1 08/14/84 display_mrds_dsm, dmdsm
3 Syntax as a command: dmdsm dsm_path -control_args
6 Function: This command displays information about the specified MRDS
7 data submodel.
10 Arguments:
11 dsm_path
12 is the pathname of the data submodel file to be displayed. If
13 dsm_path does not have a suffix of dsm, then one is assumed.
14 However, the dsm suffix must be the last component of the data
15 submodel file name.
18 Control arguments:
19 -access, -acc
20 specifies that access information both relation and attribute is
21 to be displayed.
22 -brief, -bf
23 specifies that only the submodel relation names and attribute names
24 are to be displayed. This control argument may be superseded by any
25 of -cmdsm, -rel_names, or -long which follow it in the command line.
26 Default
29 -cmdsm
30 specifies that the display is to have a format that may be processed
31 by the create_mrds_dsm command to produce another submodel. This
32 control argument is limited to DBAs if the submodel is associated
33 with a secure data base. This control argument may be superseded by
34 any of -long, -rel_names, or -brief which follow it in the command
35 line.
38 -long, -lg
39 specifies that the display is to contain all the information that is
40 in the submodel. This includes the data base path, submodel
41 version, submodel creation date and creator, submodel relation names
42 and associated model relation names, submodel attribute names and
43 associated model attribute names, relation and attribute access, and
44 the attribute data types. If the person running this command is not
45 a DBA and the submodel is associated with a secure data base, then
46 the model relation names and model attribute names will not be
47 displayed. This control argument may be superseded by any of
48 -cmdsm, -rel_names, or -brief which follow it in the command line.
49 -no_access, -nacc
50 specifies that access information is not to be displayed.
53 -no_output_file, -nof
54 causes the output display to be written to the terminal. This
55 control argument will undo the effects of the -output_file control
56 argument. Default
57 -output_file path, -of path
58 causes the output display to be written to the specified path
59 instead of to the terminal. Anything already stored in the segment
60 at the specified path will be overwritten.
61 -rel_names, -rn
62 specifies that only submodel relation names are to be displayed.
63 This control argument may be superseded by any of -cmdsm, -brief, or
64 -long which follow it in the command line.
67 -relation rel_1 rel_2 ... rel_N
68 specifies that information about rel_1 through rel_N is to be
69 displayed. The information about each relation is displayed in the
70 order they are specified. If some specified relation rel_I does not
71 exist in the submodel an error is reported and the display proceeds
72 with the next relation. If the display is going to an output file,
73 the error is reported both to the terminal and the output file.
74 This control argument may be used with the control arguments -cmdsm,
75 -long, -rel_names, and -brief to produce a display of part of the
76 submodel. The default displays all relations