1 02/08/84  define_area_
 4 Entry points in define_area_:
 5    (List is generated by the help command)
 8 :Entry: define_area_: 02/08/84  define_area_
10 Function: initializes a region of storage as an area and enables
11 special area management features.  The region being initialized may or
12 may not consist of an entire segment or may not even be specified at
13 all, in which case a segment is acquired (from the free pool of
14 temporary segments) for the caller.
16 See the release_area_ subroutine for a description of how to free up
17 segments acquired via this interface.
20 Syntax:
21 declare define_area_ entry (ptr, fixed bin(35));
22 call define_area_ (info_ptr, code);
25 Arguments:
26 info_ptr
27    points to the standard area_info structure used by the various area
28    management routines and is declared in area_info.incl.pl1.  (Input)
29 code
30    is a system status code.  (Output)
33 Notes:  The define_area_ subroutine gives the user more control over an
34 area than is defined in the PL/I language.  The PL/I empty built-in
35 function cannot empty a define_area_ area; the release_area_ subroutine
36 must be used instead.  PL/I offset values and PL/I area assignment
37 cannot be used with extensible areas.  In PL/I, an area variable is
38 always initialized.  Consequently, if a based area is overlayed upon
39 arbitrary storage instead of being allocated with a PL/I allocate
40 statement, then the define_area_ subroutine must be used to turn the
41 contents of the based area into a PL/I area value.