1 01/28/86 delete_message, dlm
3 Syntax as a command: dlm msg_specs mbx_specification -control_args
6 Function: deletes any interprocess messages that were received and
7 saved in the user's mailbox while the user was not accepting messages,
8 not logged in, or accept_messages -hold_messages was in effect.
11 Arguments:
12 msg_specs
13 are one or more numbers or ranges. Numbers are as printed next to
14 each message when accept_messages -hold_messages is in effect.
15 Ranges are of the form N:M, where N<=M and both N and M are valid
16 message numbers. You can use the keywords "first" f and "last"
17 l as message numbers and the keyword "all" a as a range
18 equivalent to "f:l".
19 mbx_specification
20 specifies the mailbox on which messages are to be deleted. If not
21 given, the user's default mailbox >udd>Project>Person>Person.mbx
22 is used.
25 List of mbx specifications:
26 -log
27 specifies the user's logbox and is equivalent to
28 -mailbox >udd>Project_id>Person_id>Person_id.sv.mbx
29 -mailbox path, -mbx path
30 specifies the pathname of a mailbox. The suffix .mbx is added if
31 necessary.
32 -save path, -sv path
33 specifies the pathname of a savebox. The suffix .sv.mbx is added if
34 necessary.
37 -user STR
38 specifies either a user's default mailbox or an entry in the system
39 mail table.
40 STR
41 is any noncontrol argument and is first interpreted as -mailbox STR;
42 if no mailbox is found, STR is then interpreted as -save STR; if no
43 savebox is found, it is interpreted as -user STR.
46 Control arguments:
47 -after time_string
48 deletes messages sent after time_string only see "Notes".
49 -all, -a
50 delets all messages, including those held by -hold_messages mode
51 see accept_messages.
52 -before time_string
53 deletes messages sent before time_string only see "Notes".
54 -brief, -bf
55 suppresses an error message when no matching messages are found.
56 -comment STR, -com STR
57 deletes messages with comment fields containing STR only.
58 -exclude STR
59 deletes messages with text not containing STR only.
62 -force, -fc
63 deletes selected unseen messages.
64 -from STR, -fm STR
65 deletes messages sent from STR only. STR can be of the form
66 Person.Project, Person, or .Project.
67 -long, -lg
68 overrides -brief.
69 -match STR
70 deletes messages with text containing STR only.
71 -messages, -msg
72 deletes regular messages nonnotifications only.
73 -no_force, -nfc
74 prevents deletion of unseen messages. Default
77 -no_messages, -nmsg
78 suppresses -messages.
79 -no_notifications, -nnt
80 suppresses -notifications.
81 -notifications, -nt
82 deletes notifications only.
85 Notes: If you supply no mailbox, your default one is assumed for a
86 description of the mailbox see accept_messages and print_mail.
88 See time_strings.gi for a description of valid time_string values.