1 02/21/84  disklow
 3 Syntax:  disklow {left {pct}
 6 Function: allows the system administrator to scan the projfile segment
 7 and report on each project whose remaining disk storage (difference
 8 between quota and used) is low.  The disk storage can be checked
 9 either by number of free records or percent of disk occupied or both.
12 Arguments:
13 left
14    prints a line for all projects with less than left free records,
15    where left is in integer.
16 pct
17    prints a line for all projects occupying more than pct percent of
18    their disk storage quota.
21 Notes:  Left must be given in order to give pct.  The default values
22 for left and pct are 20 and 90, respectively.  If the system
23 administrator wants to receive only percentage information, he must
24 given left as 0.
26 The projfile segment is assumed to be in the working directory and is
27 an implicit input to disklow.