  2 09/21/87  documentation
  3 Known errors in the current release of documentation.
  4 #         Associated TR's
  5 Description
  7 83  phx17811
  8 The online documentation for set_proc_required should refer to the
  9 phcs_ gate, not the phhcs_ one.  This problem will be fixed by the
 10 person in charge of command info segs (Jerry Garcia) as time permits.
 12 80  phx16446
 13 Zeroed out window_position_info in order to be sure that stack garbage
 14 does not interfere with invocation of tut_main_menu_.
 16 79  phx17233
 17 Added a check for error_table_$recoverable_error after invocation of
 18 format_document in tut_get_seg_ and a condition handler for sub_err_.
 20 77  phx17233
 21 Changed invocation of format_document_$switch in tut_get_seg_ to check
 22 for recoverable error.
 24 58  phx14674
 25 In CY74 (Forum manual), p.  A-2, first paragraph under "Gate Access",
 26 change:
 28 "The Forum subsystem has three gates:"
 30 to:  "The Forum subsystem has three gates (located in >unbundled):"
 32 54
 33 More typos to be fixed in next revision:
 35 On p.7-7, the last line in the second to the last paragraph, change
 36 "Order No.  CG40" to "Order No.  CH27".
 38 On p.10-1, second sentence, change "Section 10" to "Section 11".
 40 On.  p.10-2, in the second example (box), sixth line of text, change
 41 "<CR)" to "<CR>".
 43 On p.i-4, under the "S" heading, change "Subroutine Descriptions" to
 44 "subroutine descriptions".
 46 52
 47 Typos (to be corrected in next revision):
 49 On p.5-2, second paragraph from the top, change "while attending a
 50 meeting Note" to "while attending a meeting.  Note".
 52 On p.7-7, last paragraph, change "created to hold you transaction" to
 53 "created to hold your transaction".
 55 48  phx09200
 56 Multics Technical Bulletin 335 describes a procedure for documenting
 57 error messages produced by the system.  This information will be
 58 officially documented in the next update of AN82 (Multics Standards
 59 SDN).
 61 A detailed description of this procedure will be in AN82, a brief
 62 description of this procedure is as follows:
 64 Comments are inserted into the source of all programs which produce
 65 system messages; these comments are sections of the error mesasge
 66 documentation.  An automatic procedure collects and sorts these
 67 messages, and produces a runoff file which lists all messages.
 69 47  phx12992
 70 AN87 (Hardware/Software) formats needs a picture on Page 6-7 presenting
 71 the extended address format ICW used in the DN6670 style FNP.  This
 72 information will be inlcuded in the next update of the manual.
 74 The documentation will look like the following:
 76 Just before the Paragraph titled, "PERIPHERAL STATUS/CONTROL WORD
 77 FORMATS" the following will be added:
 79 The following format of the ICW is used in DN6670 FNPs.  The hardware
 80 will use this format if it finds bit 18 on.  This format allows the IOM
 81 in the FNP to directly address all the memory that could be configured
 82 on the FNP without using the paging mechanism.
 84      0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3
 85      0 7 8 9 0 2 3 4 5
 87 ________________________________________________________________________
 88      | | | | | |
 89      | Y |1 0| C |E| TALLY |
 91 |__________________________________|___|_____|_|_______________________|
 92      17 2 3 1 12
 94 46  phx12467
 95 AN85 (The Multics Communications System) needs a paragraph added in
 96 Section 17 about how to modify FNP macros.  This information has
 97 already been documented in CC75 for MR 10.0 on Page 6-3.  The
 98 documentation is as follows:
100      A GCOS job named macros_asm is used to produce the 355_macros
101 library.  If it is necessary to generate a new macro library, this job
102 should be run in a working directory that contains the macros.map355
103 source, using a command of the form:
105      gcos >ldd>mcs>info>macros_asm -truncate {other -control_args}
107 where other -control_args may include, for example, -list and
108 -lower_case to produce an ASCII list segment.  (Refer to AN05 the
109 Multics GCOS ENvironment Simulator Manual for more info).
111 **This info will be put in AN85 the next time the manual is updated***
113 45  phx13049
114 The changes in the tp info file for MR 7.0 have never been documented
115 in CC96 (I believe the manual has Not been updated since MR 7.0).  The
116 documentation should be updated the next time the book is updated
117 08/27/79 This info segment describes how the MR7.0b release of Multics
118 TP differs from the Transaction Processing manual, Order no.  CC96-01.
119 The recommended documentation changes are as follows:
121 Page ii, Preface:  ADD at the end:
123                         Implementation Restriction
125      The implementation of the -use_xcn_mode control argument of
126 tp_start is not complete.  This control argument should not be used.
127 All claims about and references to commiting transactions, rolling back
128 transactions, having database changes appear atomically and rolling
129 back database changes after a crash should be ignored.  In particular,
130 the transaction_call_ interfaces described in section 4 and the
131 -transaction attach description control argument of vfile_ described in
132 MPM Subroutines are not completely implemented.
135 Page 1-1, List of Features:  ADD "if the -use_xcn_mode control argument
136 of tp_start was specified" to the first two items.
139 Page 1-2, second paragraph:  ADD to the end:  "This applies only if the
140 -use_xcn_mode control argument of tp_start was specified."
143 Page 1-3, Figure 1-1:  REPLACE "Monitor" by "Subsystem".
146 Page 1-4, third paragraph:  REPLACE the beginning of the third sentence
147 from "Databases" to "If the -use_xcn_mode control argument of tp_start
148 was specified, databases".  INSERT "be" after "changes to" in the
149 fourth line.
152 Page 2-4, Step 10:  REPLACE the first exec_com, the second paragraph
153 and the second exec_com by:
155  & Prepare MRDS databases
156  application_open_mrds_db db_id1 dsm_path1
157  application_ready_mrds_file db_id1 file_name1 rdy_mode1
158 collection_delay_time1
159  .
160  .
161  .
162  application_ready_mrds_file db_id1 file_nameI rdy_modeI
163 collection_delay_timeI
164  .
165  .
166  .
167  application_open_mrds_db db_idN dsm_pathN
168  .
169  .
170  .
171  &quit
173 The application_open_mrds_db and application_ready_mrds_file commands
174 are written by the TP Administrator.  See Section 6 for more
175 information about writing these commands.  The following is
176 tp_init_database.ec for the Sample_TP project:
178  & Prepare MRDS databases
179  sample_tp_open_mrds_db people <databaes>people_db
180  sample_tp_ready_mrds_file people people monitor_retrieve 90
181  sample_tp_open_mrds_db inventory <databases>inventory
182  sample_tp_ready_mrds_file inventory inventory update 300
183  sample_tp_ready_mrds_file inventory parts update 300
184  &quit
187 Page 2-5, Step 11:  DELETE "All segments in the comands directory are
188 explicitly initiated to reduce overhead." REPLACE the example worker
189 process absentee control segment by the following:
191  change_wdir &1
192  tp_worker_init_tcf [wd]
193  &
194  & Attach and open I/O switches
195  io_call attach parts vfile_ <databases>parts -stationary -transaction
196 tcf_
197           -share
198  io_call open parts keyed_sequential_update
199  io_call control parts set_wait_time -collection_delay_time 300
200  &
201  tp_worker_start &ec_name [wd]
202  &quit
204 ADD to the end of the last paragraph:  "The commitment mechanism is
205 used only if the -use_xcn_mode control argument of tp_start was
206 specified.  If this control argument was not specified, omit
207 "-transaction tcf_" from the attach description."
210 Page 3-4, tp_cancel:  ADD to the paragraph description:  "This command
211 may only be used while transaction processing is running."
214 Page 3-5, tp_change_deadline:  ADD to the paragraph description:  "This
215 command may only be used while transaction processing is running."
218 Page 3-6, tp_display_current_xcns:  REPLACE "TP command name and
219 TP_user_id" by "TP_user_id and TP command name".  ADD to the paragraph
220 description:  "This command may only be used while transaction
221 processing is running."
224 Page 3-7, tp_get_xcn_status:  REPLACE the paragraph description by:
226      The tp_get_xcn_status command prints information about
227 transactions.  If the transaction has not been processed the following
228 information is printed:  transaction number, state, TP user who
229 submitted it, TP command name, if it is test mode, I/O process it was
230 submitted from, submission time and deadline.  If the transaction is
231 running, the following information is also printed:  worker process,
232 time started and time from submission to processing.  If the
233 transaction has finished running, the following information is also
234 printed:  time finished, start to finish time, submit to finish time
235 and if nonzero the vcpu time, page faults and retries.  If the
236 transaction was canceled, the information for an unprocessed
237 transaction is printed along with the cancelation time as the finish
238 time and the time from submission to cancelation.  This command may
239 only be used while transaction processing is running.
241 REPLACE the description for control_arg by "may be -brief or -bf to
242 print only the transaction number and its state."
245 Page 3-8, tp_list_pending_requests:  ADD to the paragraph description:
246 "This command may only be used while transaction processing is
247 running." REPLACE the description of the -long control argument by:
248 "prints the transaction number, position in the queue, deadline, TP
249 user who submitted it and submission time for each pending transaction.
250 The default prints only the position in the queue and transaction
251 number."
254 Page 3-9, tp_start:  ADD to the control arguments section:
256 -use_xcn_mode specifies that vfile_'s transaction mode should be used
257 in this TP subsystem.  This allows database changes in a transaction to
258 appear atomically and allows transactions to be rolled back.
260 -no_use_xcn_mode specifies that vfile_'s transaction mode should not be
261 used in this TP subysystem.  This is the default.
263 ADD to the "Notes" section:
265      The -new_master control argument is incompatible with the
266 -use_xcn_mode and the -no_use_xcn_mode control arguments.  If the
267 -no_use_xcn_mode control argument is specified and Multics crashes in
268 the middle of a transaction or before the transaction is marked as
269 completed, the transacton is rerun.  Database changes made by the
270 transaction before the crash are not rolled back.  If an application
271 only reads databases, or an application is not written to depend upon
272 transaction mode, then it is more efficient to specify
273 -no_use_xcn_mode.  Also, test mode is not available if -no_use_xcn_mode
274 is specified.
277 Page 3-11, tp_who:  ADD to the paragraph description:  "This command
278 may only be used while transaction processing is running." ADD to the
279 description of the TP_user_id argument:  "The default prints
280 information about all TP users that are signed on." REPLACE the
281 description of the -long control argument by:  "prints the I/O process
282 name, device channel name, baud rate, terminal type, terminal id and
283 TP_user_id.  The default prints the TP_user_id and I/O process name."
284 ADD to the description of the -io_process control argument:  "More than
285 one -io_process control argument may be specified."
288 Page 3-13, tp_rollback_transaction_:  ADD the following as a "Notes"
289 section:
291      Database changes are rolled back only if the -use_xcn_mode control
292 argument of tp_start was specified.
295 Page 3-14, tp_verify_transaction_:  ADD the following as a "Notes"
296 section:
298      If the -no_use_xcn_mode control argument of tp_start was
299 specified, the code argument will always be zero since asynchronous
300 changes only occur in transaction mode.
303 Page 3-20, tp_io_enter_test_mode:  ADD the following as a "Notes"
304 section:
306      Test mode transactions may be run only if the -use_xcn_mode
307 control argument of tp_start was specified.
310 Page 3-22, tp_io_get_xcn_status:  REPLACE the paragraph description by:
312      The tp_io_get_xcn_status command prints information about
313 transactions submitted by the TP user.  If the transaction has not been
314 processed the following information is printed:  transaction number,
315 state, TP command name, if it is test mode, submission time and
316 deadline.  If the transaction is running, the following information is
317 also printed:  time started and time from submission to processing.  If
318 the transaction has finished running, the following information is also
319 printed:  time finished, start to finish time, submit to finish time
320 and if nonzero the vcpu time, page faults and retries.  If the
321 transaction was canceled, the information for an unprocessed
322 transaction is printed along with the cancelation time as the finish
323 time, and the time from submission to cancelation.
325 REPLACE the description for control_arg by "may be -brief or -bf to
326 print only the transaction number and its state."
329 Page 3-23, tp_io_list_pending_requests:  In the paragraph description,
330 REPLACE "user" by "TP user".  REPLACE the description of the -long
331 control argument by:  "prints the transaction number, position in the
332 queue, deadline and submission time for each pending transaction.  The
333 default prints only the position in the queue and transaction number."
336 Page 3-35, tp_meters:  REPLACE the seven metering information points in
337 the paragraph description by:
339 x^Ho number of unprocessed, successful, commitment failure and error
340      transactions.  Cancelations are included in the error total.
342 x^Ho number of transactions submitted and submissions per minute, broken
343 down
344      by I/O process and by TP user.
346 x^Ho for processed transactions, the number, number per minute, average
347      submisission to start time, average start to finish time, average
348 vcpu
349      time, average page faults and average retries, broken down by
350 worker
351      process and by TP command.
353  REPLACE the usage line by:
355           tp_meters {path} {-control_args}
357 ADD to the description of the path argument:  "The default is tp.tpinq
358 in the working directory."
361 Page 3-38, tp_shrink_q:  REPLACE the usage line by:
363           tp_shrink_q {path} {-control_args}
365 ADD to the description of the path argument:  "The default is tp.tpinq
366 in the working directory.  ADD to the first paragraph in the "Notes"
367 section:  "One of the -delete or -output_description control arguments
368 must be specified."
371 Page 5-1:  ADD to the end of the first paragraph:  "If the -no_use_xcn_