1 :Info: display_mrds_dm: dmdm:  1987-01-10  display_mrds_dm, dmdm
  4 Syntax as a command:  dmdm db_path {-control_args}
  7 Function:  This command displays the details of the data base model and
  8 data definition for a given data base.  It can be used to reconstruct
  9 the original create_mrds_db data model source from the data base.
 12 Arguments:
 13 db_path
 14    is the pathname of the data base for which the data model is to be
 15    displayed.
 18 Control arguments:
 19    can be chosen from the following:
 20 -attribute {modifier}, -attr {modifier}
 21    displays attribute information.  The modifier may be name(s) or
 22    -unreferenced (-unref).  If name(s) is supplied, information for the
 23    attribute name(s) is displayed.  If -unreferenced is supplied,
 24    attribute information about all unreferenced attributes is
 25    displayed.  If no modifier is supplied, attribute information about
 26    all attributes is displayed.
 27 -brief, -bf
 28    displays only relation and attribute names.  No information on the
 29    characteristics of the attributes and relations is provided.  This
 30    control argument is incompatible with the -names control argument.
 33 -cmdb
 34    specifies that the output is to be in the same format as an input
 35    source text for create_mrds_db.  If the -output_file control
 36    argument is supplied, then the segment can be used to create another
 37    data base with the same definitions.  Only the -brief, -long, and
 38    -output_file control arguments are compatible with this control
 39    argument.
 40 -crossref {type}, -xref {type} displays an information cross-reference.
 41    The type may be domain (dom), attribute (attr), or all.  If the type
 42    is domain, each domain is listed with a list of attributes in which
 43    the domain is referenced.  If the type is attribute, each attribute
 44    is listed with a list of relations in which the attribute is
 45    referenced.  If the type is all, both domain and attribute
 46    cross-references are displayed.  (Default is "all".)  See the
 47    examples below which show the information displayed.
 50 -domain {modifier}, -dom {modifier}
 51    displays domain information.  The modifier may be name(s) or
 52    -unreferenced (-unref).  If name(s) is supplied, information for the
 53    domain name(s) is displayed.  If -unreferenced is supplied, domain
 54    information about all unreferenced domains is displayed.  If no
 55    modifier is supplied, domain information about all domains is
 56    displayed.
 57 -header, -he
 58    displays header information for the data base.
 59 -history, -hist
 60    displays restructuring history information.  If the data base is
 61    restructured more than once, the history entries are displayed in
 62    reverse chronological order.
 65 -index names, -ix names
 66    displays information about indexed relations for each relation name
 67    supplied.  If no names are supplied, then information about all
 68    indexed relations is displayed.
 69 -long, -lg
 70    displays all available information about relations and their
 71    attributes.  For relations, this includes the number of attributes
 72    and the layout of the attributes in the tuple.  For attributes, this
 73    includes the name of the underlying domain and the declaration.
 74    This control argument is incompatible with the -names control
 75    argument.
 76 -names, -nm
 77    displays the format of domains, attributes, relations, and indexed
 78    relations as a list of the names.  This argument is incompatible
 79    with -brief or -long control arguments.
 82 -no_header, -nhe
 83    prevents display of the header information.  (Default)
 84 -no_output_file, -nof
 85    displays output on the user_output switch.  (Default)
 86 -output_file path, -of path
 87    places the output in the segment named by path rather than being
 88    displayed on the user_output switch.  If the segment already exists,
 89    its contents are overwritten.
 90 -relation names, -rel names
 91    displays relation information for each relation name supplied.  If
 92    no names are supplied, the relation information for all relations is
 93    displayed.
 96 -temp_dir path
 97    provides for a directory with more quota than the default of the
 98    process directory when more temporary storage is needed to do a
 99    display_mrds_dm on a source with many relations and attributes.  For
100    example, doing a display_mrds_dm on a 127 relation source may
101    require this argument.  If the user gets a record quota overflow in
102    the process directory during a display_mrds_dm, then a new_process
103    is required.  A retry of the display_mrds_dm with the -temp_dir
104    argument, giving a pathname of a directory with more quota than the
105    process directory, should then be done.
108 Notes:  If neither -long nor -brief is specified, the relation name is
109 displayed for each relation as well as the name and user view
110 declaration of each attribute.
113 This command does not work for submodels (see display_mrds_dsm).
116 For version 4 data bases, the user must be a DBA in order to use this
117 command on a secured data base.
120 If -long is specified, the header output indicates the secured state of
121 the data base.
124 :hcom:
129   1) change(2020-12-14,GDixon), approve(2021-02-22,MCR10088),
130      audit(2021-05-27,Swenson), install(2021-05-27,MR12.6g-0056):
131       A) Fix heading line format problem reported by verify_info.
132                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */