1 :Info: do: 07/31/86  do
  3 Syntax as a command:  do {-control_args} {control_string {args}}
  6 Syntax as an active function:  [do control_string {args}]
  9 Function: substitutes arguments into a control string.  The expanded
 10 control string is then passed to the command processor or the subsystem
 11 request processor for execution.
 13 As an active function or active request, returns the expanded control
 14 string without executing it.
 17 Arguments:
 18 control_string
 19    is a character string which may contain substitution constructs.
 20    See "List of substitutions" below.
 21 args
 22    are zero or more character string arguments.  Any argument supplied
 23    but not referenced by an argument substitution designator is
 24    ignored.
 27 Control arguments: Control arguments given without a control string
 28    affect the execution of subsequent do invocations in the process.
 29    When given with a control string and optional arguments, the control
 30    arguments must precede the control string; they affect only that
 31    invocation of do.  See "Notes on modes" below for further details.
 32 -abort_line, -abl
 33    (Default) applies only to subsystem request invocations of do. If
 34    the request line is aborted during execution, the line containing
 35    the "do" request is also aborted.
 36 -brief, -bf
 37    (Default) does not print the expanded control string.
 40 -go
 41    (Default) passes the expanded control string to the command
 42    processor or subsystem request processor.
 43 -inhibit_error, -ihe, -absentee
 44    establishes a handler for the any_other condition during the
 45    execution of the expanded control string.
 46 -long, -lg
 47    prints the expanded control string on error_output before executing
 48    or returning it.
 49 -no_inhibit_error, -nihe, -interactive
 50    (Default) does not catch any signals.
 51 -nogo
 52    does not pass the expanded control string to the request processor.
 55 -no_abort_line, -nabl
 56    applies only to subsystem request invocations of do.  If the request
 57    line invoked by do is aborted during execution, continue execution
 58    with the next request following the "do" request on the invoking
 59    line.
 62 List of substitutions:
 63    The following expansion designators appearing in the control string
 64    are replaced by their expansion value, as described below.  Any use
 65    of ampersand (&) other than those below is diagnosed as an error.
 66 &0, &1, ... &9
 67    expands to the zeroth through ninth arguments.  &0 is the control
 68    string, &1 is the first argument following the control string, and
 69    so on.  If the corresponding argument is not present, the designator
 70    expands to a null string.
 71 &(0), &(1), ...
 72    expands to any argument, including arguments after the ninth.
 73    Parenthesis are required when the argument number is two or more
 74    digits.  If the corresponding argument is not present, the
 75    designator expands to a null string.
 78 &q0, &q1, ... &q9, &q(0), &q(1), ...
 79    expands to the corresponding argument following the control string.
 80    Quotes within the argument are doubled, according to the quote depth
 81    of the surrounding context within the control string.  See "Notes on
 82    quote doubling" below.
 83 &r0, &r1, ... &r9, &r(0), &r(1), ...
 84    expands to the corresponding argument following the control string,
 85    enclosed in an added layer of quotes with internal quotes with the
 86    argument doubled accordingly.  See "Notes on requoting" below.  This
 87    designator keeps the argument as a single unit after one layer of
 88    quote stripping by the command processor.
 91 &f1, &f2, ... &f9, &f(1), &f(2), ...
 92    expands to the Nth through last arguments following the
 93    control string, with arguments separated by one space.  If N is
 94    greater than &n, expands to a null string.
 95 &qf1, &qf2, ... &qf9, &qf(1), &qf(2), ...
 96    expands to the Nth through last arguments following the
 97    control string, with quotes doubled within arguments, and arguments
 98    separated by one space.  If N is greater than &n, expands to a null
 99    string.
100 &rf1, &rf2, ... &rf9, &rf(1), &rf(2), ...
101    expands to the Nth through last arguments following the
102    control string, with each argument individually requoted and
103    arguments separated by one space.  If N is greater than &n, expands
104    to a null string.
107 &n
108    expands to the number of arguments given following the control
109    string.
110 &f&n, &qf&n, &rf&n
111    expands to the last argument following the control string, with
112    quotes doubled (&qf&n) or with requoting (&rf&n).  Note that &f0 or
113    &f(0) is the same as &f1 to be consistent with &f&n when &n is zero.
114    Similarly, &qf0 and &rf0 are respectively the same as &qf1 and &rf1.
115 &control_string
116    expands to the control string (without expansions), with quotes
117    doubled.  It is equivalent to &q0.
120 &!
121    expands to a unique-name.  Each use of &! is replaced by a
122    15-character identifier.  Every use within a single invocation will
123    be replaced by the same string, but the string will be different for
124    every invocation of do.
125 &&
126    expands to a single ampersand, to allow ampersands to be literally
127    inserted into the expanded control string.
130 Notes: The functions of this command are also available by using the
131 execute_string (exs) and substitute_arguments (sbag) commands.  Those
132 commands are newer interfaces which provide additional capabilities.
133 The execute_string command is like the do command, but when used as an
134 active function, execute_string performs active function evaluation on
135 the expanded control string.  The substitute_arguments active function
136 is like the do active function, but when used as a command
137 substitute_arguments prints the expanded control string without
138 evaluating it.  It is recommended that you use the newer commands.
140 When the control string is executed, abbreviations will be
141 expanded if the abbrev processor is enabled.  Since the control string
142 is usually enclosed in quotes, abbreviations in the control string will
143 not be expanded until after the control string is expanded.  For more
144 information on abbreviations, see abbrev.info.
147 Notes on modes:  This command has four modes -- the long/brief mode,
148 the nogo/go mode, the inhibit_error mode, and the abort_line
149 mode.  These modes are kept in internal static storage and are thus
150 remembered from one invocation of do to the next within a single
151 process.  The modes are set for the life of the process by invoking the
152 do command with control arguments but without a control string.  The
153 modes can be set for a single invocation of do by giving the mode
154 control arguments preceding a control string and its arguments.
156 The abort_line mode applies only to subsystem request invocations of
157 do.  The mode may be set at command level, but may not be set for a
158 single command invocation of do.
161 Use the inhibit_error mode mainly in an absentee environment, in which
162 any condition that normally enters a new command level terminates the
163 process.  In this mode any signal caught by do only terminates
164 execution of the expanded control string, not the process.  However, a
165 number of conditions are not handled by do, but are passed on for their
166 standard Multics treatment; they are quit, program_interrupt,
167 command_error, command_query_error, command_question, and
168 record_quota_overflow (see the Programmer's Reference Manual).
170 The abort_line, inhibit_error and go/nogo modes have no effect on
171 active function and active request invocations of do.  The active forms
172 of do only expand the control string and do not execute it.
174 The modes of the do command are separate from the modes of the
175 execute_string and substitute_arguments commands, although they provide
176 similar functions.
179 Notes on quote doubling: Each parameter designator to be expanded is
180 found nested a certain level deep in quotes.  If it is found not to be
181 within quotes, then its quote level is zero; if found between a single
182 pair of quotes, then its quote level is one; and so on.  If an "&q"
183 construct is found nested to quote-level L, then, as the argument is
184 substituted into the expanded control string each quote character found
185 in the argument is replaced by 2**L quote characters during insertion.
186 This permits the quote character to survive the quote-stripping action
187 to which the command processor subsequently subjects the expanded
188 control string.  If the "&q" construct is not between quotes or if the
189 corresponding argument contains no quotes, then quote doubling has no
190 effect.
193 Notes on requoting: If an "&r" construct is found, the substituted
194 argument is placed between an additional level of quotes before having
195 its quotes doubled.  For example, if &r1 is found nested to quote level
196 L, 2**L quotes are inserted into the expanded control string, then the
197 first argument is substituted with each of its quotes replaced by
198 2**(L+1) quotes, and finally 2**L more quotes are placed following it.
199 If the selected argument is not given, nothing is placed in the
200 expanded control string; so you can distinguish between unsupplied
201 arguments and arguments that are supplied but are null.  If the
202 argument is present, the expansion of an "&r" construct is identical to
203 the expansion of an "&q" construct surrounded by an extra level of
207 :Info: execute_string: exs: 07/31/86  execute_string, exs
209 Syntax as a command:  exs {-control_args} {control_string {args}}
212 Syntax as an active function:
213    [exs {-control_args} control_string {args}]
216 Function: substitutes arguments into a control string.  The expanded
217 control string is then passed to the command processor or the subsystem
218 request processor for execution.  As an active function or active
219 request, evaluates the expanded control string as an active function.
222 Arguments:
223 control_string
224    is a character string which may contain substitution constructs.
225    See "List of substitutions" below.
226 args
227    are zero or more character string arguments.  Any argument supplied
228    but not referenced by an argument substitution designator is
229    ignored.
232 Control arguments as a command: Control arguments given without a
233    control string affect the execution of subsequent execute_string
234    invocations in the process.  When given with a control string and
235    optional arguments, the control arguments must precede the control
236    string; they affect only that invocation of execute_string.  See
237    "Notes on modes" below for further details.
238 -abort_line, -abl
239    (Default) Applies only to subsystem request invocations of
240    execute_string. If the request line is aborted during execution, the
241    line containing the "exs" request is also aborted.
242 -brief, -bf
243    (Default) Does not print the expanded control string.
244 -go
245    (Default) Passes the expanded control string to the command
246    processor or subsystem request processor.
249 -inhibit_error, -ihe
250    Establishes a handler for the any_other condition during the
251    execution of the expanded control string.
252 -long, -lg
253    Prints the expanded control string on error_output before executing
254    it.
255 -no_inhibit_error, -nihe
256    (Default) Does not catch any signals.
257 -no_abort_line, -nabl
258    Applies only to subsystem request invocations of execute_string.  If
259    the request line is aborted during execution, continue execution
260    with the next request following the "exs" request on the same line.
261 -nogo
262    Does not pass the expanded control string to the request processor.
265 Control arguments as an active function:
266 -brief, -bf
267    (Default) Does not print the expanded active string.
268 -error_value CONTROL_STRING, -erv CONTROL_STRING
269    CONTROL_STRING is a character string which may contain substitution
270    constructs.  If an error occurs, the expanded control string is
271    returned as the result of the active function evaluation.  In a
272    subsystem active request, an error is anything which aborts the
273    line.  In an active function, an error is anything which raises the
274    active_function_error condition.  In inhibit_error mode, an error is
275    any condition which -inhibit_error would handle as a command.  See
276    "Notes on modes" below.
279 -inhibit_error, -ihe
280    Establishes a handler for the any_other condition during the
281    execution of the expanded control string.  Valid only if
282    -error_value is also given.
283 -long, -lg
284    Prints the expanded control string on error_output before it is
285    evaluated.  Also prints the expanded error value before it is
286    returned.
287 -no_inhibit_error, -nihe
288    (Default) Does not catch any signals.
291 -no_rescan, -nrsc
292    (Default) Does not permit the command processor to rescan the result
293    of the active function for whitespace, semicolons, parentheses or
294    brackets.  This is equivalent to ||[...] evaluation, but the result
295    is not protected from reevaluation after execute_string returns the
296    result unless ||[...] also encloses the execute_string invocation.
297 -rescan, -rsc
298    Permits the command processor to rescan the result of the active
299    function evaluation.
302 -rescan_tokens, -rsct
303    Permits the command processor to only rescan the active function
304    result for whitespace and quotes.  This is similar to |[...]
305    evaluation, in that it strips a level of quotes, but it concatenates
306    the tokens back together without requoting, so that information may
307    be lost.  Use -no_rescan and place the |[...] around the
308    execute_string invocation to retain this information.
311 List of substitutions:
312    The following expansion designators appearing in the control string
313    are replaced by their expansion value, as described below.  Any use
314    of ampersand (&) other than those below is diagnosed as an error.
315 &0, &1, ... &9
316    expands to the zeroth through ninth arguments.  &0 is the control
317    string, &1 is the first argument following the control string, and
318    so on.  If the corresponding argument is not present, the designator
319    expands to a null string.
320 &(0), &(1), ...
321    expands to any argument, including arguments after the ninth.
322    Parenthesis are required when the argument number is two or more
323    digits.  If the corresponding argument is not present, the
324    designator expands to a null string.
327 &q0, &q1, ... &q9, &q(0), &q(1), ...
328    expands to the corresponding argument following the control string.
329    Quotes within the argument are doubled, according to the quote depth
330    of the surrounding context within the control string.  See "Notes on
331    quote doubling" below.
332 &r0, &r1, ... &r9, &r(0), &r(1), ...
333    expands to the corresponding argument following the control string,
334    enclosed in an added layer of quotes with internal quotes with the
335    argument doubled accordingly.  See "Notes on requoting" below.  This
336    designator keeps the argument as a single unit after one layer of
337    quote stripping by the command processor.
340 &f1, &f2, ... &f9, &f(1), &f(2), ...
341    expands to the Nth through last arguments following the
342    control string, with arguments separated by one space.  If N is
343    greater than &n, expands to a null string.
344 &qf1, &qf2, ... &qf9, &qf(1), &qf(2), ...
345    expands to the Nth through last arguments following the
346    control string, with quotes doubled within arguments, and arguments
347    separated by one space.  If N is greater than &n, expands to a null
348    string.
349 &rf1, &rf2, ... &rf9, &rf(1), &rf(2), ...
350    expands to the Nth through last arguments following the
351    control string, with each argument individually requoted and
352    arguments separated by one space.  If N is greater than &n, expands
353    to a null string.
356 &n
357    expands to the number of arguments given following the control
358    string.
359 &f&n, &qf&n, &rf&n
360    expands to the last argument following the control string, with
361    quotes doubled (&qf&n) or with requoting (&rf&n).  Note that &f0 or
362    &f(0) is the same as &f1 to be consistent with &f&n when &n is zero.
363    Similarly, &qf0 and &rf0 are respectively the same as &qf1 and &rf1.
364 &control_string
365    expands to the control string (without expansions), with quotes
366    doubled.  It is equivalent to &q0.
369 &!
370    expands to a unique-name.  Each use of &! is replaced by a
371    15-character identifier.  Every use within a single invocation will
372    be replaced by the same string, but the string will be different for
373    every invocation of execute_string.
374 &&
375    expands to a single ampersand, to allow ampersands to be literally
376    inserted into the expanded control string.
379 Notes: The execute_string command is similar to the do command.  The do
380 command is an older interface that acts like execute_string as a
381 command and like substitute_arguments as an active function.
383 When the control string is executed, abbreviations will be expanded if
384 the abbrev processor is enabled.  Since the control string is usually
385 enclosed in quotes, abbreviations in the control string will not be
386 expanded until after the control string is expanded.  For more
387 information on abbreviations, see abbrev.info.
390 Notes on modes: This command has four modes -- the long/brief mode, the
391 nogo/go mode, the inhibit_error mode, and the abort_line mode.  These
392 modes are kept in internal static storage and are thus remembered from
393 one invocation of execute_string to the next within a single process.
394 The modes are set for the life of the process by invoking the
395 execute_string command with control arguments but without a control
396 string.  The modes can be set for a single invocation of execute_string
397 by giving the mode control arguments preceding a control string and its
398 arguments.
400 The abort_line mode applies only to subsystem request invocations of
401 execute_string.  The mode may be set at command level, but may not be
402 set for a single command invocation of execute_string.
405 Use the inhibit_error mode mainly in an absentee environment, in which
406 any condition that normally enters a new command level terminates the
407 process.  In this mode any signal caught by execute_string only
408 terminates execution of the expanded control string, not the process.
409 However, a number of conditions are not handled by execute_string, but
410 are passed on for their standard Multics treatment; they are quit,
411 program_interrupt, command_error, command_query_error,
412 command_question, and record_quota_overflow (see the Programmer's
413 Reference Manual).
416 The abort_line and go/nogo modes have no effect on active function and
417 active request invocations of execute_string.  The active function is
418 always evaluated, and execution of the containing command line can't
419 continue if there is no active function result.  The inhibit_error mode
420 is ignored for active function evaluation if no -error_value control
421 argument is given.
423 The modes of the execute_string command are separate from the modes of
424 the do and substitute_arguments commands, although they provide similar
425 functions.
428 Notes on quote doubling: Each parameter designator to be expanded is
429 found nested a certain level deep in quotes.  If it is found not to be
430 within quotes, then its quote level is zero; if found between a single
431 pair of quotes, then its quote level is one; and so on.  If an "&q"
432 construct is found nested to quote-level L, then, as the argument is
433 substituted into the expanded control string each quote character found
434 in the argument is replaced by 2**L quote characters during insertion.
435 This permits the quote character to survive the quote-stripping action
436 to which the command processor subsequently subjects the expanded
437 control string.  If the "&q" construct is not between quotes or if the
438 corresponding argument contains no quotes, then quote doubling has no
439 effect.
442 Notes on requoting: If an "&r" construct is found, the substituted
443 argument is placed between an additional level of quotes before having
444 its quotes doubled.  For example, if &r1 is found nested to quote level
445 L, 2**L quotes are inserted into the expanded control string, then the
446 first argument is substituted with each of its quotes replaced by
447 2**(L+1) quotes, and finally 2**L more quotes are placed following it.
448 If the selected argument is not given, nothing is placed in the
449 expanded control string; so you can distinguish between unsupplied
450 arguments and arguments that are supplied but are null.  If the
451 argument is present, the expansion of an "&r" construct is identical to
452 the expansion of an "&q" construct surrounded by an extra level of
456 :Info: substitute_arguments: substitute_args: sbag:
457 07/31/86  substitute_arguments, substitute_args, sbag
459 Syntax as a command:  sbag {-control_args} {control_string {args}}
462 Syntax as an active function:  [sbag control_string {args}]
465 Function: substitutes arguments into a control string and prints the
466 result on user_output.  As an active function, the result is returned.
469 Arguments:
470 control_string
471    is a character string which may contain substitution constructs.
472    See "List of substitutions" below.
473 args
474    are zero or more character string arguments.  Any argument supplied
475    but not referenced by an argument substitution designator is
476    ignored.
479 Control arguments as a command: Control arguments given without a
480    control string affect the execution of subsequent
481    substitute_arguments invocations in the process.  When given with a
482    control string and optional arguments, the control arguments must
483    precede the control string; they affect only that invocation of
484    substitute_arguments.  See "Notes on modes" below for further
485    details.
486 -brief, -bf
487    (Default) Does not print the expanded control string.
488 -long, -lg
489    Prints the expanded control string on error_output before it is
490    printed or returned.
493 List of substitutions:
494    The following expansion designators appearing in the control string
495    are replaced by their expansion value, as described below.  Any use
496    of ampersand (&) other than those below is diagnosed as an error.
497 &0, &1, ... &9
498    expands to the zeroth through ninth arguments.  &0 is the control
499    string, &1 is the first argument following the control string, and
500    so on.  If the corresponding argument is not present, the designator
501    expands to a null string.
502 &(0), &(1), ...
503    expands to any argument, including arguments after the ninth.
504    Parenthesis are required when the argument number is two or more
505    digits.  If the corresponding argument is not present, the
506    designator expands to a null string.
509 &q0, &q1, ... &q9, &q(0), &q(1), ...
510    expands to the corresponding argument following the control string.
511    Quotes within the argument are doubled, according to the quote depth
512    of the surrounding context within the control string.  See "Notes on
513    quote doubling" below.
514 &r0, &r1, ... &r9, &r(0), &r(1), ...
515    expands to the corresponding argument following the control string,
516    enclosed in an added layer of quotes with internal quotes with the
517    argument doubled accordingly.  See "Notes on requoting" below.  This
518    designator keeps the argument as a single unit after one layer of
519    quote stripping by the command processor.
522 &f1, &f2, ... &f9, &f(1), &f(2), ...
523    expands to the Nth through last arguments following the
524    control string, with arguments separated by one space.  If N is
525    greater than &n, expands to a null string.
526 &qf1, &qf2, ... &qf9, &qf(1), &qf(2), ...
527    expands to the Nth through last arguments following the
528    control string, with quotes doubled within arguments, and arguments
529    separated by one space.  If N is greater than &n, expands to a null
530    string.
531 &rf1, &rf2, ... &rf9, &rf(1), &rf(2), ...
532    expands to the Nth through last arguments following the
533    control string, with each argument individually requoted and
534    arguments separated by one space.  If N is greater than &n, expands
535    to a null string.
538 &n
539    expands to the number of arguments given following the control
540    string.
541 &f&n, &qf&n, &rf&n
542    expands to the last argument following the control string, with
543    quotes doubled (&qf&n) or with requoting (&rf&n).  Note that &f0 or
544    &f(0) is the same as &f1 to be consistent with &f&n when &n is zero.
545    Similarly, &qf0 and &rf0 are respectively the same as &qf1 and &rf1.
546 &control_string
547    expands to the control string (without expansions), with quotes
548    doubled.  It is equivalent to &q0.
551 &!
552    expands to a unique-name.  Each use of &! is replaced by a
553    15-character identifier.  Every use within a single invocation will
554    be replaced by the same string, but the string will be different for
555    every invocation of execute_string.
556 &&
557    expands to a single ampersand, to allow ampersands to be literally
558    inserted into the expanded control string.
561 Notes: The substitute_arguments active function is similar to the do
562 active function.  The do command is an older interface that acts like
563 execute_string as a command and like substitute_arguments as an active
564 function.
567 Notes on modes: This command has a long/brief mode.  This mode is kept
568 in internal static storage and is thus remembered from one invocation
569 of substitute_arguments to the next within a single process.  The mode
570 is set for the life of the process by invoking the substitute_arguments
571 command with control arguments but without a control string.  The mode
572 can be set for a single command invocation of substitute_arguments by
573 giving the mode control argument preceding a control string and its
574 arguments.
576 The modes of the substitute_arguments command are separate from the
577 modes of the do and execute_string commands, although they provide
578 similar functions.
581 Notes on quote doubling: Each parameter designator to be expanded is
582 found nested a certain level deep in quotes.  If it is found not to be
583 within quotes, then its quote level is zero; if found between a single
584 pair of quotes, then its quote level is one; and so on.  If an "&q"
585 construct is found nested to quote-level L, then, as the argument is
586 substituted into the expanded control string each quote character found
587 in the argument is replaced by 2**L quote characters during insertion.
588 This permits the quote character to survive the quote-stripping action
589 to which the command processor subsequently subjects the expanded
590 control string.  If the "&q" construct is not between quotes or if the
591 corresponding argument contains no quotes, then quote doubling has no
592 effect.
595 Notes on requoting: If an "&r" construct is found, the substituted
596 argument is placed between an additional level of quotes before having
597 its quotes doubled.  For example, if &r1 is found nested to quote level
598 L, 2**L quotes are inserted into the expanded control string, then the
599 first argument is substituted with each of its quotes replaced by
600 2**(L+1) quotes, and finally 2**L more quotes are placed following it.
601 If the selected argument is not given, nothing is placed in the
602 expanded control string; so you can distinguish between unsupplied
603 arguments and arguments that are supplied but are null.  If the
604 argument is present, the expansion of an "&r" construct is identical to
605 the expansion of an "&q" construct surrounded by an extra level of