings in the Notes below.
 638 scope_version (Output) (fixed bin)
 639    if this value is less than five, then the scope mode encoding for
 640    the scope represents the old operations of read - store - delete -
 641    modify.  Otherwise, the scope mode encoding represents the new
 642    operations of read_attr, append_tuple, delete_tuple, modify_attr
 643    used for attribute level security.
 644 error_code (Output) (fixed bin(35))
 645    is the standard status code.  It may be one of the following:
 646    mrds_error_$scope_not_set
 647       if no scope is currently set on the specified relation.
 648    mrds_error_$unknown_relation_name
 649       if the supplied relation name is not in the opening view
 650       specified by db_index.
 653 Notes:  The scope modes are encoded using the integer values given
 654 below:
 657     Scope
 658     Code      Operation
 660     0         null
 661     1         read_attr or read
 662     2         append_tuple or store
 663     4         delete_tuple or delete
 664     8         modify_attr or modify
 667 :Entry: get_temp_dir: 06/17/86  dsl_$get_temp_dir
 669 Function:  This entry returns the pathname of the directory that is
 670 used for temporary storage upon the next call to dsl_$open.
 673 Syntax:
 674 declare dsl_$get_temp_dir entry () returns (char(168));
 675 path = dsl_$get_temp_dir ()
 678 Arguments:
 679 path (Output) (char(168))
 680    is the absolute pathname of the directory to be used for temporary
 681    storage on the next call to open.
 684 Notes:  See dsl_$set_temp_dir and the commands display_mrds_temp_dir
 685 and set_mrds_temp_dir.
 688 To obtain the temporary storage directory for a particular opening,
 689 call dsl_$get_opening_temp_dir.
 692 :Entry: list_openings: 06/17/86  dsl_$list_openings
 694 Function:  This entry returns information about all openings of MRDS
 695 data bases in the user's process.  This entry replaces dsl_$list_dbs,
 696 which is obsolete.
 699 Syntax:
 700 declare dsl_$list_openings entry (ptr, fixed bin, ptr, fixed bin(35);
 701 call dsl_$list_openings (area_ptr, structure_version,
 702    mrds_database_openings_ptr, error_code);
 705 Arguments:
 706 area_ptr (Input) (pointer)
 707    is a pointer to a user-supplied freeing area in which the opening
 708    information will be allocated.
 709 structure_version (Input) (fixed bin)
 710    is the desired version of the structure that is to return opening
 711    information.
 712 mrds_data base_opening_ptr (Output) (pointer)
 713    is a pointer to an allocated structure containing the opening
 714    information which is described in the Notes below.
 717 error_code (Output) (fixed bin(35))
 718    is a standard status code.  It may be one of the following:
 719    error_table_$area_too_small
 720       if the supplied area could not hold the opening information.
 721    error_table_$badcall
 722       if the area_ptr was null.
 723    error_table_$unimplemented_version
 724       if the given structure_version is unknown.
 725    mrds_error_$not_freeing_area
 726       if the supplied area does not have the attribute "freeing".
 729 Notes:  Note that the structure is still allocated and a 0 error code
 730 returned even if the total number of open data bases is 0.
 733 :Entry: modify: 06/17/86  dsl_$modify
 735 Function:  This entry allows the user to modify attribute values
 736 contained in the tuples of one relation in the data base.  The
 737 modification of a key attribute is not allowed.  The user must have
 738 read_write permission to the relation.  All selected tuples are
 739 modified.
 742 Syntax:
 743 declare dsl_$modify entry options (variable);
 744 call dsl_$modify (data_base_index, selection_expression, se_index,
 745    se_value1, ...  , se_valuen, modified_value1 ...  , modified_valuen,
 746    code);
 749 Arguments:
 750 data_base_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
 751    is the index returned by dsl_$open that designates the data base.
 752 selection_expression (Input) (char(*))
 753    is a character string (see "Examples of Selection Mechanisms") as
 754    defined at the beginning of this section.  The select clause can
 755    only specify attributes from one relation.  This character string
 756    may be a constant or a variable declared character varying or
 757    non-varying.
 758 se_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
 759    is an integer used to refer to a compiled selection expression.  It
 760    is required only if the selection expression is "-compiled".
 763 se_valuei (Input)
 764    is a selection expression value for each argument substitution
 765    (designated by .V.  or .X.)  appearing in the
 766    <selection_expression>, including temporary relation (rel_index)
 767    designations.  These must be specified so as to correspond in order
 768    and quantity with the argument substitution specified in the
 769    <selection_expression).  If the selection expression is "-compiled",
 770    then the selection expression value is substituted for the .X.
 771    value in the where clause that has to be satisfied.  These values
 772    are supplied in the order in which they occur in the selection
 773    expression used in the call to dsl_$compile.  If the specified data
 774    type does not equal the attribute data type, the value
 775    mrds_error_$inv_data_type is returned in the code.
 778 modified_valuei (Input)
 779    is a modified tuple attribute value that is to replace the current
 780    such value in the data base.  There must be a one-to-one
 781    correspondence between these values and the tuple items specified in
 782    the selection expression.  If a structure is used for modified tuple
 783    attribute values, only one structure may be used.  Only data types
 784    supported by assign_ may be used for modified tuple attribute
 785    values.
 786 code (Output) (fixed bin(35))
 787    is a standard status code.  A value of 0 indicates that no error
 788    occurred.  A value of mrds_error_$tuple_not_found indicates that no
 789    error occurred and that no data satisfied the selection expression.
 792 Notes:  For shared openings, the relation must have modify_attr permit
 793 scope set.
 796 For attribute level security, the attributes specified in the select
 797 and where clauses must have read_attr access.  In addition, the
 798 attributes specified in the select clause must have modify_attr access.
 801 :Entry: open: 06/17/86  dsl_$open
 803 Function:  This entry causes the specified data bases to be opened for
 804 processing in the designated modes.  For each opened data base, an
 805 index that is to be used to specify that data base in future MRDS calls
 806 is returned.  If one or more of the data bases specified cannot be
 807 opened for any reason, none of the others are opened.
 810 Syntax:
 811 declare dsl_$open entry options (variable);
 812 call dsl_$open (path1, data_base_index1, mode1, ...,
 813    pathn, data_base_indexn, moden, code);
 816 Arguments:
 817 pathi (Input) (char(*))
 818    is a character string containing the absolute or relative pathname
 819    of the data submodel (or the data base) with or without a suffix
 820    defining the relevant portion of the data base.  If the path of the
 821    data base itself is specified, the data model is used in place of
 822    the data submodel.
 823 data_base_indexi (Output) (fixed bin(35))
 824    is an integer that is to be used in subsequent MRDS calls to specify
 825    the corresponding data base designated in this opening.
 828 modei (Input) (fixed bin(35))
 829    is an integer (1,2,3,or 4) indicating the usage mode for which the
 830    data base is to be opened.
 831    1 specifies that this is a shared opening, requiring the setting of
 832      concurrency control protection via scope requests by the set_scope
 833      function.  The maximum permit scope that can be set with this
 834      opening mode is read_attr.
 835    2 specifies that this is a shared opening, requiring the setting of
 836      concurrency control protection via scope requests by the set_scope
 837      function.  Any scope can be set with this opening mode.
 840    3 specifies that this is an unshared opening in the sense that all
 841      update operations are prevented against any relations in this view
 842      of the data base.  No scope setting is necessary with this opening
 843      mode.  This mode is the equivalent of opening with a retrieval
 844      mode and doing a set_scope_all with permit of read_attr and
 845      prevents of modify_attr, append_tuple, and delete_tuple on these
 846      relations.  Other data base openers are allowed to set read_attr
 847      scope and to do retrievals in these relations.
 850    4 specifies that this is an unshared opening.  No scope setting is
 851      necessary with this opening mode.  No other data base openers are
 852      allowed to set any scope or any relation in this view of the data
 853      base.  This mode is the equivalent of opening with an update mode
 854      and doing a set_scope_all with permits and prevents of read_attr,
 855      modify_attr, append_tuple, and delete_tuple on these relations.
 856      Only one opening with this mode is allowed if the set of relations
 857      in this view overlaps the relations in another opener's view.
 858 code (Output) (fixed bin(35))
 859    is a standard status code.
 862 Notes:  Open modes 1 and 2 require subsequent calls to the dsl_ entry
 863 set_scope.  Also see Appendix F for the include file
 864 mrds_open_modes_.incl.pl1.
 867 If a data model and submodel of the same name are in the same
 868 directory, the model is found if no suffix is given.
 871 If the data base being opened has been secured, then the view_path must
 872 refer to a submodel that resides in the "secure.submodels" directory
 873 under the data base directory if the user is not a DBA.  These must be
 874 version 5 submodels if attribute level security is to be provided.  See
 875 secure_mrds_db.
 878 If the data base being opened uses a version 4 concurrency control,
 879 then adjust_mrds_db with the -reset option must be run against it to
 880 update it to version 5 concurrency control before it can be opened.
 881 This changes the scope modes from r-u, to read_attr, modify_attr,
 882 append_tuple, delete_tuple.
 885 Application programs calling dsl_$set_scope, dsl_$set_scope_all, or
 886 dsl_$dl_scope making use of r-s-m-d encodings will not be impacted.
 887 Those programs using the r-u encodings will have to be changed to the
 888 encodings given in this manual.
 891 A maximum of 128 openings of the same or different data bases is
 892 allowed.  Only 64 of these openings can be version 3 or earlier data
 893 bases.
 896 Access requirements for all opening modes includes "r" ACL on the
 897 db_model segment and relation model segments (these segments have a
 898 ".m" suffix) for any relations appearing in the given view, plus "rw"
 899 ACL on the data base concurrency control segment.  Unshared openings
 900 require that, for any relation appearing in the view, the multisegment
 901 file containing the data must have "r" ACL for exclusive_retrieval or
 902 "rw" ACL for exclusive_update opening mode.  For attribute level
 903 security, exclusive_retrieval mode requires read_attr on some attribute
 904 in each relation in the opening view and exclusive_update mode requires
 905 one of append_tuple on the relation, delete_tuple on the relation, or
 906 modify_attr on some attribute in the relation, for each of the
 907 relations in the opening view.
 910 :Entry: retrieve: 06/17/86  dsl_$retrieve
 912 Function:  This entry allows the user to retrieve selected attribute
 913 values from the data base.  The user must have read permission to the
 914 referenced relations.  One tuple per call is returned.
 917 Syntax:
 918 declare dsl_$retrieve entry options (variable);
 919 call dsl_$retrieve (data_base_index, selection_expression, se_index,
 920    se_value1, ... , se_valuen, value1, ... , valuen, code);
 923 Arguments:
 924 data_base_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
 925    is the index returned by dsl_$open that designates the data base.
 928 selection_expression (Input) (char(*))
 929    is a character string (see "Formal Definition of the Selection
 930    Expression" in this section).  This character string may be a
 931    constant or a variable declared character varying or nonvarying.  If
 932    the expression results in the selection of identical tuples, only
 933    one copy is returned unless the -dup option is specified.  However,
 934    all tuples selected remain available for retrieval with additional
 935    calls to dsl_$retrieve with a <selection_expression> consisting of
 936    "-another".  They cease to be available whenever any dsl_ entry is
 937    called with a <selection_expression> consisting of an
 938    <alpha_expression>.  The selection expression "-another" does not
 939    return duplicate tuples unless the -dup option was specified in the
 940    original <alpha_expression>.  The -dup option cannot be used with
 941    set operations.  The range clause may have a ".V."  for substitution
 942    of a temporary relation's rel_index.
 945 se_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
 946    is an integer used to refer to a compiled selection expression.  It
 947    is required only if the selection expression is "-compiled".
 950 se_valuei (Input)
 951    is a selection expression value for each argument substitution
 952    (designated by .V.  or .X.)  appearing in the
 953    <selection_expression>, including temporary relation (rel_index)
 954    designations.  These must be specified so as to correspond in order
 955    and quantity with the argument substitution specified in the
 956    <selection_expression).  If the selection expression is "-compiled",
 957    then the selection expression value is substituted for the .X.
 958    value in the where clause that has to be satisfied.  These values
 959    are supplied in the order in which they occur in the selection
 960    expression used in the call to dsl_$compile.  If the specified data
 961    type does not equal the attribute data type, the value
 962    mrds_error_$inv_data_type is returned in the code.
 965 valuei (Output)
 966    is a retrieved attribute value.  The value may be a structure (only
 967    one regardless of the number of relations) or a list of individual
 968    values, the items of which must correspond in order and quantity
 969    with the tuple items specified in the <selection_expression>.  If an
 970    entire tuple is retrieved by specifying only the tuple_value in the
 971    select clause, then a value must be specified for every attribute of
 972    the corresponding relation as defined in the data submodel or in the
 973    data model, whichever is being used.  If data conversion is
 974    required, only data types supported by assign_ may be used.
 977 code (Output) (fixed bin(35))
 978    is a standard status code.  A value of 0 indicates that no error
 979    occurred and that one occurrence of the specified data has been
 980    successfully retrieved.  A value of mrds_error_$tuple_not_found
 981    indicates that no error occurred and that no data satisfied the
 982    selection expression.
 985 Notes:  For shared openings, the referenced relations must have
 986 read_attr permit scope set.
 989 For attribute level security, attributes referenced in the select and
 990 where clauses must have read_attr access.
 993 :Entry: set_scope: 12/01/86  dsl_$set_scope
 995 Function:  This entry defines the user's current scope of access to the
 996 data base for shared modes of openings.
 999 Syntax:
1000 declare dsl_$set_scope entry options (variable);
1001 call dsl_$set_scope (db_index, rel_name1, permit_ops1, prevent_ops1,
1002    ..., rel_namen, permit_opsn, prevent_opsn, wait_sec, code);
1005 Arguments:
1006 db_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
1007    is the index returned by dsl_$open that designates the data base.
1008 rel_namei (Input) (char(*))
1009    is the name of the relation to be included in the scope.
1010 permit_opsi (Input) (fixed bin)
1011    is an integer consisting of the scope code which indicates the
1012    operations the user may perform on the relation.
1013 prevent_opsi (Input) (fixed bin)
1014    is an integer consisting of the scope code which indicates the
1015    operations that other users may not perform on the relation.
1018 wait_sec (Input) (fixed bin(35))
1019    specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for the scope
1020    request to be honored (there is no anticipated maximum).  This
1021    argument is optional and if not provided by the user, the default is
1022    30 seconds.
1023 code (Output) (fixed bin(35))
1024    is a standard status code.  The code is 0 if set_scope is successful
1025    or is mrds_error_$db_busy if the data base is busy.
1028 Notes:  Before a user can access the data base in shared mode, a scope
1029 of access must be declared, consisting of a set of scope tuples.  If
1030 this scope does not conflict with any other currently existing scope
1031 (of other processes), it is accepted.  Otherwise, the user's request is
1032 placed in a queue and is processed as soon as the requested resources
1033 become available.  If the specified wait time is exceeded before the
1034 request can be processed, an error code is returned.  Once the scope
1035 has been accepted, only operations permitted by the scope may be
1036 performed.  As time progresses in the current process, individual scope
1037 tuples may be removed as they are no longer needed by invoking
1038 dsl_$dl_scope.  However, new tuples may not be added to the current
1039 scope until all current scope has been deleted.  This rule avoids
1040 potential deadlock problems within the data base manager.
1043 Codes for operations to be prevented or permitted are;
1045      Scope
1046      Code           Operation
1048        0            null
1049        1            read_attr or read
1050        2            append_tuple or store
1051        4            delete_tuple or delete
1052        8            modify_attr or modify
1055 :Entry: set_scope_all: 12/01/86  dsl_$set_scope_all
1057 Function:  This entry provides a means of setting a scope on all
1058 relations defined in the user's view without the need to name each
1059 relation.  Identical permit operations and prevent operations are
1060 applied to all the relations in the user's view.
1063 Syntax:
1064 declare dsl_$set_scope_all entry options (variable);
1065 call dsl_$set_scope_all (db_index, permit_ops, prevent_ops, wait_sec,
1066    code);
1069 Arguments:
1070 db_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
1071    is the index returned by dsl_$open that designates the data base.
1072 permit_ops (Input) (fixed bin)
1073    is the scope code which indicates the operations the user may
1074    perform on the relation.
1075 prevent_ops (Input) (fixed bin)
1076    is the scope code which indicates the operations that other users
1077    may not perform on the relation.
1078 wait_sec (Input) (fixed bin(35))
1079    specifies the maximum number of seconds to wait for the scope
1080    request to be honored (there is no anticipated maximum).  This
1081    argument is optional and, if not provided by the user, the default
1082    is 30 seconds.
1085 code (Output) (fixed bin(35))
1086    is a standard status code.
1089 Notes:  Scope codes for operations to be prevented or permitted are:
1091      Scope
1092      Code          Operation
1094        0            null
1095        1            read_attr or read
1096        2            append_tuple or store
1097        4            delete_tuple or delete
1098        8            modify_attr or modify
1101 See dsl_$set_scope for access requirements.
1104 :Entry: set_temp_dir: 12/01/86  dsl_$set_temp_dir
1106 Function:  This entry sets the directory that is used for temporary
1107 storage on the next call to dsl_$open.
1110 Syntax:
1111 declare dsl_$set_temp_dir entry (char(*), fixed bin(35));
1112 call dsl_$set_temp_dir (path, code);
1115 Arguments:
1116 path (Input) (char(*))
1117    is the relative or absolute pathname of the directory to be used for
1118    temporary storage on the next call to open.
1119 code (Output) (fixed bin(35))
1120    is the standard status code and is 0 unless an error occurs.
1123 Notes:  This temporary directory has a default of process directory.
1124 Therefore, this entry need never be called unless a record quota
1125 overflow occurs on the process directory, as might happen in opening a
1126 data base with a large number of relations, or during a large retrieve
1127 or define_temp_rel operation.
1130 See dsl_$set_temp_dir, dsl_$get_temp_dir, dsl_$get_opening_temp_dir,
1131 and the commands display_mrds_temp_dir and set_mrds_temp_dir.
1134 :Entry: store: 06/17/86  dsl_$store
1136 Function:  This entry allows the user to add a tuple to a designated
1137 relation in the data base.
1140 Syntax:
1141 declare dsl_$store entry options (variable);
1142 call dsl_$store (data_base_index, relation_expression,
1143    new_value1, ... , new_valuen, code);
1146 Arguments:
1147 data_base_index (Input) (fixed bin(35))
1148    is the index returned by dsl_$open that designates the data base.
1149 relation_expression (Input) (char(*))
1150    indicates the relation to which the tuple is to be added, as it
1151    appears in the user's view of the data base (the data model or the
1152    data submodel).  It may be the name of the relation or it may be
1153    "-another".
1154 new_valuei (Input)
1155    is the new tuple value to be added to the relation.  The entire
1156    tuple, as defined in the user's view, may be specified with one
1157    structure or a list of variables, the items of which must correspond
1158    in order and quantity with the attributes defined in the user's
1159    view.
1162 code (Output) (fixed bin(35))
1163    is a standard status code.  The value is 0 if the store was
1164    successful.  If a duplicate of the primary key already exists in the
1165    data base, the code value mrds_error_$dup_store is returned and the
1166    tuple is not stored.  (The name mrds_error_$duplicate_key may also
1167    be used.)  If a -check_proc option exists on a domain of one of the
1168    attributes in the relation for which a tuple is being added and the
1169    check procedure returns false, then the error code,
1170    mrds_error_$dom_integ, is returned.
1173 Notes:  The placement of the new tuple within the relation is
1174 determined by MRDS, based upon data model/data submodel descriptions of
1175 the data base and the value of the primary key in the new tuple.  The
1176 primary key of the new tuple must be unique within the designated
1177 relation.  The caller must have read-write permission to the relation.
1178 If storing through a submodel view, all attributes of the relation must
1179 be defined in the submodel.
1182 If the relation_expression is the name of a relation, the new tuple is
1183 added to the named relation.  If the relation_expression is "-another",
1184 the new tuple is added to the relation specified in the most recent
1185 call to the dsl_$store in which the relation_expression argument
1186 consisted of a relation name.  Any call to a dsl entry requiring a
1187 <selection_expression> causes the previously specified relation name to
1188 become unavailable for subsequent reference using "-another", until it
1189 is again established via a call to dsl_$store with a
1190 relation_expression consisting of the relation name.
1193 The use of "-another" provides an efficient means to store several
1194 tuples into a single relation via consecutive dsl_$store calls.
1197 For shared openings, the relation must have append_tuple permit scope
1198 set.
1201 For attribute level security, the relation must have append_tuple
1202 access and the key attributes must have read_attr access.