1 02/12/85 display_time_info, dsti
3 Syntax as a command: dsti -control_args
6 Function: displays information selected from time_info_.
9 Control arguments:
10 -all, -a
11 specifies all data are to be printed.
12 -day
13 asks for a list of all the day names.
14 -format, -fmt
15 asks for a list of all keywords that can be given in a time_format
16 control string. This list does not include "date", "date_time", and
17 "time" as they are not contained in time_info_. Use
18 print_time_defaults to see them.
19 -language, -lang
20 asks for a list of all the time languages available, showing the
21 name of each language in each language. You would usually use this
22 form alone to enable you to see what languages you can refer to.
25 -language STR, -lang STR
26 asks for the output to be given in language STR. Default: to show
27 requested data in the process default language
28 -map
29 asks for a time zone map of the world, with all the defined time
30 zones and their offsets. Each zone is at its proper place on this
31 map. The map is horizontally broken according to the line length
32 currently in effect.
33 -month
34 asks for a list of all the month names.
35 -offset
36 asks for all the offset words to be printed.
37 -table STR, -tb STR
38 STR specifies the pathname of the table to be displayed. Default:
39 the reference name "time_info_"
42 -token STR
43 displays the structure used for binary, searching the tokens
44 declared in the table. The display shows all words, with their
45 meanings, in all languages, grouped by token. A token is a word
46 converted to lowercase. If you give STR, then only the data for
47 that token is shown. Since STR represents a token and not a word,
48 enter it in lowercase.
49 -word
50 asks for all the miscellaneous words to be printed.
51 -zone
52 asks for a list of all the zones available.