1 02/12/85 describe_entry_type, dset
3 Syntax as a command: dset type -control_args
6 Syntax as an active function: dset type -control_arg
9 Function: prints or returns information about a file system entry
10 type.
13 Arguments:
14 type
15 identifies a storage system entry type. Use the list_entry_types
16 command to obtain a list of entry type values.
19 Control arguments:
20 -all, -a
21 prints all information about the entry type, which includes name,
22 plural name, access modes, supported attributes, and the default
23 values and all names for switches. You can't use -all in the active
24 function.
25 -attributes, -attr
26 prints or returns the names of the storage system attributes that
27 this entry type supports. These are the attributes that can be
28 copied or moved by the copy and move commands.
29 -default NAME
30 prints or returns the default value of the specified switch for this
31 entry type. You can give only one -default argument. This control
32 argument is incompatible with -all and -switches.
35 -extended_acl, -xacl
36 returns "true" if the entry type supports extended ACLs, "false"
37 otherwise. You can use it only in the active function.
38 -info_pathname, -ipn
39 prints or returns the pathname of an info segment containing more
40 information about the entry type, if such an info segment is
41 available.
42 -modes
43 prints or returns the acceptable access modes for the specified
44 entry type.
47 -name, -nm
48 prints or returns the name of an entry of the selected entry type.
49 -plural_name, -plnm
50 prints the plural name of the specified entry type.
51 -switches
52 prints the names and default values of all switches supported by the
53 entry type given.
56 Notes: When invoked with no control arguments, the command prints the
57 name, plural name, modes, attributes, info seg pathname, switch names
58 and default values.