1 02/02/79 debug, db
3 Syntax: db
6 Function: Interactive debugging aid. Type "help probe" for another.
9 Data requests: three fields with the following format--
10 <generalized address> <operator> <operands>
12 Generalized address--
13 /segment name/ offset segment ID relative offset
15 Operators--
16 , print > alter program control
17 = assign := call a procedure
18 < set a break
21 Segment IDs--
22 &a argument list &i internal static section
23 &l linkage section &p parameters
24 &t text section &s stack frame
27 Operands:
28 , operand operand first operand is output mode;
29 second operand is how much to print. See Output modes
30 See Output modes
32 = operand new value to use; can be octal number,
33 decimal number, character string, register value, instruction
34 format input, floating point number, pointer, bit string, or
35 variable.
37 := operand procedure_name argument list.
40 Registers:
41 $a $exp
42 $q $tr
43 $aq $ralr
44 $eaq $ppr
45 $x0 $tpr
46 . $even
47 . $odd
48 . $ind
49 $x7 $prs
50 $pr0 $regs
51 . $scu
52 . $all
53 .
54 $pr7
57 Output modes:
58 o octal e floating point with exponent
59 h half-carriage octal f floating point
60 d decimal b bit string
61 a ASCII g graphic
62 i instruction comp-5 COBOL
63 p pointer comp-6 COBOL
64 s source statement comp-7 COBOL
65 l code for line number comp-8 COBOL
66 n no output
69 Control requests:
70 .ti,j trace stack from frame i for j frames
71 .+i or .-i pop or push stack by i frames
72 .i set stack to i'th frame
73 .. Multics command
74 .d or .D print default values
75 .c,i continue after break fault ignore next i break fault
76 .ct,i continue, in temporary break mode
77 .cr,i continue, in normal mode
78 .q return from debug to caller
79 .bri reset break i
82 .br reset the breaks of the default object segment
83 .bgr reset all breaks
84 .bli list break i
85 .bl list the breaks of the default object segment
86 .bgl list all breaks
87 .bei <line> execution line for break i
88 .be <line> execution line for all breaks of the default
89 object segment
90 .bge <line> execution line for all breaks
91 .boi disable break i
92 .bo disable the break of the default object segment
93 .bgo disable all breaks
94 .bni enable break i
97 .bn enable the breaks of the default object segment
98 .bgn enable all breaks
99 .bgt <line> establish a temporary global command
100 .bci a1 -rel- a2 make conditional break i
101 .bc a1 -rel- a2 make conditional all breaks of default object
102 segment
103 .bsi n set skips of break i to n
104 .bd name/no. set or print default object segment
105 .bp print names of all segments with breaks
106 .ai,m print argument i in modes m modes--o p d a b l e f ?
107 .f use registers from last fault
108 .C use crawlout registers
109 .mb change to brief output mode
110 .ml change to long output mode
111 .si identifies switch_name used for input
112 .so identifies switch_name used for output