1 01/31/84  display_fnp_idle
 3 Syntax:  display_fnp_idle {fnp_names} {-control-args}
 6 Function:  displays information on FNP idle time stored by
 7 the meter_fnp_idle command.  The display can be in the form of a
 8 summary or a line graph (histogram).
11 Arguments:
12 fnp_names
13    are the names of the FNPs for which idle time information is to be
14    displayed.  If fnp_names is not specified, the display covers all
15    FNPs for which information has been stored.
18 Control arguments:
19 -directory path, -dr path
20    specifies that information is to be taken from segments in the
21    directory with pathname path (see the meter_fnp_idle command
22    description for idle time segment specifications).  The default is
23    to display information from idle time segments in the working
24    directory.
25 -from DT, -fm DT
26    specifies that the display is to cover a period beginning no earlier
27    than the date/time DT, which must be in a form suitable for input to
28    the convert_date_to_binary_ subroutine.  The default is to start the
29    display from the most recent idle time segment.
32 -histogram, -hist
33    causes output in the form of a histogram, where a line shows the
34    busy percentage for each FNP at a given time interval.  The
35    -histogram and -summary control arguments are mutually exclusive,
36    but one or the other must be specified.
37 -interval N
38    specifies that each line in the histogram represents an N minute
39    interval.  This control argument is ignored if -summary is
40    specified.  The default is 15 minute intervals.
41 -line_length N, -ll N
42    specifies the line length of the histogram as N columns (N cannot be
43    less than 38).  This control argument is ignored if -summary is
44    specified.  The default is the user's terminal line length (or 80 if
45    output is directed to a file).
48 -summary, -sum
49    requests a summary display of FNP idle information for the specified
50    time period.  The -summary and -histogram control arguments are
51    mutually exclusive, but one or the other must be specified.
52 -to DT
53    specifies that the display is to cover a period ending no later than
54    the date/time DT, which must be in a form suitable for input to the
55    convert_date_to_binary_ subroutine.  The default is to end the
56    display with the latest available information.