1 10/17/84  display_subsystem_usage
 3 Syntax as a command:
 4    display_subsystem_usage subsystem_name {-control_args}
 7 Function: displays usage information recorded by a subsystem.
10 Arguments:
11 subsystem_name
12    is normally the name of the subsystem whose usage information is to
13    be displayed (see "Notes on subsystem usage segments" below).
16 Control arguments:
17 -first N
18    prints only the first N entries; when combined with -reverse, prints
19    only the last N entries.  The entries are sorted, if requested,
20    before application of -first.  It is incompatible with -totals.
21 -header, -he
22    prints a header defining each column of output.  (Default)
23 -no_header, -nhe
24    suppresses printing of the header.
25 -no_reverse, -nrv
26    prints the entries in the selected order.  (Default)
27 -reverse, -rv
28    prints the entries in reverse order from that selected.
31 -sort TYPE
32    sorts the individual entries before displaying them.  It is
33    incompatible with -totals.  (See "List of sorting types" below.)
34 -totals, -tt
35    prints only the total number of invocations of the subsystem without
36    listing any individual entries.  It is incompatible with -first and
37    -sort.
38 -user NAME
39    prints only those entries for users whose Person_id matches NAME.
40    The star convention is allowed.
41 -version VERSION
42    prints only those entries for users who last used the version of the
43    subsystem named by VERSION; the star convention is allowed.
46 List of sorting types: The TYPE given to -sort must be one of the
47    following:
48 count
49    sorts by the total number of invocations of the subsystem by the
50    user.
51 date_time_used, dtu
52    sorts by the date-time of the last invocation of the subsystem by
53    the user.
54 name
55    sorts by the Person_id of the user whose usage is recorded in this
56    entry.
57 version
58    sorts by the version number of the subsystem's last version used by
59    the user.
62 Notes: The information displayed by this command for a user of the
63 subsystem includes
64    1. the user's Person_id.
65    2. the total number of times the user has used this subsystem.
66    3. the version number of the last version of the subsystem used by
67       the user.
68    4. the number of times the user has used this version of the
69       subsystem.
70    5. the date-time the user last used the subsystem.
73 Notes on subsystem usage segments: Subsystem usage information is
74 recorded in the segment named "subsystem_name.ssusage" (e.g.,
75 read_mail.ssusage), and you can locate that segment by using the linker
76 search rules.  If you can't locate it, you can give the pathname of the
77 subsystem usage segment, with or without the ssusage suffix, as an
78 argument to this command in addition to the subsystem name.