1 04/27/84 dpunch, dpn
3 Syntax as a command: dpn -control_args paths
6 Function: queues specified segments and/or multisegment files for
7 punching by the Multics card punch. It is similar to dprint.
9 Use enter_output_request; it has functionally replaced dpunch.
12 Arguments:
13 paths
14 are pathnames of segments and/or multisegment files. The star
15 convention is not allowed.
18 Control arguments:
19 -7punch, -7p
20 punches the specified paths using 7-punch conversion. It can be
21 overruled by either -mcc or -raw.
22 -brief, -bf
23 suppresses the message "j requests signalled, k already queued.
24 request_type queue." This control argument cannot be overruled
25 later in the command line. See -request_type and -queue below.
26 -copy N, -cp N
27 punches N copies N <= 4 of specified paths. It can be overruled
28 by a subsequent -copy. If pathi is to be deleted after punching,
29 all N copies are punched first. If this control argument is not
30 specified, one copy is made.
33 -defer_until_process_termination, -dupt
34 does not process the request until the requesting process
35 terminates. Process termination is caused by the logout command,
36 new_proc, or a fatal process error.
37 -delete, -dl
38 deletes after punching all specified paths.
39 -destination STR, -ds STR
40 uses the string STR to determine where to deliver the deck. If not
41 specified, the default is your Project_id. This control argument
42 can be overruled by a subsequent -destination.
43 -header STR, -he STR
44 identifies subsequent output by the string STR. If not specified,
45 the default is your Person_id. This control argument can be
46 overruled by a subsequent -header.
49 -mcc
50 punches the specified paths using character conversion. It can be
51 overruled by either -raw or -7punch. Default
52 -notify, -nt
53 sends a confirming message when the requested output is done,
54 showing the pathname and charge.
55 -queue N, -q N
56 punches specified paths in priority queue N N <= 4. It can be
57 overruled by a subsequent -queue. If not specified, the default
58 queue for the request type is assumed. See "Notes" below.
61 -raw
62 punches the specified paths using no conversion. It can be
63 overruled by either -mcc or -7punch.
64 -request_type STR, -rqt STR
65 places specified paths in the queue for requests of the type
66 identified by the string STR see "Notes" below. If not specified,
67 the default request type is "punch."
70 Access required: You require r access to the segment or multisegment
71 file.
73 The process that performs the punching as obtained by
74 print_request_types must have at least r access to the file and at
75 least s access to the containing directory to verify that you also have
76 at least r access to the file.
78 If -delete is specified, the I/O coordinator normally IO.SysDaemon.z
79 must have at least m access to the containing directory and at least s
80 access to the parent directory of the containing directory to verify
81 that you also have at least m access to the containing directory.
84 Notes: If you invoke dpunch without any arguments, the system prints a
85 message giving the status of the default punch queue.
87 If control arguments are present, they affect only paths specified
88 after their appearance on the command line. If control arguments are
89 specified without a following pathi argument, they are ignored for this
90 invocation of the command and a warning message is printed.