1 07/12/84  delete_dict_words, ddw
 3 Syntax as a command:  ddw path {words} {-control_args}
 6 Function:  The delete_dict_words command deletes one or more words from
 7 a WORDPRO dictionary.
10 Arguments:
11 path
12    is the pathname of the dictionary.  If path does not have the suffix
13    dict, one is assumed; however, dict must be the last component of
14    the dictionary segment name.
15 words
16    are words to be deleted from the dictionary.  At least one word is
17    required unless -input_file is specified (see below).  If a word is
18    not found in the dictionary, a warning message is issued.
21 Control arguments:
22 -brief, -bf
23    suppresses the warning message usually given when a word is not
24    found in the dictionary.
25 -count, -ct
26    reports the number of words deleted and the number of words in the
27    dictionary.
28 -input_file path, -if path
29    deletes from the dictionary the words contained in the segment
30    specified by path.  Words in this segment should be separated by
31    newlines.  This control argument may be specified more than once.
32 -word string
33    deletes the word string from the dictionary even though string may
34    look like a control argument.
37 Notes:  A word to be deleted from the dictionary must be spelled in its
38 raw form, i.e., without indicating hyphenation points or the no-trim
39 attribute (see add_dict_words command above).